From a2d062ff379cff50465a11c7a955e7cbad3be918 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: eeb <eeb>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 22:02:40 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] *    correction to ranal GET (isn't reading the code great :)

 lnet/klnds/ralnd/ralnd_cb.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lnet/klnds/ralnd/ralnd_cb.c b/lnet/klnds/ralnd/ralnd_cb.c
index 69a4b33b2d..a0664be1c0 100644
--- a/lnet/klnds/ralnd/ralnd_cb.c
+++ b/lnet/klnds/ralnd/ralnd_cb.c
@@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ kranal_setup_phys_buffer (kra_tx_t *tx, int nkiov, ptl_kiov_t *kiov,
 static inline int
-kranal_setup_buffer (kra_tx_t *tx, int niov, 
-                     struct iovec *iov, ptl_kiov_t *kiov,
-                     int offset, int nob)
+kranal_setup_rdma_buffer (kra_tx_t *tx, int niov, 
+                          struct iovec *iov, ptl_kiov_t *kiov,
+                          int offset, int nob)
         LASSERT ((iov == NULL) != (kiov == NULL));
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ kranal_do_send (lib_nal_t    *nal,
                 if (tx == NULL)
                         return PTL_FAIL;
-                rc = kranal_setup_buffer(tx, niov, iov, kiov, offset, nob);
+                rc = kranal_setup_rdma_buffer(tx, niov, iov, kiov, offset, nob);
                 if (rc != 0) {
                         kranal_tx_done(tx, rc);
                         return PTL_FAIL;
@@ -650,16 +650,31 @@ kranal_do_send (lib_nal_t    *nal,
         case PTL_MSG_GET:
-                if (kiov == NULL &&             /* not paged */
-                    nob <= RANAL_FMA_MAX_DATA && /* small enough */
-                    nob <= kranal_tunables.kra_max_immediate)
-                        break;                  /* send IMMEDIATE */
+                LASSERT (niov == 0);
+                LASSERT (nob == 0);
+                /* We have to consider the eventual sink buffer rather than any
+                 * payload passed here (there isn't any, and strictly, looking
+                 * inside libmsg is a layering violation).  We send a simple
+                 * IMMEDIATE GET if the sink buffer is mapped already and small
+                 * enough for FMA */
+                if ((libmsg->md->options & PTL_MD_KIOV) == 0 &&
+                    libmsg->md->length <= RANAL_FMA_MAX_DATA &&
+                    libmsg->md->length <= kranal_tunables.kra_max_immediate)
+                        break;
                 tx = kranal_new_tx_msg(!in_interrupt(), RANAL_MSG_GET_REQ);
                 if (tx == NULL)
                         return PTL_NO_SPACE;
-                rc = kranal_setup_buffer(tx, niov, iov, kiov, offset, nob);
+                if ((libmsg->md->options & PTL_MD_KIOV) == 0)
+                        rc = kranal_setup_virt_buffer(tx, libmsg->md->md_niov,
+                                                      libmsg->md->md_iov.iov,
+                                                      0, libmsg->md->length);
+                else
+                        rc = kranal_setup_phys_buffer(tx, libmsg->md->md_niov,
+                                                      libmsg->md->md_iov.kiov,
+                                                      0, libmsg->md->length);
                 if (rc != 0) {
                         kranal_tx_done(tx, rc);
                         return PTL_FAIL;
@@ -692,7 +707,7 @@ kranal_do_send (lib_nal_t    *nal,
                 if (tx == NULL)
                         return PTL_NO_SPACE;
-                rc = kranal_setup_buffer(tx, niov, iov, kiov, offset, nob);
+                rc = kranal_setup_rdma_buffer(tx, niov, iov, kiov, offset, nob);
                 if (rc != 0) {
                         kranal_tx_done(tx, rc);
                         return PTL_FAIL;
@@ -815,7 +830,7 @@ kranal_recvmsg (lib_nal_t *nal, void *private, lib_msg_t *libmsg,
                 if (tx == NULL)
                         return PTL_NO_SPACE;
-                rc = kranal_setup_buffer(tx, niov, iov, kiov, offset, mlen);
+                rc = kranal_setup_rdma_buffer(tx, niov, iov, kiov, offset, mlen);
                 if (rc != 0) {
                         kranal_tx_done(tx, rc);
                         return PTL_FAIL;