#!/bin/bash # requirement: # add uml1 uml2 uml3 in your /etc/hosts # FIXME - there is no reason to use all of these different # return codes, espcially when most of them are mapped to something # else anyway. The combination of test number and return code # figure out what failed. set -e ONLY=${ONLY:-"$*"} # These tests don't apply to mountconf # xml xml xml xml xml xml dumb MOUNTCONFSKIP="10 11 12 13 13b 14 15 " # bug number for skipped test: 13369 ALWAYS_EXCEPT=" $CONF_SANITY_EXCEPT $MOUNTCONFSKIP 34a" # UPDATE THE COMMENT ABOVE WITH BUG NUMBERS WHEN CHANGING ALWAYS_EXCEPT! SRCDIR=`dirname $0` PATH=$PWD/$SRCDIR:$SRCDIR:$SRCDIR/../utils:$PATH SAVE_PWD=$PWD LUSTRE=${LUSTRE:-`dirname $0`/..} RLUSTRE=${RLUSTRE:-$LUSTRE} HOSTNAME=`hostname` . $LUSTRE/tests/test-framework.sh init_test_env $@ # STORED_MDSSIZE is used in test_18 if [ -n "$MDSSIZE" ]; then STORED_MDSSIZE=$MDSSIZE fi # use small MDS + OST size to speed formatting time MDSSIZE=40000 OSTSIZE=40000 . ${CONFIG:=$LUSTRE/tests/cfg/$NAME.sh} # [ "$SLOW" = "no" ] && EXCEPT_SLOW="0 1 2 3 6 7 15 18 24b 25 30 31 32 33 34a " assert_DIR reformat() { formatall } writeconf() { local facet=mds shift stop ${facet} -f rm -f ${facet}active # who knows if/where $TUNEFS is installed? Better reformat if it fails... do_facet ${facet} "$TUNEFS --writeconf $MDSDEV" || echo "tunefs failed, reformatting instead" && reformat } gen_config() { reformat # The MGS must be started before the OSTs for a new fs, so start # and stop to generate the startup logs. start_mds start_ost sleep 5 stop_ost stop_mds } start_mds() { echo "start mds service on `facet_active_host mds`" start mds $MDSDEV $MDS_MOUNT_OPTS || return 94 } stop_mds() { echo "stop mds service on `facet_active_host mds`" # These tests all use non-failover stop stop mds -f || return 97 } start_ost() { echo "start ost1 service on `facet_active_host ost1`" start ost1 `ostdevname 1` $OST_MOUNT_OPTS || return 95 } stop_ost() { echo "stop ost1 service on `facet_active_host ost1`" # These tests all use non-failover stop stop ost1 -f || return 98 } start_ost2() { echo "start ost2 service on `facet_active_host ost2`" start ost2 `ostdevname 2` $OST_MOUNT_OPTS || return 92 } stop_ost2() { echo "stop ost2 service on `facet_active_host ost2`" # These tests all use non-failover stop stop ost2 -f || return 93 } start_client() { echo "start client on `facet_active_host client`" start client || return 99 } stop_client() { echo "stop client on `facet_active_host client`" stop client || return 100 } mount_client() { local MOUNTPATH=$1 echo "mount $FSNAME on ${MOUNTPATH}....." zconf_mount `hostname` $MOUNTPATH || return 96 } remount_client() { local SAVEMOUNTOPT=$MOUNTOPT MOUNTOPT="remount,$1" local MOUNTPATH=$2 echo "remount '$1' lustre on ${MOUNTPATH}....." zconf_mount `hostname` $MOUNTPATH || return 96 MOUNTOPT=$SAVEMOUNTOPT } umount_client() { local MOUNTPATH=$1 echo "umount lustre on ${MOUNTPATH}....." zconf_umount `hostname` $MOUNTPATH || return 97 } manual_umount_client(){ local rc local FORCE=$1 echo "manual umount lustre on ${MOUNT}...." do_facet client "umount -d ${FORCE} $MOUNT" rc=$? return $rc } setup() { start_ost start_mds mount_client $MOUNT } cleanup_nocli() { stop_mds || return 201 stop_ost || return 202 unload_modules || return 203 } cleanup() { umount_client $MOUNT || return 200 cleanup_nocli || return $? } check_mount() { do_facet client "cp /etc/passwd $DIR/a" || return 71 do_facet client "rm $DIR/a" || return 72 # make sure lustre is actually mounted (touch will block, # but grep won't, so do it after) do_facet client "grep $MOUNT' ' /proc/mounts > /dev/null" || return 73 echo "setup single mount lustre success" } check_mount2() { do_facet client "touch $DIR/a" || return 71 do_facet client "rm $DIR/a" || return 72 do_facet client "touch $DIR2/a" || return 73 do_facet client "rm $DIR2/a" || return 74 echo "setup double mount lustre success" } build_test_filter if [ "$ONLY" == "setup" ]; then setup exit fi if [ "$ONLY" == "cleanup" ]; then cleanup exit fi #create single point mountpoint gen_config test_0() { setup check_mount || return 41 cleanup || return $? } run_test 0 "single mount setup" test_1() { start_ost echo "start ost second time..." setup check_mount || return 42 cleanup || return $? } run_test 1 "start up ost twice (should return errors)" test_2() { start_ost start_mds echo "start mds second time.." start_mds mount_client $MOUNT check_mount || return 43 cleanup || return $? } run_test 2 "start up mds twice (should return err)" test_3() { setup #mount.lustre returns an error if already in mtab mount_client $MOUNT && return $? check_mount || return 44 cleanup || return $? } run_test 3 "mount client twice (should return err)" test_4() { setup touch $DIR/$tfile || return 85 stop_ost -f cleanup eno=$? # ok for ost to fail shutdown if [ 202 -ne $eno ]; then return $eno; fi return 0 } run_test 4 "force cleanup ost, then cleanup" test_5a() { # was test_5 setup touch $DIR/$tfile || return 1 fuser -m -v $MOUNT && echo "$MOUNT is in use by user space process." stop_mds -f || return 2 # cleanup may return an error from the failed # disconnects; for now I'll consider this successful # if all the modules have unloaded. umount -d $MOUNT & UMOUNT_PID=$! sleep 6 echo "killing umount" kill -TERM $UMOUNT_PID echo "waiting for umount to finish" wait $UMOUNT_PID if grep " $MOUNT " /proc/mounts; then echo "test 5: /proc/mounts after failed umount" umount $MOUNT & UMOUNT_PID=$! sleep 2 echo "killing umount" kill -TERM $UMOUNT_PID echo "waiting for umount to finish" wait $UMOUNT_PID grep " $MOUNT " /proc/mounts && echo "test 5: /proc/mounts after second umount" && return 11 fi manual_umount_client # stop_mds is a no-op here, and should not fail cleanup_nocli || return $? # df may have lingering entry manual_umount_client # mtab may have lingering entry local WAIT=0 local MAX_WAIT=20 local sleep=1 while [ "$WAIT" -ne "$MAX_WAIT" ]; do sleep $sleep grep -q $MOUNT" " /etc/mtab || break echo "Waiting /etc/mtab updated ... " WAIT=$(( WAIT + sleep)) done [ "$WAIT" -eq "$MAX_WAIT" ] && error "/etc/mtab is not updated in $WAIT secs" echo "/etc/mtab updated in $WAIT secs" } run_test 5a "force cleanup mds, then cleanup" test_5b() { start_ost [ -d $MOUNT ] || mkdir -p $MOUNT grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5b: mtab before mount" && return 10 mount_client $MOUNT && return 1 grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5b: mtab after failed mount" && return 11 umount_client $MOUNT # stop_mds is a no-op here, and should not fail cleanup_nocli || return $? return 0 } run_test 5b "mds down, cleanup after failed mount (bug 2712) (should return errs)" test_5c() { start_ost start_mds [ -d $MOUNT ] || mkdir -p $MOUNT grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5c: mtab before mount" && return 10 local oldfs="${FSNAME}" FSNAME="wrong.${FSNAME}" mount_client $MOUNT || : FSNAME=${oldfs} grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5c: mtab after failed mount" && return 11 umount_client $MOUNT cleanup_nocli || return $? } run_test 5c "cleanup after failed mount (bug 2712) (should return errs)" test_5d() { start_ost start_mds stop_ost -f grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5d: mtab before mount" && return 10 mount_client $MOUNT || return 1 cleanup || return $? grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5d: mtab after unmount" && return 11 return 0 } run_test 5d "mount with ost down" test_5e() { start_ost start_mds #define OBD_FAIL_PTLRPC_DELAY_SEND 0x506 do_facet client "lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000506" grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5e: mtab before mount" && return 10 mount_client $MOUNT || echo "mount failed (not fatal)" cleanup || return $? grep " $MOUNT " /etc/mtab && echo "test 5e: mtab after unmount" && return 11 return 0 } run_test 5e "delayed connect, don't crash (bug 10268)" test_6() { setup manual_umount_client mount_client ${MOUNT} || return 87 touch $DIR/a || return 86 cleanup || return $? } run_test 6 "manual umount, then mount again" test_7() { setup manual_umount_client cleanup_nocli || return $? } run_test 7 "manual umount, then cleanup" test_8() { setup mount_client $MOUNT2 check_mount2 || return 45 umount_client $MOUNT2 cleanup || return $? } run_test 8 "double mount setup" test_9() { start_ost do_facet ost1 lctl set_param debug=\'inode trace\' || return 1 do_facet ost1 lctl set_param subsystem_debug=\'mds ost\' || return 1 CHECK_PTLDEBUG="`do_facet ost1 lctl get_param -n debug`" if [ "$CHECK_PTLDEBUG" ] && [ "$CHECK_PTLDEBUG" = "trace inode" ];then echo "lnet.debug success" else echo "lnet.debug: want 'trace inode', have '$CHECK_PTLDEBUG'" return 1 fi CHECK_SUBSYS="`do_facet ost1 lctl get_param -n subsystem_debug`" if [ "$CHECK_SUBSYS" ] && [ "$CHECK_SUBSYS" = "mds ost" ]; then echo "lnet.subsystem_debug success" else echo "lnet.subsystem_debug: want 'mds ost', have '$CHECK_SUBSYS'" return 1 fi stop_ost || return $? } run_test 9 "test ptldebug and subsystem for mkfs" test_10() { echo "generate configuration with the same name for node and mds" OLDXMLCONFIG=$XMLCONFIG XMLCONFIG="broken.xml" [ -f "$XMLCONFIG" ] && rm -f $XMLCONFIG facet="mds" rm -f ${facet}active add_facet $facet echo "the name for node and mds is the same" do_lmc --add mds --node ${facet}_facet --mds ${facet}_facet \ --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE || return $? do_lmc --add lov --mds ${facet}_facet --lov lov1 --stripe_sz \ $STRIPE_BYTES --stripe_cnt $STRIPES_PER_OBJ \ --stripe_pattern 0 || return $? add_ost ost --lov lov1 --dev $OSTDEV --size $OSTSIZE facet="client" add_facet $facet --lustre_upcall $UPCALL do_lmc --add mtpt --node ${facet}_facet --mds mds_facet \ --lov lov1 --path $MOUNT echo "mount lustre" start_ost start_mds mount_client $MOUNT check_mount || return 41 cleanup || return $? echo "Success!" XMLCONFIG=$OLDXMLCONFIG } run_test 10 "mount lustre with the same name for node and mds" test_11() { OLDXMLCONFIG=$XMLCONFIG XMLCONFIG="conf11.xml" [ -f "$XMLCONFIG" ] && rm -f $XMLCONFIG add_mds mds --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE add_ost ost --dev $OSTDEV --size $OSTSIZE add_client client mds --path $MOUNT --ost ost_svc || return $? echo "Default lov config success!" [ -f "$XMLCONFIG" ] && rm -f $XMLCONFIG add_mds mds --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE add_ost ost --dev $OSTDEV --size $OSTSIZE add_client client mds --path $MOUNT && return $? echo "--add mtpt with neither --lov nor --ost will return error" echo "" echo "Success!" XMLCONFIG=$OLDXMLCONFIG } run_test 11 "use default lov configuration (should return error)" test_12() { OLDXMLCONFIG=$XMLCONFIG XMLCONFIG="batch.xml" BATCHFILE="batchfile" # test double quote [ -f "$XMLCONFIG" ] && rm -f $XMLCONFIG [ -f "$BATCHFILE" ] && rm -f $BATCHFILE echo "--add net --node $HOSTNAME --nid $HOSTNAME --nettype tcp" > $BATCHFILE echo "--add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds1 --mkfsoptions \"-I 128\"" >> $BATCHFILE # --mkfsoptions "-I 128" do_lmc -m $XMLCONFIG --batch $BATCHFILE || return $? if [ `sed -n '/>-I 128</p' $XMLCONFIG | wc -l` -eq 1 ]; then echo "matched double quote success" else echo "matched double quote fail" return 1 fi rm -f $XMLCONFIG rm -f $BATCHFILE echo "--add net --node $HOSTNAME --nid $HOSTNAME --nettype tcp" > $BATCHFILE echo "--add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds1 --mkfsoptions \"-I 128" >> $BATCHFILE # --mkfsoptions "-I 128 do_lmc -m $XMLCONFIG --batch $BATCHFILE && return $? echo "unmatched double quote should return error" # test single quote rm -f $BATCHFILE echo "--add net --node $HOSTNAME --nid $HOSTNAME --nettype tcp" > $BATCHFILE echo "--add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds1 --mkfsoptions '-I 128'" >> $BATCHFILE # --mkfsoptions '-I 128' do_lmc -m $XMLCONFIG --batch $BATCHFILE || return $? if [ `sed -n '/>-I 128</p' $XMLCONFIG | wc -l` -eq 1 ]; then echo "matched single quote success" else echo "matched single quote fail" return 1 fi rm -f $XMLCONFIG rm -f $BATCHFILE echo "--add net --node $HOSTNAME --nid $HOSTNAME --nettype tcp" > $BATCHFILE echo "--add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds1 --mkfsoptions '-I 128" >> $BATCHFILE # --mkfsoptions '-I 128 do_lmc -m $XMLCONFIG --batch $BATCHFILE && return $? echo "unmatched single quote should return error" # test backslash rm -f $BATCHFILE echo "--add net --node $HOSTNAME --nid $HOSTNAME --nettype tcp" > $BATCHFILE echo "--add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds1 --mkfsoptions \-\I\ \128" >> $BATCHFILE # --mkfsoptions \-\I\ \128 do_lmc -m $XMLCONFIG --batch $BATCHFILE || return $? if [ `sed -n '/>-I 128</p' $XMLCONFIG | wc -l` -eq 1 ]; then echo "backslash followed by a whitespace/letter success" else echo "backslash followed by a whitespace/letter fail" return 1 fi rm -f $XMLCONFIG rm -f $BATCHFILE echo "--add net --node $HOSTNAME --nid $HOSTNAME --nettype tcp" > $BATCHFILE echo "--add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds1 --mkfsoptions -I\ 128\\" >> $BATCHFILE # --mkfsoptions -I\ 128\ do_lmc -m $XMLCONFIG --batch $BATCHFILE && return $? echo "backslash followed by nothing should return error" rm -f $BATCHFILE XMLCONFIG=$OLDXMLCONFIG } run_test 12 "lmc --batch, with single/double quote, backslash in batchfile" test_13a() { # was test_13 OLDXMLCONFIG=$XMLCONFIG XMLCONFIG="conf13-1.xml" # check long uuid will be truncated properly and uniquely echo "To generate XML configuration file(with long ost name): $XMLCONFIG" [ -f "$XMLCONFIG" ] && rm -f $XMLCONFIG do_lmc --add net --node $HOSTNAME --nid $HOSTNAME --nettype tcp do_lmc --add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds1_name_longer_than_31characters do_lmc --add mds --node $HOSTNAME --mds mds2_name_longer_than_31characters if [ ! -f "$XMLCONFIG" ]; then echo "Error:no file $XMLCONFIG created!" return 1 fi EXPECTEDMDS1UUID="e_longer_than_31characters_UUID" EXPECTEDMDS2UUID="longer_than_31characters_UUID_2" FOUNDMDS1UUID=`awk -F"'" '/<mds .*uuid=/' $XMLCONFIG | sed -n '1p' \ | sed "s/ /\n\r/g" | awk -F"'" '/uuid=/{print $2}'` FOUNDMDS2UUID=`awk -F"'" '/<mds .*uuid=/' $XMLCONFIG | sed -n '2p' \ | sed "s/ /\n\r/g" | awk -F"'" '/uuid=/{print $2}'` [ -z "$FOUNDMDS1UUID" ] && echo "MDS1 UUID empty" && return 1 [ -z "$FOUNDMDS2UUID" ] && echo "MDS2 UUID empty" && return 1 if ([ $EXPECTEDMDS1UUID = $FOUNDMDS1UUID ] && [ $EXPECTEDMDS2UUID = $FOUNDMDS2UUID ]) || \ ([ $EXPECTEDMDS1UUID = $FOUNDMDS2UUID ] && [ $EXPECTEDMDS2UUID = $FOUNDMDS1UUID ]); then echo "Success:long uuid truncated successfully and being unique." else echo "Error:expected uuid for mds1 and mds2: $EXPECTEDMDS1UUID; $EXPECTEDMDS2UUID" echo "but: found uuid for mds1 and mds2: $FOUNDMDS1UUID; $FOUNDMDS2UUID" return 1 fi rm -f $XMLCONFIG XMLCONFIG=$OLDXMLCONFIG } run_test 13a "check new_uuid of lmc operating correctly" test_13b() { OLDXMLCONFIG=$XMLCONFIG XMLCONFIG="conf13-1.xml" SECONDXMLCONFIG="conf13-2.xml" # check multiple invocations for lmc generate same XML configuration file rm -f $XMLCONFIG echo "Generate the first XML configuration file" gen_config echo "mv $XMLCONFIG to $SECONDXMLCONFIG" sed -e "s/mtime[^ ]*//" $XMLCONFIG > $SECONDXMLCONFIG || return $? echo "Generate the second XML configuration file" gen_config # don't compare .xml mtime, it will always be different if [ `sed -e "s/mtime[^ ]*//" $XMLCONFIG | diff - $SECONDXMLCONFIG | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then echo "Success:multiple invocations for lmc generate same XML file" else echo "Error: multiple invocations for lmc generate different XML file" return 1 fi rm -f $XMLCONFIG $SECONDXMLCONFIG XMLCONFIG=$OLDXMLCONFIG } run_test 13b "check lmc generates consistent .xml file" test_14() { rm -f $XMLCONFIG # create xml file with --mkfsoptions for ost echo "create xml file with --mkfsoptions for ost" add_mds mds --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE add_lov lov1 mds --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES\ --stripe_cnt $STRIPES_PER_OBJ --stripe_pattern 0 add_ost ost --lov lov1 --dev $OSTDEV --size $OSTSIZE \ --mkfsoptions "-Llabel_conf_14" add_client client mds --lov lov1 --path $MOUNT FOUNDSTRING=`awk -F"<" '/<mkfsoptions>/{print $2}' $XMLCONFIG` EXPECTEDSTRING="mkfsoptions>-Llabel_conf_14" if [ "$EXPECTEDSTRING" != "$FOUNDSTRING" ]; then echo "Error: expected: $EXPECTEDSTRING; found: $FOUNDSTRING" return 1 fi echo "Success:mkfsoptions for ost written to xml file correctly." # mount lustre to test lconf mkfsoptions-parsing echo "mount lustre" start_ost start_mds mount_client $MOUNT || return $? if [ -z "`do_facet ost1 dumpe2fs -h $OSTDEV | grep label_conf_14`" ]; then echo "Error: the mkoptions not applied to mke2fs of ost." return 1 fi cleanup echo "lconf mkfsoptions for ost success" gen_config } run_test 14 "test mkfsoptions of ost for lmc and lconf" cleanup_15() { trap 0 [ -f $MOUNTLUSTRE ] && echo "remove $MOUNTLUSTRE" && rm -f $MOUNTLUSTRE if [ -f $MOUNTLUSTRE.sav ]; then echo "return original $MOUNTLUSTRE.sav to $MOUNTLUSTRE" mv $MOUNTLUSTRE.sav $MOUNTLUSTRE fi } # this only tests the kernel mount command, not anything about lustre. test_15() { MOUNTLUSTRE=${MOUNTLUSTRE:-/sbin/mount.lustre} start_ost start_mds echo "mount lustre on ${MOUNT} without $MOUNTLUSTRE....." if [ -f "$MOUNTLUSTRE" ]; then echo "save $MOUNTLUSTRE to $MOUNTLUSTRE.sav" mv $MOUNTLUSTRE $MOUNTLUSTRE.sav && trap cleanup_15 EXIT INT if [ -f $MOUNTLUSTRE ]; then skip "$MOUNTLUSTRE cannot be moved, skipping test" return 0 fi fi mount_client $MOUNT && error "mount succeeded" && return 1 echo "mount lustre on $MOUNT without $MOUNTLUSTRE failed as expected" cleanup_15 cleanup || return $? } run_test 15 "zconf-mount without /sbin/mount.lustre (should return error)" test_16() { TMPMTPT="${TMP}/conf16" if [ ! -e "$MDSDEV" ]; then log "no $MDSDEV existing, so mount Lustre to create one" setup check_mount || return 41 cleanup || return $? fi [ -f "$MDSDEV" ] && LOOPOPT="-o loop" log "change the mode of $MDSDEV/OBJECTS,LOGS,PENDING to 555" do_facet mds "mkdir -p $TMPMTPT && mount $LOOPOPT -t $FSTYPE $MDSDEV $TMPMTPT && chmod 555 $TMPMTPT/{OBJECTS,LOGS,PENDING} && umount $TMPMTPT" || return $? log "mount Lustre to change the mode of OBJECTS/LOGS/PENDING, then umount Lustre" setup check_mount || return 41 cleanup || return $? log "read the mode of OBJECTS/LOGS/PENDING and check if they has been changed properly" EXPECTEDOBJECTSMODE=`do_facet mds "debugfs -R 'stat OBJECTS' $MDSDEV 2> /dev/null" | grep 'Mode: ' | sed -e "s/.*Mode: *//" -e "s/ *Flags:.*//"` EXPECTEDLOGSMODE=`do_facet mds "debugfs -R 'stat LOGS' $MDSDEV 2> /dev/null" | grep 'Mode: ' | sed -e "s/.*Mode: *//" -e "s/ *Flags:.*//"` EXPECTEDPENDINGMODE=`do_facet mds "debugfs -R 'stat PENDING' $MDSDEV 2> /dev/null" | grep 'Mode: ' | sed -e "s/.*Mode: *//" -e "s/ *Flags:.*//"` if [ "$EXPECTEDOBJECTSMODE" = "0777" ]; then log "Success:Lustre change the mode of OBJECTS correctly" else error "Lustre does not change mode of OBJECTS properly" fi if [ "$EXPECTEDLOGSMODE" = "0777" ]; then log "Success:Lustre change the mode of LOGS correctly" else error "Lustre does not change mode of LOGS properly" fi if [ "$EXPECTEDPENDINGMODE" = "0777" ]; then log "Success:Lustre change the mode of PENDING correctly" else error "Lustre does not change mode of PENDING properly" fi } run_test 16 "verify that lustre will correct the mode of OBJECTS/LOGS/PENDING" test_17() { if [ ! -e "$MDSDEV" ]; then echo "no $MDSDEV existing, so mount Lustre to create one" setup check_mount || return 41 cleanup || return $? fi echo "Remove mds config log" do_facet mds "debugfs -w -R 'unlink CONFIGS/$FSNAME-MDT0000' $MDSDEV || return \$?" || return $? start_ost start_mds && return 42 gen_config } run_test 17 "Verify failed mds_postsetup won't fail assertion (2936) (should return errs)" test_18() { [ "$FSTYPE" != "ldiskfs" ] && skip "not needed for FSTYPE=$FSTYPE" && return local MIN=2000000 local OK= # check if current MDSSIZE is large enough [ $MDSSIZE -ge $MIN ] && OK=1 && myMDSSIZE=$MDSSIZE && \ log "use MDSSIZE=$MDSSIZE" # check if the global config has a large enough MDSSIZE [ -z "$OK" -a ! -z "$STORED_MDSSIZE" ] && [ $STORED_MDSSIZE -ge $MIN ] && \ OK=1 && myMDSSIZE=$STORED_MDSSIZE && \ log "use STORED_MDSSIZE=$STORED_MDSSIZE" # check if the block device is large enough [ -z "$OK" -a -b $MDSDEV ] && \ [ "$(dd if=$MDSDEV of=/dev/null bs=1k count=1 skip=$MIN 2>&1 | awk '($3 == "in") { print $1 }')" = "1+0" ] && OK=1 && \ myMDSSIZE=$MIN && log "use device $MDSDEV with MIN=$MIN" # check if a loopback device has enough space for fs metadata (5%) [ -z "$OK" ] && [ -f $MDSDEV -o ! -e $MDSDEV ] && SPACE=$(df -P $(dirname $MDSDEV) | awk '($1 != "Filesystem") {print $4}') && [ $SPACE -gt $((MIN / 20)) ] && OK=1 && myMDSSIZE=$MIN && \ log "use file $MDSDEV with MIN=$MIN" [ -z "$OK" ] && skip "$MDSDEV too small for ${MIN}kB MDS" && return echo "mount mds with large journal..." local OLD_MDS_MKFS_OPTS=$MDS_MKFS_OPTS MDS_MKFS_OPTS="--mgs --mdt --fsname=$FSNAME --device-size=$myMDSSIZE --param sys.timeout=$TIMEOUT $MDSOPT" gen_config echo "mount lustre system..." setup check_mount || return 41 echo "check journal size..." local FOUNDSIZE=`do_facet mds "debugfs -c -R 'stat <8>' $MDSDEV" | awk '/Size: / { print $NF; exit;}'` if [ $FOUNDSIZE -gt $((32 * 1024 * 1024)) ]; then log "Success: mkfs creates large journals. Size: $((FOUNDSIZE >> 20))M" else error "expected journal size > 32M, found $((FOUNDSIZE >> 20))M" fi cleanup || return $? MDS_MKFS_OPTS=$OLD_MDS_MKFS_OPTS gen_config } run_test 18 "check mkfs creates large journals" test_19a() { start_mds || return 1 stop_mds -f || return 2 } run_test 19a "start/stop MDS without OSTs" test_19b() { start_ost || return 1 stop_ost -f || return 2 } run_test 19b "start/stop OSTs without MDS" test_20() { # first format the ost/mdt start_ost start_mds mount_client $MOUNT check_mount || return 43 rm -f $DIR/$tfile remount_client ro $MOUNT || return 44 touch $DIR/$tfile && echo "$DIR/$tfile created incorrectly" && return 45 [ -e $DIR/$tfile ] && echo "$DIR/$tfile exists incorrectly" && return 46 remount_client rw $MOUNT || return 47 touch $DIR/$tfile [ ! -f $DIR/$tfile ] && echo "$DIR/$tfile missing" && return 48 MCNT=`grep -c $MOUNT /etc/mtab` [ "$MCNT" -ne 1 ] && echo "$MOUNT in /etc/mtab $MCNT times" && return 49 umount_client $MOUNT stop_mds stop_ost } run_test 20 "remount ro,rw mounts work and doesn't break /etc/mtab" test_21a() { start_mds start_ost stop_ost stop_mds } run_test 21a "start mds before ost, stop ost first" test_21b() { start_ost start_mds stop_mds stop_ost } run_test 21b "start ost before mds, stop mds first" test_21c() { start_ost start_mds start_ost2 stop_ost stop_ost2 stop_mds } run_test 21c "start mds between two osts, stop mds last" test_22() { #reformat to remove all logs reformat start_mds echo Client mount with ost in logs, but none running start_ost stop_ost mount_client $MOUNT # check_mount will block trying to contact ost umount_client $MOUNT pass echo Client mount with a running ost start_ost mount_client $MOUNT check_mount || return 41 pass cleanup } run_test 22 "start a client before osts (should return errs)" test_23a() { # was test_23 setup # fail mds stop mds # force down client so that recovering mds waits for reconnect local running=$(grep -c $MOUNT /proc/mounts) || true if [ $running -ne 0 ]; then echo "Stopping client $MOUNT (opts: -f)" umount -f $MOUNT fi # enter recovery on mds start_mds # try to start a new client mount_client $MOUNT & sleep 5 MOUNT_PID=$(ps -ef | grep "t lustre" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') MOUNT_LUSTRE_PID=`ps -ef | grep mount.lustre | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` echo mount pid is ${MOUNT_PID}, mount.lustre pid is ${MOUNT_LUSTRE_PID} ps --ppid $MOUNT_PID ps --ppid $MOUNT_LUSTRE_PID # FIXME why o why can't I kill these? Manual "ctrl-c" works... kill -TERM $MOUNT_LUSTRE_PID echo "waiting for mount to finish" ps -ef | grep mount # we can not wait $MOUNT_PID because it is not a child of this shell local PID1 local PID2 local WAIT=0 local MAX_WAIT=20 local sleep=1 while [ "$WAIT" -lt "$MAX_WAIT" ]; do sleep $sleep PID1=$(ps -ef | awk '{print $2}' | grep -w $MOUNT_PID) PID2=$(ps -ef | awk '{print $2}' | grep -w $MOUNT_LUSTRE_PID) echo PID1=$PID1 echo PID2=$PID2 [ -z "$PID1" -a -z "$PID2" ] && break echo "waiting for mount to finish ... " WAIT=$(( WAIT + sleep)) done [ "$WAIT" -eq "$MAX_WAIT" ] && error "MOUNT_PID $MOUNT_PID and \ MOUNT__LUSTRE_PID $MOUNT__LUSTRE_PID still not killed in $WAIT secs" ps -ef | grep mount stop_mds || error stop_ost || error } run_test 23a "interrupt client during recovery mount delay" umount_client $MOUNT cleanup_nocli test_23b() { # was test_23 start_ost start_mds # Simulate -EINTR during mount OBD_FAIL_LDLM_CLOSE_THREAD lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000313 mount_client $MOUNT cleanup } run_test 23b "Simulate -EINTR during mount" fs2mds_HOST=$mds_HOST fs2ost_HOST=$ost_HOST cleanup_24a() { trap 0 echo "umount $MOUNT2 ..." umount $MOUNT2 || true echo "stopping fs2mds ..." stop fs2mds -f || true echo "stopping fs2ost ..." stop fs2ost -f || true } test_24a() { [ -n "$ost1_HOST" ] && fs2ost_HOST=$ost1_HOST if [ -z "$fs2ost_DEV" -o -z "$fs2mds_DEV" ]; then do_facet mds [ -b "$MDSDEV" ] && \ skip "mixed loopback and real device not working" && return fi local fs2mdsdev=${fs2mds_DEV:-${MDSDEV}_2} local fs2ostdev=${fs2ost_DEV:-$(ostdevname 1)_2} # test 8-char fsname as well local FSNAME2=test1234 add fs2mds $MDS_MKFS_OPTS --fsname=${FSNAME2} --nomgs --mgsnode=$MGSNID --reformat $fs2mdsdev || exit 10 add fs2ost $OST_MKFS_OPTS --fsname=${FSNAME2} --reformat $fs2ostdev || exit 10 setup start fs2mds $fs2mdsdev $MDS_MOUNT_OPTS && trap cleanup_24a EXIT INT start fs2ost $fs2ostdev $OST_MOUNT_OPTS mkdir -p $MOUNT2 mount -t lustre $MGSNID:/${FSNAME2} $MOUNT2 || return 1 # 1 still works check_mount || return 2 # files written on 1 should not show up on 2 cp /etc/passwd $DIR/$tfile sleep 10 [ -e $MOUNT2/$tfile ] && error "File bleed" && return 7 # 2 should work cp /etc/passwd $MOUNT2/b || return 3 rm $MOUNT2/b || return 4 # 2 is actually mounted grep $MOUNT2' ' /proc/mounts > /dev/null || return 5 # failover facet_failover fs2mds facet_failover fs2ost df umount_client $MOUNT # the MDS must remain up until last MDT stop_mds MDS=$(do_facet mds "lctl get_param -n devices" | awk '($3 ~ "mdt" && $4 ~ "MDS") { print $4 }') [ -z "$MDS" ] && error "No MDS" && return 8 cleanup_24a cleanup_nocli || return 6 } run_test 24a "Multiple MDTs on a single node" test_24b() { if [ -z "$fs2mds_DEV" ]; then do_facet mds [ -b "$MDSDEV" ] && \ skip "mixed loopback and real device not working" && return fi local fs2mdsdev=${fs2mds_DEV:-${MDSDEV}_2} add fs2mds $MDS_MKFS_OPTS --fsname=${FSNAME}2 --mgs --reformat $fs2mdsdev || exit 10 setup start fs2mds $fs2mdsdev $MDS_MOUNT_OPTS && return 2 cleanup || return 6 } run_test 24b "Multiple MGSs on a single node (should return err)" test_25() { setup check_mount || return 2 local MODULES=$($LCTL modules | awk '{ print $2 }') rmmod $MODULES 2>/dev/null || true cleanup || return 6 } run_test 25 "Verify modules are referenced" test_26() { load_modules # we need modules before mount for sysctl, so make sure... do_facet mds "lsmod | grep -q lustre || modprobe lustre" #define OBD_FAIL_MDS_FS_SETUP 0x135 do_facet mds "lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000135" start_mds && echo MDS started && return 1 lctl get_param -n devices DEVS=$(lctl get_param -n devices | wc -l) [ $DEVS -gt 0 ] && return 2 unload_modules || return 203 } run_test 26 "MDT startup failure cleans LOV (should return errs)" set_and_check() { local myfacet=$1 local TEST=$2 local PARAM=$3 local ORIG=$(do_facet $myfacet "$TEST") if [ $# -gt 3 ]; then local FINAL=$4 else local -i FINAL FINAL=$(($ORIG + 5)) fi echo "Setting $PARAM from $ORIG to $FINAL" do_facet mds "$LCTL conf_param $PARAM=$FINAL" || error conf_param failed local RESULT local MAX=90 local WAIT=0 while [ 1 ]; do sleep 5 RESULT=$(do_facet $myfacet "$TEST") if [ $RESULT -eq $FINAL ]; then echo "Updated config after $WAIT sec (got $RESULT)" break fi WAIT=$((WAIT + 5)) if [ $WAIT -eq $MAX ]; then echo "Config update not seen: wanted $FINAL got $RESULT" return 3 fi echo "Waiting $(($MAX - $WAIT)) secs for config update" done } test_27a() { start_ost || return 1 start_mds || return 2 echo "Requeue thread should have started: " ps -e | grep ll_cfg_requeue set_and_check ost1 "lctl get_param -n obdfilter.$FSNAME-OST0000.client_cache_seconds" "$FSNAME-OST0000.ost.client_cache_seconds" || return 3 cleanup_nocli } run_test 27a "Reacquire MGS lock if OST started first" test_27b() { setup facet_failover mds set_and_check mds "lctl get_param -n mds.$FSNAME-MDT0000.group_acquire_expire" "$FSNAME-MDT0000.mdt.group_acquire_expire" || return 3 set_and_check client "lctl get_param -n mdc.$FSNAME-MDT0000-mdc-*.max_rpcs_in_flight" "$FSNAME-MDT0000.mdc.max_rpcs_in_flight" || return 4 cleanup } run_test 27b "Reacquire MGS lock after failover" test_28() { setup TEST="lctl get_param -n llite.$FSNAME-*.max_read_ahead_whole_mb" ORIG=$($TEST) declare -i FINAL FINAL=$(($ORIG + 10)) set_and_check client "$TEST" "$FSNAME.llite.max_read_ahead_whole_mb" || return 3 set_and_check client "$TEST" "$FSNAME.llite.max_read_ahead_whole_mb" || return 3 umount_client $MOUNT || return 200 mount_client $MOUNT RESULT=$($TEST) if [ $RESULT -ne $FINAL ]; then echo "New config not seen: wanted $FINAL got $RESULT" return 4 else echo "New config success: got $RESULT" fi cleanup } run_test 28 "permanent parameter setting" test_29() { [ "$OSTCOUNT" -lt "2" ] && skip "$OSTCOUNT < 2, skipping" && return setup > /dev/null 2>&1 start_ost2 sleep 10 local PARAM="$FSNAME-OST0001.osc.active" local PROC_ACT="osc.$FSNAME-OST0001-osc-*.active" local PROC_UUID="osc.$FSNAME-OST0001-osc-*.ost_server_uuid" ACTV=$(lctl get_param -n $PROC_ACT) DEAC=$((1 - $ACTV)) set_and_check client "lctl get_param -n $PROC_ACT" "$PARAM" $DEAC || return 2 # also check ost_server_uuid status RESULT=$(lctl get_param -n $PROC_UUID | grep DEACTIV) if [ -z "$RESULT" ]; then echo "Live client not deactivated: $(lctl get_param -n $PROC_UUID)" return 3 else echo "Live client success: got $RESULT" fi # check MDT too local MPROC="osc.$FSNAME-OST0001-osc.active" local MAX=30 local WAIT=0 while [ 1 ]; do sleep 5 RESULT=`do_facet mds " lctl get_param -n $MPROC"` [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} = 0 ] || error "Can't read $MPROC" if [ $RESULT -eq $DEAC ]; then echo "MDT deactivated also after $WAIT sec (got $RESULT)" break fi WAIT=$((WAIT + 5)) if [ $WAIT -eq $MAX ]; then echo "MDT not deactivated: wanted $DEAC got $RESULT" return 4 fi echo "Waiting $(($MAX - $WAIT)) secs for MDT deactivated" done # test new client starts deactivated umount_client $MOUNT || return 200 mount_client $MOUNT RESULT=$(lctl get_param -n $PROC_UUID | grep DEACTIV | grep NEW) if [ -z "$RESULT" ]; then echo "New client not deactivated from start: $(lctl get_param -n $PROC_UUID)" return 5 else echo "New client success: got $RESULT" fi # make sure it reactivates set_and_check client "lctl get_param -n $PROC_ACT" "$PARAM" $ACTV || return 6 umount_client $MOUNT stop_ost2 cleanup_nocli #writeconf to remove all ost2 traces for subsequent tests writeconf start_mds start_ost cleanup } run_test 29 "permanently remove an OST" test_30() { setup TEST="lctl get_param -n llite.$FSNAME-*.max_read_ahead_whole_mb" ORIG=$($TEST) for i in $(seq 1 20); do set_and_check client "$TEST" "$FSNAME.llite.max_read_ahead_whole_mb" $i || return 3 done # make sure client restart still works umount_client $MOUNT mount_client $MOUNT || return 4 [ "$($TEST)" -ne "$i" ] && return 5 set_and_check client "$TEST" "$FSNAME.llite.max_read_ahead_whole_mb" $ORIG || return 6 cleanup } run_test 30 "Big config llog" test_31() { # bug 10734 # ipaddr must not exist mount -t lustre $MOUNT || true cleanup } run_test 31 "Connect to non-existent node (returns errors, should not crash)" test_32a() { # XXX - make this run on client-only systems with real hardware on # the OST and MDT # there appears to be a lot of assumption here about loopback # devices # or maybe this test is just totally useless on a client-only system [ "$NETTYPE" = "tcp" ] || { skip "NETTYPE != tcp" && return 0; } [ "$mds_HOST" = "`hostname`" ] || { skip "remote MDS" && return 0; } [ "$ost_HOST" = "`hostname`" -o "$ost1_HOST" = "`hostname`" ] || \ { skip "remote OST" && return 0; } [ -z "$TUNEFS" ] && skip "No tunefs" && return local DISK1_4=$LUSTRE/tests/disk1_4.zip [ ! -r $DISK1_4 ] && skip "Cant find $DISK1_4, skipping" && return local tmpdir=$TMP/conf32a unzip -o -j -d $tmpdir $DISK1_4 || { skip "Cant unzip $DISK1_4, skipping" && return ; } load_modules lctl set_param debug=$PTLDEBUG $TUNEFS $tmpdir/mds || error "tunefs failed" # nids are wrong, so client wont work, but server should start start mds $tmpdir/mds "-o loop,exclude=lustre-OST0000" || return 3 local UUID=$(lctl get_param -n mds.lustre-MDT0000.uuid) echo MDS uuid $UUID [ "$UUID" == "mdsA_UUID" ] || error "UUID is wrong: $UUID" $TUNEFS --mgsnode=`hostname` $tmpdir/ost1 || error "tunefs failed" start ost1 $tmpdir/ost1 "-o loop" || return 5 UUID=$(lctl get_param -n obdfilter.lustre-OST0000.uuid) echo OST uuid $UUID [ "$UUID" == "ost1_UUID" ] || error "UUID is wrong: $UUID" local NID=$($LCTL list_nids | head -1) echo "OSC changes should return err:" $LCTL conf_param lustre-OST0000.osc.max_dirty_mb=15 && return 7 $LCTL conf_param lustre-OST0000.failover.node=$NID && return 8 echo "ok." echo "MDC changes should succeed:" $LCTL conf_param lustre-MDT0000.mdc.max_rpcs_in_flight=9 || return 9 $LCTL conf_param lustre-MDT0000.failover.node=$NID || return 10 echo "ok." # With a new good MDT failover nid, we should be able to mount a client # (but it cant talk to OST) local OLDMOUNTOPT=$MOUNTOPT MOUNTOPT="exclude=lustre-OST0000" mount_client $MOUNT MOUNTOPT=$OLDMOUNTOPT set_and_check client "lctl get_param -n mdc.*.max_rpcs_in_flight" "lustre-MDT0000.mdc.max_rpcs_in_flight" || return 11 zconf_umount `hostname` $MOUNT -f cleanup_nocli load_modules # mount a second time to make sure we didnt leave upgrade flag on load_modules $TUNEFS --dryrun $tmpdir/mds || error "tunefs failed" load_modules start mds $tmpdir/mds "-o loop,exclude=lustre-OST0000" || return 12 cleanup_nocli rm -rf $tmpdir || true # true is only for TMP on NFS } run_test 32a "Upgrade from 1.4 (not live)" test_32b() { # XXX - make this run on client-only systems with real hardware on # the OST and MDT # there appears to be a lot of assumption here about loopback # devices # or maybe this test is just totally useless on a client-only system [ "$NETTYPE" = "tcp" ] || { skip "NETTYPE != tcp" && return 0; } [ "$mds_HOST" = "`hostname`" ] || { skip "remote MDS" && return 0; } [ "$ost_HOST" = "`hostname`" -o "$ost1_HOST" = "`hostname`" ] || \ { skip "remote OST" && return 0; } [ -z "$TUNEFS" ] && skip "No tunefs" && return local DISK1_4=$LUSTRE/tests/disk1_4.zip [ ! -r $DISK1_4 ] && skip "Cant find $DISK1_4, skipping" && return local tmpdir=$TMP/conf32b unzip -o -j -d $tmpdir $DISK1_4 || { skip "Cant unzip $DISK1_4, skipping" && return ; } load_modules lctl set_param debug=$PTLDEBUG NEWNAME=sofia # writeconf will cause servers to register with their current nids $TUNEFS --writeconf --fsname=$NEWNAME $tmpdir/mds || error "tunefs failed" start mds $tmpdir/mds "-o loop" || return 3 local UUID=$(lctl get_param -n mds.${NEWNAME}-MDT0000.uuid) echo MDS uuid $UUID [ "$UUID" == "mdsA_UUID" ] || error "UUID is wrong: $UUID" $TUNEFS --mgsnode=`hostname` --fsname=$NEWNAME --writeconf $tmpdir/ost1 || error "tunefs failed" start ost1 $tmpdir/ost1 "-o loop" || return 5 UUID=$(lctl get_param -n obdfilter.${NEWNAME}-OST0000.uuid) echo OST uuid $UUID [ "$UUID" == "ost1_UUID" ] || error "UUID is wrong: $UUID" echo "OSC changes should succeed:" $LCTL conf_param ${NEWNAME}-OST0000.osc.max_dirty_mb=15 || return 7 $LCTL conf_param ${NEWNAME}-OST0000.failover.node=$NID || return 8 echo "ok." echo "MDC changes should succeed:" $LCTL conf_param ${NEWNAME}-MDT0000.mdc.max_rpcs_in_flight=9 || return 9 echo "ok." # MDT and OST should have registered with new nids, so we should have # a fully-functioning client echo "Check client and old fs contents" OLDFS=$FSNAME FSNAME=$NEWNAME mount_client $MOUNT FSNAME=$OLDFS set_and_check client "lctl get_param -n mdc.*.max_rpcs_in_flight" "${NEWNAME}-MDT0000.mdc.max_rpcs_in_flight" || return 11 [ "$(cksum $MOUNT/passwd | cut -d' ' -f 1,2)" == "2479747619 779" ] || return 12 echo "ok." cleanup rm -rf $tmpdir || true # true is only for TMP on NFS } run_test 32b "Upgrade from 1.4 with writeconf" test_33a() { # bug 12333, was test_33 local rc=0 local FSNAME2=test-123 [ -n "$ost1_HOST" ] && fs2ost_HOST=$ost1_HOST if [ -z "$fs2ost_DEV" -o -z "$fs2mds_DEV" ]; then do_facet mds [ -b "$MDSDEV" ] && \ skip "mixed loopback and real device not working" && return fi local fs2mdsdev=${fs2mds_DEV:-${MDSDEV}_2} local fs2ostdev=${fs2ost_DEV:-$(ostdevname 1)_2} add fs2mds $MDS_MKFS_OPTS --fsname=${FSNAME2} --reformat $fs2mdsdev || exit 10 add fs2ost $OST_MKFS_OPTS --fsname=${FSNAME2} --index=8191 --mgsnode=$MGSNID --reformat $fs2ostdev || exit 10 start fs2mds $fs2mdsdev $MDS_MOUNT_OPTS && trap cleanup_24a EXIT INT start fs2ost $fs2ostdev $OST_MOUNT_OPTS do_facet mds "$LCTL conf_param $FSNAME2.sys.timeout=200" || rc=1 mkdir -p $MOUNT2 mount -t lustre $MGSNID:/${FSNAME2} $MOUNT2 || rc=2 echo "ok." umount -d $MOUNT2 stop fs2ost -f stop fs2mds -f rm -rf $MOUNT2 $fs2mdsdev $fs2ostdev cleanup_nocli || rc=6 return $rc } run_test 33a "Mount ost with a large index number" test_33b() { # was test_33a setup do_facet client dd if=/dev/zero of=$MOUNT/24 bs=1024k count=1 # Drop lock cancelation reply during umount #define OBD_FAIL_LDLM_CANCEL 0x304 do_facet client lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000304 #lctl set_param debug=-1 umount_client $MOUNT cleanup } run_test 33b "Drop cancel during umount" test_34a() { setup do_facet client "sh runmultiop_bg_pause $DIR/file O_c" manual_umount_client rc=$? do_facet client killall -USR1 multiop if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then error "umount not fail!" fi sleep 1 cleanup } run_test 34a "umount with opened file should be fail" test_34b() { setup touch $DIR/$tfile || return 1 stop_mds --force || return 2 manual_umount_client --force rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then error "mtab after failed umount - rc $rc" fi cleanup return 0 } run_test 34b "force umount with failed mds should be normal" test_34c() { setup touch $DIR/$tfile || return 1 stop_ost --force || return 2 manual_umount_client --force rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then error "mtab after failed umount - rc $rc" fi cleanup return 0 } run_test 34c "force umount with failed ost should be normal" test_35() { # bug 12459 setup debugsave lctl set_param debug="ha" log "Set up a fake failnode for the MDS" FAKENID="" do_facet mds $LCTL conf_param ${FSNAME}-MDT0000.failover.node=$FAKENID || return 4 log "Wait for RECONNECT_INTERVAL seconds (10s)" sleep 10 MSG="conf-sanity.sh test_35 `date +%F%kh%Mm%Ss`" $LCTL clear log "$MSG" log "Stopping the MDT:" stop_mds || return 5 df $MOUNT > /dev/null 2>&1 & DFPID=$! log "Restarting the MDT:" start_mds || return 6 log "Wait for df ($DFPID) ... " wait $DFPID log "done" debugrestore # retrieve from the log the first server that the client tried to # contact after the connection loss $LCTL dk $TMP/lustre-log-$TESTNAME.log NEXTCONN=`awk "/${MSG}/ {start = 1;} /import_select_connection.*${FSNAME}-MDT0000-mdc.* using connection/ { if (start) { if (\\\$NF ~ /$FAKENID/) print \\\$NF; else print 0; exit; } }" $TMP/lustre-log-$TESTNAME.log` [ "$NEXTCONN" != "0" ] && log "The client didn't try to reconnect to the last active server (tried ${NEXTCONN} instead)" && return 7 cleanup } run_test 35 "Reconnect to the last active server first" test_36() { # 12743 local rc local FSNAME2=test1234 local fs3ost_HOST=$ost_HOST [ -n "$ost1_HOST" ] && fs2ost_HOST=$ost1_HOST && fs3ost_HOST=$ost1_HOST rc=0 if [ -z "$fs2ost_DEV" -o -z "$fs2mds_DEV" -o -z "$fs3ost_DEV" ]; then do_facet mds [ -b "$MDSDEV" ] && \ skip "mixed loopback and real device not working" && return fi [ $OSTCOUNT -lt 2 ] && skip "skipping test for single OST" && return [ "$ost_HOST" = "`hostname`" -o "$ost1_HOST" = "`hostname`" ] || \ { skip "remote OST" && return 0; } local fs2mdsdev=${fs2mds_DEV:-${MDSDEV}_2} local fs2ostdev=${fs2ost_DEV:-$(ostdevname 1)_2} local fs3ostdev=${fs3ost_DEV:-$(ostdevname 2)_2} add fs2mds $MDS_MKFS_OPTS --fsname=${FSNAME2} --reformat $fs2mdsdev || exit 10 # XXX after we support non 4K disk blocksize, change following --mkfsoptions with # other argument add fs2ost $OST_MKFS_OPTS --mkfsoptions='-b4096' --fsname=${FSNAME2} --mgsnode=$MGSNID --reformat $fs2ostdev || exit 10 add fs3ost $OST_MKFS_OPTS --mkfsoptions='-b4096' --fsname=${FSNAME2} --mgsnode=$MGSNID --reformat $fs3ostdev || exit 10 start fs2mds $fs2mdsdev $MDS_MOUNT_OPTS start fs2ost $fs2ostdev $OST_MOUNT_OPTS start fs3ost $fs3ostdev $OST_MOUNT_OPTS mkdir -p $MOUNT2 mount -t lustre $MGSNID:/${FSNAME2} $MOUNT2 || return 1 sleep 5 # until 11778 fixed dd if=/dev/zero of=$MOUNT2/$tfile bs=1M count=7 || return 2 BKTOTAL=`lctl get_param -n obdfilter.*.kbytestotal | awk 'BEGIN{total=0}; {total+=$1}; END{print total}'` BKFREE=`lctl get_param -n obdfilter.*.kbytesfree | awk 'BEGIN{free=0}; {free+=$1}; END{print free}'` BKAVAIL=`lctl get_param -n obdfilter.*.kbytesavail | awk 'BEGIN{avail=0}; {avail+=$1}; END{print avail}'` STRING=`df -P $MOUNT2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2","$3","$4}'` DFTOTAL=`echo $STRING | cut -d, -f1` DFUSED=`echo $STRING | cut -d, -f2` DFAVAIL=`echo $STRING | cut -d, -f3` DFFREE=$(($DFTOTAL - $DFUSED)) ALLOWANCE=$((64 * $OSTCOUNT)) if [ $DFTOTAL -lt $(($BKTOTAL - $ALLOWANCE)) ] || [ $DFTOTAL -gt $(($BKTOTAL + $ALLOWANCE)) ] ; then echo "**** FAIL: df total($DFTOTAL) mismatch OST total($BKTOTAL)" rc=1 fi if [ $DFFREE -lt $(($BKFREE - $ALLOWANCE)) ] || [ $DFFREE -gt $(($BKFREE + $ALLOWANCE)) ] ; then echo "**** FAIL: df free($DFFREE) mismatch OST free($BKFREE)" rc=2 fi if [ $DFAVAIL -lt $(($BKAVAIL - $ALLOWANCE)) ] || [ $DFAVAIL -gt $(($BKAVAIL + $ALLOWANCE)) ] ; then echo "**** FAIL: df avail($DFAVAIL) mismatch OST avail($BKAVAIL)" rc=3 fi umount -d $MOUNT2 stop fs3ost -f || return 200 stop fs2ost -f || return 201 stop fs2mds -f || return 202 rm -rf $MOUNT2 $fs2mdsdev $fs2ostdev $fs3ostdev unload_modules || return 203 return $rc } run_test 36 "df report consistency on OSTs with different block size" test_37() { [ -n "$CLIENTONLY" -o -n "$CLIENTMODSONLY" ] && skip "client only testing" && return 0 LOCAL_MDSDEV="$TMP/mdt.img" SYM_MDSDEV="$TMP/sym_mdt.img" echo "MDS : $LOCAL_MDSDEV" echo "SYMLINK : $SYM_MDSDEV" rm -f $LOCAL_MDSDEV touch $LOCAL_MDSDEV mkfs.lustre --reformat --fsname=lustre --mdt --mgs --device-size=9000 $LOCAL_MDSDEV || error "mkfs.lustre $LOCAL_MDSDEV failed" ln -s $LOCAL_MDSDEV $SYM_MDSDEV echo "mount symlink device - $SYM_MDSDEV" mount_op=`mount -v -t lustre -o loop $SYM_MDSDEV ${MOUNT%/*}/mds 2>&1 | grep "unable to set tunable"` umount -d ${MOUNT%/*}/mds rm -f $LOCAL_MDSDEV $SYM_MDSDEV if [ -n "$mount_op" ]; then error "**** FAIL: set tunables failed for symlink device" fi return 0 } run_test 37 "verify set tunables works for symlink device" test_38() { # bug 14222 setup # like runtests COUNT=10 SRC="/etc /bin" FILES=`find $SRC -type f -mtime +1 | head -n $COUNT` log "copying $(echo $FILES | wc -w) files to $DIR/$tdir" mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir tar cf - $FILES | tar xf - -C $DIR/$tdir || \ error "copying $SRC to $DIR/$tdir" sync umount_client $MOUNT stop_mds log "rename lov_objid file on MDS" rm -f $TMP/lov_objid.orig do_facet mds "debugfs -c -R \\\"dump lov_objid $TMP/lov_objid.orig\\\" $MDSDEV" do_facet mds "debugfs -w -R \\\"rm lov_objid\\\" $MDSDEV" do_facet mds "od -Ax -td8 $TMP/lov_objid.orig" # check create in mds_lov_connect start_mds mount_client $MOUNT for f in $FILES; do [ $V ] && log "verifying $DIR/$tdir/$f" diff -q $f $DIR/$tdir/$f || ERROR=y done do_facet mds "debugfs -c -R \\\"dump lov_objid $TMP/lov_objid.new\\\" $MDSDEV" do_facet mds "od -Ax -td8 $TMP/lov_objid.new" [ "$ERROR" = "y" ] && error "old and new files are different after connect" || true # check it's updates in sync umount_client $MOUNT stop_mds do_facet mds dd if=/dev/zero of=$TMP/lov_objid.clear bs=4096 count=1 do_facet mds "debugfs -w -R \\\"rm lov_objid\\\" $MDSDEV" do_facet mds "debugfs -w -R \\\"write $TMP/lov_objid.clear lov_objid\\\" $MDSDEV " start_mds mount_client $MOUNT for f in $FILES; do [ $V ] && log "verifying $DIR/$tdir/$f" diff -q $f $DIR/$tdir/$f || ERROR=y done do_facet mds "debugfs -c -R \\\"dump lov_objid $TMP/lov_objid.new1\\\" $MDSDEV" do_facet mds "od -Ax -td8 $TMP/lov_objid.new1" umount_client $MOUNT stop_mds [ "$ERROR" = "y" ] && error "old and new files are different after sync" || true log "files compared the same" cleanup } run_test 38 "MDS recreates missing lov_objid file from OST data" test_39() { #bug 14413 PTLDEBUG=+malloc setup cleanup perl $SRCDIR/leak_finder.pl $TMP/debug 2>&1 | egrep '*** Leak:' && error "memory leak detected" || true } run_test 39 "leak_finder recognizes both LUSTRE and LNET malloc messages" test_40() { # bug 15759 start_ost #define OBD_FAIL_TGT_TOOMANY_THREADS 0x706 do_facet mds "lctl set_param fail_loc=0x80000706" start_mds cleanup } run_test 40 "race during service thread startup" test_41() { #bug 14134 local rc start mds $MDSDEV $MDS_MOUNT_OPTS -o nosvc -n start ost1 `ostdevname 1` $OST_MOUNT_OPTS start mds $MDSDEV $MDS_MOUNT_OPTS -o nomgs mkdir -p $MOUNT mount_client $MOUNT || return 1 sleep 5 echo "blah blah" > $MOUNT/$tfile cat $MOUNT/$tfile umount_client $MOUNT stop ost1 -f || return 201 stop mds -f || return 202 stop mds -f || return 203 unload_modules || return 204 return $rc } run_test 41 "mount mds with --nosvc and --nomgs" test_42() { #bug 14693 setup check_mount || return 2 do_facet client lctl conf_param lustre.llite.some_wrong_param=10 umount_client $MOUNT mount_client $MOUNT || return 1 cleanup return 0 } run_test 42 "invalid config param should not prevent client from mounting" test_43() { #bug 15993 setup VERSION_1_8=$(do_facet mds $LCTL get_param version | grep ^lustre.*1\.[78]) if [ -z "$VERSION_1_8" ]; then skip "skipping test for non 1.8 MDS" cleanup return 0 fi check_mount || return 2 testfile=$DIR/$tfile lma="this-should-be-removed-after-remount-and-accessed" touch $testfile echo "set/get trusted.lma" setfattr -n trusted.lma -v $lma $testfile || error "create common EA" ATTR=$(getfattr -n trusted.lma $testfile 2> /dev/null | grep trusted.lma) [ "$ATTR" = "trusted.lma=\"$lma\"" ] || error "check common EA" umount_client $MOUNT stop_mds sleep 5 start_mds mount_client $MOUNT check_mount || return 3 #define OBD_FAIL_MDS_REMOVE_COMMON_EA 0x13e do_facet mds "lctl set_param fail_loc=0x13e" stat $testfile do_facet mds "lctl set_param fail_loc=0" getfattr -d -m trusted $testfile 2> /dev/null | \ grep "trusted.lma" && error "common EA not removed" || true cleanup return 0 } run_test 43 "remove common EA if it exists" test_44() { # 16317 setup check_mount || return 2 UUID=$($LCTL get_param llite.${FSNAME}*.uuid | cut -d= -f2) STATS_FOUND=no UUIDS=$(do_facet mds "$LCTL get_param mds.${FSNAME}*.exports.*.uuid") for VAL in $UUIDS; do NID=$(echo $VAL | cut -d= -f1) CLUUID=$(echo $VAL | cut -d= -f2) [ "$UUID" = "$CLUUID" ] && STATS_FOUND=yes && break done [ "$STATS_FOUND" = "no" ] && error "stats not found for client" cleanup return 0 } run_test 44 "mounted client proc entry exists" equals_msg `basename $0`: test complete [ -f "$TESTSUITELOG" ] && cat $TESTSUITELOG || true