diff --git a/lustre/include/lustre_net.h b/lustre/include/lustre_net.h
index 5baf93a7d469b4d753920a48002cbfd8a87e604c..9e1a9299a55eea1c95006cbe995359dffa63e9a8 100644
--- a/lustre/include/lustre_net.h
+++ b/lustre/include/lustre_net.h
@@ -855,6 +855,7 @@ int lustre_shrink_msg(struct lustre_msg *msg, int segment,
 void lustre_free_reply_state(struct ptlrpc_reply_state *rs);
 int lustre_msg_size(__u32 magic, int count, int *lengths);
 int lustre_msg_size_v2(int count, int *lengths);
+int lustre_packed_msg_size(struct lustre_msg *msg);
 int lustre_unpack_msg(struct lustre_msg *m, int len);
 void *lustre_msg_buf_v1(void *msg, int n, int min_size);
 void *lustre_msg_buf_v2(struct lustre_msg_v2 *m, int n, int min_size);
diff --git a/lustre/ptlrpc/pack_generic.c b/lustre/ptlrpc/pack_generic.c
index b56152386a76da46a82de14ed0b2834281038326..716f01e9b26952971ce3ef2ab52f0ddf590c229f 100644
--- a/lustre/ptlrpc/pack_generic.c
+++ b/lustre/ptlrpc/pack_generic.c
@@ -110,7 +110,11 @@ int lustre_msg_size_v2(int count, int *lengths)
 /* This returns the size of the buffer that is required to hold a lustre_msg
- * with the given sub-buffer lengths. */
+ * with the given sub-buffer lengths.
+ * NOTE: this should only be used for NEW requests, and should always be
+ *       in the form of a v2 request.  If this is a connection to a v1
+ *       target then the first buffer will be stripped because the ptlrpc
+ *       data is part of the lustre_msg_v1 header. b=14043 */
 int lustre_msg_size(__u32 magic, int count, int *lens)
         int size[] = { sizeof(struct ptlrpc_body) };
@@ -134,6 +138,24 @@ int lustre_msg_size(__u32 magic, int count, int *lens)
+/* This is used to determine the size of a buffer that was already packed
+ * and will correctly handle the different message formats. */
+int lustre_packed_msg_size(struct lustre_msg *msg)
+        switch (msg->lm_magic) {
+        case LUSTRE_MSG_MAGIC_V1: {
+                struct lustre_msg_v1 *v1_msg = (struct lustre_msg_v1 *)msg;
+                return lustre_msg_size_v1(v1_msg->lm_bufcount,
+                                          v1_msg->lm_buflens);
+        }
+        case LUSTRE_MSG_MAGIC_V2:
+                return lustre_msg_size_v2(msg->lm_bufcount, msg->lm_buflens);
+        default:
+                CERROR("incorrect message magic: %08x\n", msg->lm_magic);
+                return 0;
+        }
 void lustre_init_msg_v1(void *m, int count, int *lens, char **bufs)
@@ -765,16 +787,18 @@ static inline int lustre_unpack_ptlrpc_body_v2(struct lustre_msg_v2 *m,
         struct ptlrpc_body *pb;
-        pb = lustre_swab_buf(m, offset, sizeof(*pb), lustre_swab_ptlrpc_body);
+        pb = lustre_msg_buf_v2(m, offset, sizeof(*pb));
         if (!pb) {
                 CERROR("error unpacking ptlrpc body");
                 return -EFAULT;
+        if (lustre_msg_swabbed(m))
+                lustre_swab_ptlrpc_body(pb);
         if ((pb->pb_version & ~LUSTRE_VERSION_MASK) != PTLRPC_MSG_VERSION) {
                  CERROR("wrong lustre_msg version %08x\n", pb->pb_version);
                  return -EINVAL;
-         }
+        }
         return 0;
diff --git a/lustre/ptlrpc/ptlrpc_module.c b/lustre/ptlrpc/ptlrpc_module.c
index 65d986ea6666d958b0de8b5c7435ca700d4af7c6..aa8db8cb4472442a265c40ed1248bb3836fbbcfe 100644
--- a/lustre/ptlrpc/ptlrpc_module.c
+++ b/lustre/ptlrpc/ptlrpc_module.c
@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(lustre_pack_reply);
diff --git a/lustre/ptlrpc/sec_null.c b/lustre/ptlrpc/sec_null.c
index bee970bdfc81c2fe53bcdb9e4072c8c4a0d605e4..2c86055c18c09d1d10cb85774e936765c296ace6 100644
--- a/lustre/ptlrpc/sec_null.c
+++ b/lustre/ptlrpc/sec_null.c
@@ -180,21 +180,18 @@ int null_enlarge_reqbuf(struct ptlrpc_sec *sec,
                         int segment, int newsize)
         struct lustre_msg      *newbuf;
+        struct lustre_msg      *oldbuf = req->rq_reqmsg;
         int                     oldsize, newmsg_size, alloc_size;
         LASSERT(req->rq_reqbuf == req->rq_reqmsg);
         LASSERT(req->rq_reqbuf_len >= req->rq_reqlen);
-        LASSERT(req->rq_reqlen == lustre_msg_size(req->rq_reqmsg->lm_magic,
-                                                  req->rq_reqmsg->lm_bufcount,
-                                                  req->rq_reqmsg->lm_buflens));
+        LASSERT(req->rq_reqlen == lustre_packed_msg_size(oldbuf));
         /* compute new message size */
         oldsize = req->rq_reqbuf->lm_buflens[segment];
         req->rq_reqbuf->lm_buflens[segment] = newsize;
-        newmsg_size = lustre_msg_size(req->rq_reqbuf->lm_magic,
-                                      req->rq_reqbuf->lm_bufcount,
-                                      req->rq_reqbuf->lm_buflens);
+        newmsg_size = lustre_packed_msg_size(oldbuf);
         req->rq_reqbuf->lm_buflens[segment] = oldsize;
         /* request from pool should always have enough buffer */