diff --git a/lustre/tests/echo.sh b/lustre/tests/echo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index f289f942ea7252c9df761b4847ccf54f96003726..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/echo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-while [ "$1" ]; do
-        case $1 in
-        --lov) LOV="1" ;;
-	*) [ -z $config ] && config=$1 || OPTS="$OPTS $1" ;;
-        esac
-        shift
-config=${config:-$(basename $0 .sh).xml}
-LMC=${LMC:-../utils/lmc -m $config}
-h2tcp () {
-	case $1 in
-	client) echo '\*' ;;
-	*) echo $1 ;;
-	esac
-h2mx () {
-	case $1 in
-	client) echo '\*' ;;
-	*) echo $1 ;;
-	esac
-h2gm () {
-	echo `gmnalnid -n $1`
-h2elan () {
-	echo $1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'
-h2iib () {
-        case $1 in
-        client) echo '\*' ;;
-        *) echo $1 | sed "s/[^0-9]*//" ;;
-        esac
-# PJK: I believe this is correct
-# PTL NID's are of the form
-# num@ptl
-h2ptl () { 
-        echo $1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' 
-# FIXME: make LMC not require MDS for obdecho LOV
-STRIPES_PER_OBJ=2	# 0 means stripe over all OSTs
-rm -f $config
-# create nodes
-$LMC --add node --node $SERVER  || exit 1
-$LMC --add net --node $SERVER --nid `h2$NET $SERVER` --nettype $NET $PORT_OPT|| exit 2
-if (($LOV)); then
-    $LMC --add mds --node $SERVER --mds mds1 --fstype $FSTYPE --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE || exit 10
-    $LMC --add lov --lov lov1 --mds mds1 --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES --stripe_cnt $STRIPES_PER_OBJ --stripe_pattern 0 || exit 11
-    $LMC --add ost --node $SERVER --lov lov1 --osdtype=obdecho || exit 12
-    $LMC --add ost --node $SERVER --lov lov1 --osdtype=obdecho || exit 13
-    OBD_NAME=lov1
-    $LMC --add ost --ost obd1 --node $SERVER --osdtype=obdecho || exit 12
-    OBD_NAME=obd1
-if [ "$SERVER" != "$CLIENT" ]; then
-   $LMC --add node --node $CLIENT  || exit 1
-   $LMC --add net --node $CLIENT --nid `h2$NET $CLIENT` --nettype $NET $PORT_OPT || exit 2
-$LMC --add echo_client --node $CLIENT --ost ${OBD_NAME} || exit 3
diff --git a/lustre/tests/kbuild b/lustre/tests/kbuild
deleted file mode 100755
index a6fdb57a158403f320de89241b0b578ca9277fab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/kbuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-#  lustre/lustre/tests/kbuild
-#  Copyright (C) 2005 Cluster File Systems, Inc.
-#  Author: Nikita Danilov <nikita@clusterfs.com>
-#  This file is part of Lustre, http://www.lustre.org.
-#         Lustre is free  software; you can  redistribute it and/or  modify it
-#         under the terms of  version 2 of  the GNU General Public License  as
-#         published by the Free Software Foundation.
-#         Lustre  is distributed  in the  hope  that it  will  be useful,  but
-#         WITHOUT  ANY   WARRANTY; without  even    the  implied  warranty  of
-#         General Public License for more details.
-#         You  should have received a copy  of the  GNU General Public License
-#         along with  Lustre; if not, write to  the Free  Software Foundation,
-#         Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-#  kbuild is a swiss-army linux kernel build script. Its purpose is to run
-#  automated kernel builds on given target file system (presumably Lustre) to
-#  measure file system performance and, occasionally, correctness.
-#  Usual kernel build doesn't not stress file system, because the bottleneck
-#  is CPU consumption by the user level (compiler). To work around this,
-#  kbuild uses ccache(1) that eliminates most of CPU load by the compiler,
-#  once the cache is primed.
-#  Options:
-function usage()
-        cat <<EOF
-       $pname --- builds a kernel.
-Usage: $pname [-s <source>]         \\
-              [-t <target>]         \\
-              [-m <make-options>]   \\
-              [-i <iterations>]     \\
-              [-v <verbosity>]      \\
-              [-c <config-target>]  \\
-              [-S]                  \\
-              [-C <config-file>]
-   -s <source>        source of kernel to build. This can be:
-                        . path to directory;
-                        . tar.gz, .tgz, or .tar.bz2 archive;
-                        . ftp or http URL to the source archive;
-                      defaults to "$src".
-   -t <target>        target directory, where build process takes place.
-                      Defaults to "$tgt".
-   -m <make-options>  additional options supplied to each make invocation.
-                      Defaults to "$mopt"
-   -c <config-target> kernel makefile target to invoke to configure kernel
-                      (defconfig, allyesconfig, allmodconfig, etc.). This
-                      option conflicts with -C <config-file>. Defaults to
-                      "$mconfig".
-   -C <config-file>   use given .config file as kernel configuration. Not
-                      used by default.
-   -S                 skip kernel copying: kernel source is already unpacked
-                      in $target. Defaults to false.
-   -v                 increase verbosity level.
-  $pname -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.10-base.tar.gz -t /mnt/lustre2 \\
-         -m -j4 -C /usr/src/.config.fc3
-  $pname -s ftp://ftp.clusterfs.com/pub/kernels/fc3-2.6/linux-2.6.10-base.tgz \\
-         -m -j4 -c defconfig -vvv
-        exit 1
-#  Results:
-#  The output of kbuild are times as reported by time. First line is for build
-#  that fills the ccache cache (that is also located on the target file
-#  system). Consecutive times are repeated builds that reuse ccache
-#  cache. Number of iteration is set through -i option. Example output:
-#  R 783.757 S 319.615 U 281.720
-#  R 540.823 S 277.387 U 54.168
-#  R 557.762 S 263.566 U 53.222
-#  R 543.877 S 278.569 U 54.412
-#  R 544.455 S 279.096 U 53.697
-#  R 545.445 S 280.546 U 53.943
-#  Notes:
-#  Kernel builds can be quite slow as example output above shows. Create your
-#  own .config file to build smaller kernel.
-OPTVAL=`getopt -o s:m:i:t:vc:SC:h -n 'kbuild' -- "$@"` || usage
-# Note the quotes around `$OPTVAL': they are essential!
-eval set -- "$OPTVAL"
-pname=$(basename $0)
-while : ;do
-        case "$1" in
-                -s)
-                        src="$2"
-                        shift 2
-                ;;
-                -t)
-                        tgt="$2"
-                        shift 2
-                ;;
-                -m)
-                        mopt="$2"
-                        shift 2
-                ;;
-                -C)
-                        conf_file="$2"
-                        shift 2
-                ;;
-                -i)
-                        it="$2"
-                        shift 2
-                ;;
-                -c)
-                        mconfig="$2"
-                        shift 2
-                ;;
-                -S)
-                        skip_copy=1
-                        shift
-                ;;
-                -v)
-                        verbose=$(($verbose + 1))
-                        shift
-                ;;
-                -h)
-                        usage
-                ;;
-                --) 
-                        shift 
-                        break 
-                ;;
-                *) 
-                        echo "Internal error!" 
-                        usage
-                ;;
-        esac
-[ $verbose -ge $LOG_ALL ] && set -x
-function warning()
-        echo WARNING $pname: $*
-function fail()
-        local rc
-        rc=$1
-        shift
-        warning $* ... failing.
-        exit $rc
-function log()
-        local level
-        level=$1
-        shift
-        if [ $verbose -ge $level ] ;then
-               echo $*
-        fi
-function doquiet()
-        local cmd
-        cmd="$*"
-        echo >> $lfile
-        echo ---- start: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ---- >> $lfile
-        for i in $cmd ;do
-                echo "ARG: $i" >> $lfile
-        done
-        log $LOG_PROGRESS "Running '$cmd'..."
-        $cmd >>$lfile 2>&1 || \
-                fail 1 "Errors while running '$cmd'. See $lfile for transcript"
-        log $LOG_PROGRESS "Finished '$cmd'."
-        echo ---- done: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ---- >> $lfile
-function dotime()
-        local cmd
-        cmd="$*"
-        export TIMEFORMAT="R %3R S %3S U %3U"
-        time $cmd
-which ccache >/dev/null || fail 2 "No ccache found"
-mkdir -p $ccache_dir || fail 3 "Cannot create $ccache_dir"
-export CCACHE_DIR=$ccache_dir
-# start the stuff
-cd $tgt || fail 4 "Cannot cd into $tgt"
-echo '#! /bin/sh'   >  $cc_script || fail 5 "Cannot write into $cc_script"
-echo 'ccache cc $*' >> $cc_script || fail 6 "Cannot append to $cc_script"
-chmod u+rx $cc_script || fail 7 "Cannot chmod u+rx $cc_script"
-[ $verbose -ge $LOG_TRACE ] && vopt=-v
-if [ $skip_copy -eq 0 ] ;then
-        case "$src" in
-        ftp://*|http://*)
-                wget -c $src
-                src=$(basename $src)
-                ;;
-        esac
-        case "$src" in
-        */)
-                log $LOG_PROGRESS "Copying directory $src into $tgt"
-                cp -a$vopt "$src" .
-                ;;
-        *.tar.gz|*.tgz)
-                tar xzf "$src" $vopt
-                ;;
-        *.tar.bz2)
-                tar xjf "$src" $vopt
-                ;;
-        *)
-                fail 10 "No $src"
-                ;;
-        esac
-cd linux-* || fail 20 "Cannot change to linux-* from $PWD"
-function dokernel()
-        doquiet make $mopt mrproper
-        if [ x$conf_file = x ] ;then
-                doquiet make $mopt $mconfig
-        else
-                cp $conf_file .config
-                doquiet make $mopt oldconfig
-        fi
-        dotime doquiet make $mopt $cc_opt bzImage modules
-log $LOG_PROGRESS Fill the cache...
-for i in $(seq 1 $it) ;do
-        log $LOG_PROGRESS Iteration $i...
-        dokernel
diff --git a/lustre/tests/lkcdmap b/lustre/tests/lkcdmap
deleted file mode 100755
index dbfd7f010e78b953aa70c1542822f473892c8cad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/lkcdmap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-echo "Storing LKCD module info in $LCMD"
-cat /tmp/ogdb-`hostname` | while read JUNK M JUNK; do
-	MOD="../$M"
-	MODNAME="`basename $MOD .o`"
-	nm $MOD > $MAP
-	echo namelist -a $PWD/$MOD  | tee -a $LCMD
-	echo symtab -a $MAP $MODNAME | tee -a $LCMD
diff --git a/lustre/tests/llechocleanup.sh b/lustre/tests/llechocleanup.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 22d7550f2b07d0a20b18584d515140be4d93bcea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/llechocleanup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-if [ ! -f $config ]; then
-   sh $mkconfig $config || exit 1
-${LCONF} --cleanup $NAME.xml
diff --git a/lustre/tests/lstiming.sh b/lustre/tests/lstiming.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b494e4a476c236f3969da12eeb92ea9c1a2ef84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/lstiming.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-CHECKSTAT=${CHECKSTAT:-"checkstat -v"}
-export NAME=${NAME:-mount2}
-error () { 
-    echo FAIL
-    exit 1
-pass() { 
-    echo PASS
-echo "Mounting..."
-mount | grep $MOUNT1 || sh llmount.sh
-echo -n "Preparing test directory with $DIRSIZE files..."
-rm -rf "$MOUNT1/$DIRNAME"
-rm -rf "$MOUNT2/$DIRNAME"
-mkdir -p "$MOUNT1/$DIRNAME"
-[ -d "$MOUNT2/$DIRNAME" ] || error
-createmany -o $MOUNT1/$DIRNAME/file 0 $DIRSIZE &> /dev/null
-echo "done"
-echo -n "Cached ls: "
-time ls -lr $MOUNT1/$DIRNAME 1> /dev/null
-echo -n "Uncached ls: "
-time ls -lr $MOUNT2/$DIRNAME 1> /dev/null
-fsx $MOUNT1/$DIRNAME/fsx.file &>/dev/null &
-echo -n "Cached busy ls:"
-time ls -lr $MOUNT1/$DIRNAME 1> /dev/null
-echo -n "Uncached busy ls: "
-time ls -lr $MOUNT2/$DIRNAME 1> /dev/null
-kill $fsxpid
diff --git a/lustre/tests/mount2fs.sh b/lustre/tests/mount2fs.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 949f447ba48e9265d01c8ce0844ae600ebae5661..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/mount2fs.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Test case for 2 different filesystems mounted on the same client.
-# Uses 3 umls
-config=${config:-`basename $0 .sh`.xml}
-# create nodes
-${LMC} -o $config --add net --node $MDSNODE --nid $MDSNODE --nettype tcp || exit 1
-${LMC} -m $config --add net --node $OSTNODE --nid $OSTNODE --nettype tcp || exit 2
-${LMC} -m $config --add net --node $CLIENT --nid '*' --nettype tcp || exit 3
-if [ "$CLIENT" != "$CLIENT2" ]; then
-	${LMC} -m $config --add net --node $CLIENT2 --nid '*' --nettype tcp || exit 3
-# configure mds server
-${LMC} -m $config --add mds --node $MDSNODE --mds mds1 --group fs1 --fstype $FSTYPE --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE ||exit 10
-${LMC} -m $config --add mds --node $MDSNODE --mds mds2 --group fs2 --fstype $FSTYPE --dev $MDSDEV2 --size $MDSSIZE ||exit 10
-# configure ost
-${LMC} -m $config --add lov --lov lov1 --mds mds1 --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES --stripe_cnt 0 --stripe_pattern 0 || exit 20
-${LMC} -m $config --add lov --lov lov2 --mds mds2 --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES --stripe_cnt 0 --stripe_pattern 0 || exit 20
-${LMC} -m $config --add ost --node $OSTNODE --group fs1 --lov lov1 --fstype $FSTYPE --dev $OSTDEV1 --size $OSTSIZE || exit 21
-${LMC} -m $config --add ost --node $OSTNODE --group fs2 --lov lov2 --fstype $FSTYPE --dev $OSTDEV2 --size $OSTSIZE || exit 22
-# create client config
-${LMC} -m $config --add mtpt --node $CLIENT --path ${MOUNT1} --mds mds1 --lov lov1 || exit 30
-${LMC} -m $config --add mtpt --node $CLIENT2 --path ${MOUNT2} --mds mds2 --lov lov2 || exit 30
diff --git a/lustre/tests/recovery-cleanup.sh b/lustre/tests/recovery-cleanup.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c23a84568bbf0e033cebf1857d99dc6629af67df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/recovery-cleanup.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-set -ex
-LUSTRE=${LUSTRE:-`dirname $0`/..}
-. $LTESTDIR/functional/llite/common/common.sh
-# Allow us to override the setup if we already have a mounted system by
-# setting SETUP=" " and CLEANUP=" "
-PDSH='pdsh -S -w'
-# XXX I wish all this stuff was in some default-config.sh somewhere
-do_mds() {
-    $PDSH $MDSNODE "PATH=\$PATH:$LUSTRE/utils:$LUSTRE/tests; cd $PWD; $@" || exit $?
-do_client() {
-    $PDSH $CLIENT "PATH=\$PATH:$LUSTRE/utils:$LUSTRE/tests; cd $PWD; $@" || exit $?
-do_ost() {
-    $PDSH $OSTNODE "PATH=\$PATH:$LUSTRE/utils:$LUSTRE/tests; cd $PWD; $@" || exit $?
-drop_request() {
-    do_mds "echo 0x121 > /proc/sys/lustre/fail_loc"
-    do_client "$1 & sleep ${TIMEOUT:-5}; sleep 2; kill \$!"
-    do_mds "echo 0 > /proc/sys/lustre/fail_loc"
-make_config() {
-    rm -f $CONFIG
-       lmc -m $CONFIG --add net --node $NODE --nid `h2$NETTYPE $NODE` \
-           --nettype $NETTYPE || exit 4
-    done
-    lmc -m $CONFIG --add mds --node $MDSNODE --mds mds1 --fstype $FSTYPE \
-    	--dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE || exit 5
-    lmc -m $CONFIG --add lov --lov lov1 --mds mds1 --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES \
-        --stripe_cnt 0 --stripe_pattern 0 || exit 6
-    lmc -m $CONFIG --add ost --nspath /mnt/ost_ns --node $OSTNODE \
-        --lov lov1 --dev $OSTDEV --size $OSTSIZE --fstype $FSTYPE || exit 7
-    lmc -m $CONFIG --add mtpt --node $CLIENT --path $MOUNTPT \
-        --mds mds1 --lov lov1 || exit 8
-start_mds() {
-    do_mds "lconf $@ $CONFIG"
-shutdown_mds() {
-    do_mds "lconf $@ --cleanup $CONFIG"
-start_ost() {
-    do_ost "lconf $@ $CONFIG"
-shutdown_ost() {
-    do_ost "lconf $@ --cleanup $CONFIG"
-mount_client() {
-    do_client "lconf $@ $CONFIG"
-unmount_client() {
-    do_client "lconf $@ --cleanup $CONFIG"
-setup() {
-    make_config
-    start_mds ${REFORMAT:---reformat}
-    start_ost ${REFORMAT:---reformat}
-    mount_client --timeout=${TIMEOUT:-5} --lustre_upcall=/bin/true
-cleanup() {
-    do_mds "echo 0 > /proc/sys/lustre/fail_loc"
-    unmount_client $@ || exit 97
-    shutdown_mds $@ || exit 98
-    shutdown_ost $@ || exit 99
-wait_for_timeout() {
-    # wait to make sure we enter recovery
-    # it'd be better if the upcall notified us somehow, I think
-    sleep $(( ${TIMEOUT:-5} + 2 ))
-try_to_cleanup() {
-    kill -INT $!
-    unmount_client --force --dump $TMP/recovery-cleanup-`hostname`.log
-    mount_client --timeout=${TIMEOUT:-5} --lustre_upcall=/bin/true
-if [ ! -z "$ONLY" ]; then
-    eval "$ONLY"
-    exit $?
-drop_request "mcreate /mnt/lustre/1" & wait_for_timeout
-drop_request "tchmod 111 /mnt/lustre/2" & wait_for_timeout
-drop_request "statone /mnt/lustre/2" & wait_for_timeout
-do_client "cp /etc/inittab /mnt/lustre/inittab"
-drop_request "cat /mnt/lustre/inittab > /dev/null" & wait_for_timeout
-drop_request "mv /mnt/lustre/inittab /mnt/lustre/renamed" & wait_for_timeout
-drop_request "mlink /mnt/lustre/renamed-again /mnt/lustre/link1" & wait_for_timeout
-drop_request "munlink /mnt/lustre/link1" & wait_for_timeout
-FORCE=--force $CLEANUP '--dump $TMP/recovery-cleanup-`hostname`.log'
diff --git a/lustre/tests/routed.sh b/lustre/tests/routed.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index dcd683c6633f517af9351bda2c05d97a2bf380c5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/routed.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -vx
-set -e
-export PATH=`dirname $0`/../utils:$PATH
-config=${1:-`basename $0 .sh`.xml}
-save_cmd() {
-    echo "$@" >> $BATCH
-LMC_REAL="${LMC:-lmc} -m $config"
-# specific journal size for the ost, in MB
-[ "$JSIZE" -gt 0 ] && JARG="--journal_size $JSIZE"
-OSTNODES=${OSTNODES:-"srv2 srv3 srv2 srv3"}
-# OSTDEVN will still override the device for OST N
-ROUTERS=${ROUTERS:-"cli1 cli2"}
-h2tcp () {
-	case $1 in
-	client) echo '\*' ;;
-	*) echo $1 ;;
-	esac
-h2elan () { # assumes node names of the form fooN, where N is elan node ID
-	case $1 in
-	client) echo '\*' ;;
-	*) echo $1 | sed "s/[^0-9]*//" ;;
-	esac
-rm -f $config $BATCH
-echo; echo -n "adding MDS on: $MDSNODE"
-eval "NODE$MDSNODE=y"
-$LMC --add net --node $MDSNODE --nid `h2$SERVER_NETTYPE $MDSNODE` \
-	--nettype $SERVER_NETTYPE --cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER
-$LMC --add mds --node $MDSNODE --mds mds-$FSNAME --dev $MDSDEV $MDSOPT  \
-	--size $MDSSIZE
-$LMC --add lov --lov lov-$FSNAME --mds mds-$FSNAME --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES \
-	--stripe_cnt $STRIPES_PER_OBJ --stripe_pattern 0
-# MDS route to elan client
-for R in $ROUTERS; do
-	echo -n " [r=$R]"
-	$LMC --node $MDSNODE --add route --nettype $SERVER_NETTYPE	\
-		--gw `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $R` 				\
-		--lo `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $CLIENT_LO`			\
-		--hi `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $CLIENT_HI`			\
-		--gateway_cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER			\
-		--target_cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER
-	if [ -z "$OSTDEV" ]; then
-	fi
-	DEV=`basename $OSTDEV`
-	echo; echo -n "adding OST on: $OSTNODE[$DEV]"
-	if [ "`eval echo \\$NODE$OSTNODE`" != "y" ]; then
-		$LMC --add net --node $OSTNODE --nid $OSTNODE		\
-			--nettype $SERVER_NETTYPE --cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER
-		# OST route to elan clients
-		for R in $ROUTERS; do
-			echo -n " [r=$R]"
-			$LMC --node $OSTNODE --add route 		\
-				--nettype $SERVER_NETTYPE		\
-				--gw `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $R`		\
-				--lo `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $CLIENT_LO`	\
-				--hi `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $CLIENT_HI`	\
-				--gateway_cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER	\
-				--target_cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER
-		done
-		eval "NODE$OSTNODE=y"
-	fi
-	$LMC --add ost --node $OSTNODE --ost ost-$FSNAME-$OSTNODE-$DEV	\
-		--lov lov-$FSNAME $OSTFAILOVER --dev $OSTDEV --size $OSTSIZE \
-	COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
-echo; echo -n "adding ROUTER on: "
-for ROUTER in $ROUTERS; do
-	echo -n " $ROUTER"
-	$LMC --node $ROUTER --add net --nid `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $ROUTER`	\
-		--cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER --nettype $SERVER_NETTYPE	\
-		--hostaddr $ROUTER --router
-	$LMC --node $ROUTER --add net --nid `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $ROUTER`	\
-		--cluster_id $CLIENT_CLUSTER --nettype $CLIENT_NETTYPE 	\
-		--router
-	# ROUTER route to OSTs and MDS
-	for NODE in `echo $MDSNODE $OSTNODES | tr -s " " "\n" | sort -u`; do
-		$LMC --node $ROUTER --add route 			\
-			--nettype $SERVER_NETTYPE			\
-			--gw `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $ROUTER` 		\
-			--lo `h2$SERVER_NETTYPE $NODE`			\
-			--gateway_cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER 		\
-			--target_cluster_id $SERVER_CLUSTER
-	done
-	# ROUTER route to clients
-	$LMC --node $ROUTER --add route --nettype $CLIENT_NETTYPE 	\
-		--gw `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $ROUTER` 			\
-		--lo `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $CLIENT_LO`			\
-		--hi `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $CLIENT_HI`			\
-		--gateway_cluster_id $CLIENT_CLUSTER 			\
-		--target_cluster_id $CLIENT_CLUSTER
-echo; echo -n "adding CLIENT on: "
-for CLIENT in $CLIENTS; do
-	echo -n " $CLIENT"
-	$LMC --node $CLIENT --add net --nid `h2$CLIENT_NETTYPE $CLIENT`	\
-		--cluster_id $CLIENT_CLUSTER --nettype $CLIENT_NETTYPE
-	$LMC --node $CLIENT --add mtpt --path $MOUNT --mds mds-$FSNAME	\
-		--lov lov-$FSNAME $CLIENTOPT
-set -vx
-echo "generating config $config from $BATCH"
-$LMC_REAL --batch $BATCH
diff --git a/lustre/tests/run-quotacheck.sh b/lustre/tests/run-quotacheck.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c5b79d652235743dade00a9caeaa8ab3149a90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/run-quotacheck.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-PATH=`dirname $0`:`dirname $0`/../utils:$PATH
-TARGET=`ls /proc/fs/lustre/$OBD | grep -v num_refs | head -n 1`
-[ -z "$TARGET" ] && echo "no TARGET available, skipping quotacheck test" && exit 0
-insmod ../lvfs/quotacheck_test.ko || exit 1
-lctl modules > $TMP/ogdb-`hostname`
-echo "NOW reload debugging syms.."
-lctl <<EOT || RC=2
-attach quotacheck_test qchk_name qchk_uuid
-setup $TARGET
-# Using ignore_errors will allow lctl to cleanup even if the test fails.
-lctl <<EOC
-cfg_device qchk_name
-rmmod quotacheck_test || RC2=3
-[ $RC -eq 0 -a "$RC2" ] && RC=$RC2
-exit $RC
diff --git a/lustre/tests/run-quotactl.sh b/lustre/tests/run-quotactl.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 74d6bce33343d177c3ed7d16d7806c7bc0477629..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/run-quotactl.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-PATH=`dirname $0`:`dirname $0`/../utils:$PATH
-TARGET=`ls /proc/fs/lustre/$OBD | grep -v num_refs | head -n 1`
-[ -z "$TARGET" ] && echo "no TARGET available, skipping quotactl test" && exit 0
-insmod ../lvfs/quotactl_test.ko || exit 1
-lctl modules > $TMP/ogdb-`hostname`
-echo "NOW reload debugging syms.."
-lctl <<EOT || RC=2
-attach quotactl_test qctl_name qctl_uuid
-setup $TARGET
-# Using ignore_errors will allow lctl to cleanup even if the test fails.
-lctl <<EOC
-cfg_device qctl_name
-rmmod quotactl_test || RC2=3
-[ $RC -eq 0 -a "$RC2" ] && RC=$RC2
-exit $RC
diff --git a/lustre/tests/run-quotafmt.sh b/lustre/tests/run-quotafmt.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 989cfa5edab2f7d34ed92a1dd0efb94d1eb7e36b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/run-quotafmt.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-PATH=`dirname $0`:`dirname $0`/../utils:$PATH
-MDS=`ls /proc/fs/lustre/mds | grep -v num_refs | head -n 1`
-[ -z "$MDS" ] && echo "no MDS available, skipping quotafile test" && exit 0
-insmod ../ldiskfs/quotafmt_test.ko || exit 1
-lctl modules > $TMP/ogdb-`hostname`
-echo "NOW reload debugging syms.."
-lctl <<EOT || RC=2
-attach quotfmt_test quotfmt_name quotfmt_uuid
-setup $MDS
-# Using ignore_errors will allow lctl to cleanup even if the test fails.
-lctl <<EOC
-cfg_device quotfmt_name
-rmmod quotafmt_test || RC2=3
-[ $RC -eq 0 -a "$RC2" ] && RC=$RC2
-exit $RC
diff --git a/lustre/tests/runslabinfo b/lustre/tests/runslabinfo
deleted file mode 100755
index 070a186cc5e47c938fd8e99dcaa7f267b2e46217..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/runslabinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-while sleep 1 ; do
-        echo '-----------------------'
-	egrep "ll_|ldlm|filp|dentry|inode|portals|size-[0-9]* " /proc/slabinfo
-	cat /proc/meminfo
diff --git a/lustre/tests/sanity-buffalo.sh b/lustre/tests/sanity-buffalo.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 02c95d1ad16610d826e5319dd1ba20ef0ae04398..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/sanity-buffalo.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-# sanity-buffalo.sh
-# This script is used to report the results from a sanity run to buffalo.
-# Assumptions: 
-# - the target host on which you are running the test (be it
-#   a real machine or a uml session) is accessible via DSH
-export TMP=${TMP:-"/tmp"}
-export LOG=${LOG:-"$TMP/sanity-buffalo.log"}
-export DMESGLOG=${DMESGLOG:-"$TMP/sanity-buffalo-dmesg.log"}
-export OUTPUT=${OUTPUT:-"$TMP/buffalo_mail"}
-export DSH=${DSH:-"pdsh -S -w"}
-export LUSTRE_SRC=${LUSTRE_SRC:-"$PWD/.."}
-export LTESTDIR=${LTESTDIR:-"$PWD/../../ltest"}
-export TARGET=${TARGET:-"uml"}
-export SCP=${SCP:-"scp"}
-#export NO_SHARED_FS=0
-# Changeable buffalo config variables.
-# The following RECIPIENTS string sends results to the buffalo-sandbox.
-# The following RECIPIENTS string sends results to buffalo proper.
-# RECIPIENTS=${RECIPIENTS:-"buffalo_results@clusterfs.com"}
-export TESTNAME=${TESTNAME:-"sanity-buffalo"}
-export TESTDESC=${TESTDESC:-"Local test in $TARGET for correctness"}
-export TESTGROUP=${TESTGROUP:-"correctness"}
-export LUSTRE_TAG=${LUSTRE_TAG:-`cat $PWD/CVS/Tag | cut -c 2-`}
-export TESTARCH=${TESTARCH:-`uname -r`}
-export NETTYPE=${NETTYPE:-"tcp"}
-export MACHINENAME=${MACHINENAME:-`hostname`}
-usage() {
-    echo "echo
-Usage: sanity-buffalo.sh --sender=email_address [--config=config_name] [--test=test_name] [--extra-params=extra_parameters] [--target=hostname] [--help]"
-    if [ x$1 = x-h ]
-        then
-        echo "
-    Email address of the person running the test. (Required)
-    Config type to use for lustre setup. Any of the standard script names
-    from lustre/tests are allowable:
-    lov, local, mount2lov, local-large-inode (default)
-    Name of the test script to run. Default is \"sanity.sh\".   
-    The machine (or uml session) on which to run the test. 
-    Defaults to \"uml\"
-    Extra parameters to pass to the test script.
-    e.g. --extra-params=\"START=' ' CLEAN=' '\"
-    NOTE: NAME=lov should not be set here, use --config
-    Display this usage message
-        exit 0
-    else
-        exit 1
-    fi
-check_mail() {
-    if [ -z "$SENDER" ] ; then
-	echo "Please supply a valid email address for --sender"
-	usage
-    fi
-check_config() {
-    if [ -z "$CONFIG_NAME" ] ; then
-        echo "Using default config: local-large-inode"
-        CONFIG_NAME="local-large-inode"
-    fi
-check_test() {
-    if [ -z "$TESTSCRIPT" ] ; then
-	echo "Running default test: sanity.sh"
-	TESTSCRIPT="sanity.sh"
-    fi
-do_prepare() {
-    if [ -e $LOG ] ; then
-	rm -fr $LOG
-    fi
-    dmesg -c > /dev/null
-    $DSH $TARGET "dmesg -c > /dev/null" || exit 1
-    return 0
-run_test() {
-    $DSH $TARGET "cd $LUSTRE_SRC/tests && PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:\$PATH NAME=$CONFIG_NAME sh llmount.sh 2>&1" | dshbak -c >> $LOG
-    if ! [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-        echo "Can not mount lustre on remoute machine: $TARGET "
-        exit 2
-    fi
-    if [ $NO_SHARED_FS ]; then
-	$SCP $TARGET:$LUSTRE_SRC/tests/${CONFIG_NAME}.xml $PWD/config.xml
-	if ! [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	    echo "Can not get the config file from remoute machine: $TARGET "
-	    exit 3
-	fi
-    fi
-    echo >> $LOG;echo "COMMAND: $COMMAND" >> $LOG;echo >> $LOG
-    $DSH $TARGET "$COMMAND 2>&1" | dshbak -c >> $LOG
-    return $?
-do_eval() {
-    RC=$1
-    if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then
-	RESULT="pass"
-    else
-	RESULT="fail"
-    fi
-    if [ "$RESULT" = "fail" ] ; then   
-	$DSH $TARGET "dmesg" | dshbak -c >> $DMESGLOG
-    fi
-send_report() {
-    . $LTESTDIR/acceptance/harness/config/common/buffalo.sh
-    if [ $NO_SHARED_FS ]; then
-	CONFIG="$PWD/config.xml"
-    else
-    fi    
-    ### send buffalo reports
-    echo "Sending buffalo report..."
-    rm -fr $OUTPUT
-    buffalo_format_result > $OUTPUT
-    buffalo_format_config $CONFIG >> $OUTPUT
-    buffalo_format_log $LOG >> $OUTPUT
-    buffalo_format_dmesg $DMESGLOG >> $OUTPUT
-    buffalo_send_report $OUTPUT
-    rm -f $OUTPUT
-    rm -f $DMESGLOG
-    rm -f $LOG
-    echo "done."
-do_cleanup() {
-    $DSH $TARGET "cd $LUSTRE_SRC/tests && NAME=$CONFIG_NAME sh llmountcleanup.sh 2>&1" | dshbak -c >> $LOG
-    if ! [ $? = 0  ] ; then
-	echo "failed to clean up lustre"
-    fi	 
-options=`getopt -o h --long extra-params:,target:,sender:,config:,test:,help -- "$@"`
-if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-    usage
-eval set -- "$options"
-while true
-  do
-  case "$1" in
-      --config)
-          CONFIG_NAME=$2
-          shift 2         ;;
-      --sender)
-	  SENDER=$2
-	  shift 2         ;;
-      --target)
-	  TARGET=$2
-	  shift 2         ;; 
-      --extra-params)
-	  shift 2         ;;
-      --test)
-	  TESTSCRIPT=$2    
-          shift 2         ;; 
-      --help)
-          usage -h        ;;
-      -h)
-          usage -h        ;;
-      --)
-          shift
-          break           ;;
-  esac
-if [ ! -d ${LUSTRE_SRC} ]; then
-    echo "LUSTRE_SRC dir $LUSTRE_SRC doesn't exist"
-    exit 1
-if [ ! -d ${LTESTDIR} ]; then
-    echo "LTESTDIR dir $LTESTDIR doesn't exist"
-    exit 2
-# Gather some buffalo variable before we run the test.
-export KERNEL=`$DSH $TARGET uname -r | sed "s/^.*\ //g"`
-export LUSTRE_BUILD=`${LUSTRE_SRC}/utils/lctl lustre_build_version 2>/dev/null|grep "^lctl" | awk '/^lctl/ {print $3}'`
-check_mail && check_config && check_test
-do_eval $?
-exit 0    
diff --git a/lustre/tests/tmpfs-sanity.sh b/lustre/tests/tmpfs-sanity.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 718fa81e839be2cae67927f33e41c9cec1ae9b86..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/lustre/tests/tmpfs-sanity.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-	echo "ERROR: $@"
-	exit 1
-	name=$1
-	value=$2
-	file="$3"
-	if test "x$value" != "x<deleted>"; then
-		res=`$getattr -n $name $file 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" | sed 's/\"//g'`
-		if test "x$res" = "x$name=$value"; then
-			return 0
-		else
-			return 1
-		fi
-	else
-		res=`$getattr -d -m ".*" $file 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" | sed 's/\"//g'`
-		if echo $res | grep $name > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-			return 1
-		else
-			return 0
-		fi
-	fi
-	name=$1
-	file=$2
-	message=$3
-	echo -n "$message..."
-	`$setattr -x $name $file 2> /dev/null`
-	if test "x$?" != "x0"; then
-		echo "failed"
-		return 1
-	else
-		check_xattr $name "<deleted>" $file && echo "done" || echo "failed"
-		return 0
-	fi
-	name=$1
-	value=$2
-	file=$3
-	message=$4
-	echo -n "$message..."
-	`$setattr -n $name -v $value $file 2>/dev/null`
-	if test "x$?" != "x0"; then
-		echo "failed"
-		return 1
-	else
-		check_xattr $name $value $file && echo "done" || echo "failed"
-		return 0
-	fi
-	file=$1
-	message=$2
-	echo -n "$message..."
-	`$setattr -n list_name0 -v list_value0 $file 2>/dev/null` || {
-		echo "failed"
-		return 1
-	}
-	`$setattr -n list_name1 -v list_value1 $file 2>/dev/null` || {
-		echo "failed"
-		return 1
-	}
-	`$setattr -n list_name2 -v list_value2 $file 2>/dev/null` || {
-		echo "failed"
-    		return 1
-	}
-	values=`$getattr -d -m ".*" $file 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" | \
-grep list_name | sed 's/\"//g'`
-	i=0
-	for chunk in $values; do
-		if test "x$chunk" != "xlist_name$i=list_value$i"; then
-			echo "failed"
-			return 1
-		fi
-		let i=$i+1
-	done
-	echo "done"
-	return 0
-# check each function related to xattrs
-	file="$1"
-	test_set_xattr test_name0 test_value0 $file "Create new attribute" &&
-	test_set_xattr test_name0 test_value012345 $file "Expanding attribute" &&
-	test_set_xattr test_name0 test_value0123 $file "Shrinking attribute" &&
-	test_del_xattr test_name0 $file "Delete attribute"
-	test_list_xattr $file "Getting list of attributes"
-# checking xattr code as a whole. Not implemented yet.
-	return 0
-getattr=$(which getfattr 2>/dev/null)
-setattr=$(which setfattr 2>/dev/null)
-if test "x$getattr" = "x" -o "x$setattr" = "x"; then
-	fail "Can't find getfattr or setfattr utilities in current path."
-if ! mount | grep tmpfs > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-	fail "tmpfs is not mounted"
-mntpoint=$(mount | grep tmpfs | awk '{print $3}')
-if test "x$mntpoint" = "x"; then
-	fail "Can't find tmpfs mount point"
-rm -fr $mntpoint/test_file0 2> /dev/null
-touch "$mntpoint/test_file0"
-test_individual "$mntpoint/test_file0" && 
-test_composite "$mntpoint/test_file0" && echo "All tests passed"