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Commit 338302f7 authored by Dennis Neidherr's avatar Dennis Neidherr :astonished:
Browse files

Added class for MSO64 osci (working but needs more testing) and some files for...

Added class for MSO64 osci (working but needs more testing) and some files for TKDPO7k (not working / finished)
parent 1bfdb814
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 139 additions and 2 deletions
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<LVClass LVVersion="19008000">
<Property Name="NI.Lib.ContainingLib" Type="Str">OsciDriver.lvlib</Property>
<Property Name="NI.Lib.ContainingLibPath" Type="Str">../../OsciDriver.lvlib</Property>
<Property Name="NI.Lib.Description" Type="Str">Class for a Tektronix MSO64 oscilloscope.</Property>
<Property Name="NI.Lib.HelpPath" Type="Str"></Property>
<Property Name="NI.Lib.Icon" Type="Bin">'1#!!!!!!!)!"1!&amp;!!!-!%!!!@````]!!!!"!!%!!!*/!!!*Q(C=\&gt;5R;BN"&amp;-&lt;R,S:&amp;7B8O9V5BO(N8U"6UA$4P#GL&gt;"*:!$P$!D6O&gt;Q+$7Z&lt;O#CFR!6ZD]:`1EB!/7Q4&amp;WY6W^^?K&lt;W:G@&gt;I?V.,9PUG?V=^PFE^OTWKP'9-?A$GV`[*]+WUH,I8O\L%PX\9^[H1T:$LV&lt;?^T?$H0^-`^,@^_4\7=W@7Q@W^NO.W=8[;OPW5`K,S)KK;#=-P7J7J)H?:)H?:)H?:!(?:!(?:!(O:-\O:-\O:-\O:%&lt;O:%&lt;O:%&lt;_&gt;D*23ZSE5.+*E]G3A:."EA[1V&amp;S3$S**`%E(LYK]33?R*.Y%A^&gt;F(A34_**0)G(SZ2Y%E`C34S*B[''*-&gt;/DC@R-,Q#4_!*0)%H]$#F!E]!##9,"AY'A;'A-4A*0)%H](#KQ".Y!E`A#4QU+`!%HM!4?!)0FYS\%E04&gt;X)]$#0(YXA=D_.R0!QNR_.Y()`D=4R-*]@D?"S%-[%T/!1Z&amp;TE&gt;H#_/R`(Q2Y\(]4A?R_.Y;"J0S-?&gt;[:K_E_-R0)&lt;(]"A?Q]-1-DS'R`!9(M0$M$)]BM@Q'"\$QV1S0)&lt;(]"A19V+GFT'9=;(2S1A-$Z_R7GQ]J2A3'\N5CV?V+&amp;7,4&lt;7)6)N$^&gt;"6$V0VE&amp;1X8X6464&gt;,&gt;2.50U[&amp;6G&amp;5E[AO\BWVY\CF.N3;GKA6N;17V*S;^5P`=]@&gt;&lt;K@N&gt;KP.:K0V?KVJGL2;L&lt;2=,L69,$3@TT7&lt;T9[PA;`MRR@#`LVUQXGP[@&lt;B[P@&gt;NR_`YPJO_PH^TX4`=(6I[`6+`UP@Q&lt;N2&amp;TI&gt;FXPU&amp;WG?=O9!!!!!</Property>
<Property Name="NI.Lib.SourceVersion" Type="Int">419463168</Property>
<Property Name="NI.Lib.Version" Type="Str"></Property>
<Property Name="NI.LV.All.SourceOnly" Type="Bool">true</Property>
<Property Name="NI.LVClass.ClassNameVisibleInProbe" Type="Bool">true</Property>
<Property Name="NI.LVClass.DataValRefToSelfLimitedLibFlag" Type="Bool">true</Property>
<Property Name="NI.LVClass.FlattenedPrivateDataCTL" 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<Property Name="NI.LVClass.ParentClassLinkInfo" Type="Bin">'1#!!!!!!!)!"1!&amp;!!!-!%!!!@````]!!!!"!!%!!!"3!!!!!B"0=W.J2(*J&gt;G6S,GRW&lt;'FC%62,6%24-T!Q-#ZM&gt;G.M98.T!&amp;"53$!!!!!C!!%!"!!!#62,6%24-T!Q-"&amp;53V2%5T-Q-$!O&lt;(:D&lt;'&amp;T=Q!!!!!</Property>
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