diff --git a/lustre/ChangeLog b/lustre/ChangeLog
index 485a481d3bd8cbeba89d752f72ec9b40957637fe..27b61f72b68b5fa4e8c9a234b3002cb243606f00 100644
--- a/lustre/ChangeLog
+++ b/lustre/ChangeLog
@@ -12,6 +12,20 @@ tbd  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
        * RHEL 4 and RHEL 5/SLES 10 clients behaves differently on 'cd' to a
         removed cwd "./" (refer to Bugzilla 14399).
+Severity   : enhancement
+Bugzilla   : 15316
+Description: build kernel-ib packages for OFED 1.3 in our release cycle
+Severity   : minor
+Bugzilla   : 13969
+Frequency  : always
+Description: fix SLES kernel versioning
+Details    : the kernel version for our SLES 10 kernel did not include a "-"
+	     before the "smp" at the end.  while this was not a problem in
+	     general, it did mean that software trying to use the kernel
+	     version to try to detect a vendor specific kernel would fail.
+	     this was most evident by the OFED build scripts.
 Severity   : normal
 Bugzilla   : 14803
 Description: Don't update lov_desc members until making sure they are valid