#!/bin/sh set -e # bug 2986 ALWAYS_EXCEPT="20b" LUSTRE=${LUSTRE:-`dirname $0`/..} UPCALL=${UPCALL:-$PWD/recovery-small-upcall.sh} . $LUSTRE/tests/test-framework.sh init_test_env $@ . ${CONFIG:=$LUSTRE/tests/cfg/lmv.sh} build_test_filter assert_env MDSCOUNT # Allow us to override the setup if we already have a mounted system by # setting SETUP=" " and CLEANUP=" " SETUP=${SETUP:-"setup"} CLEANUP=${CLEANUP:-"cleanup"} gen_config() { rm -f $XMLCONFIG if [ "$MDSCOUNT" -gt 1 ]; then add_lmv lmv1 for mds in `mds_list`; do MDSDEV=$TMP/${mds}-`hostname` add_mds $mds --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE --lmv lmv1 done add_lov_to_lmv lov1 lmv1 --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES \ --stripe_cnt $STRIPES_PER_OBJ --stripe_pattern 0 MDS=lmv1 else add_mds mds1 --dev $MDSDEV --size $MDSSIZE add_lov lov1 mds1 --stripe_sz $STRIPE_BYTES \ --stripe_cnt $STRIPES_PER_OBJ --stripe_pattern 0 MDS=mds1_svc fi add_ost ost --lov lov1 --dev $OSTDEV --size $OSTSIZE add_ost ost2 --lov lov1 --dev ${OSTDEV}-2 --size $OSTSIZE add_client client --mds ${MDS} --lov lov1 --path $MOUNT } setup() { gen_config start ost --reformat $OSTLCONFARGS start ost2 --reformat $OSTLCONFARGS [ "$DAEMONFILE" ] && $LCTL debug_daemon start $DAEMONFILE $DAEMONSIZE for mds in `mds_list`; do start $mds --reformat $MDSLCONFARGS done grep " $MOUNT " /proc/mounts || zconf_mount `hostname` $MOUNT } cleanup() { zconf_umount `hostname` $MOUNT for mds in `mds_list`; do stop $mds ${FORCE} $MDSLCONFARGS done stop ost2 ${FORCE} --dump cleanup.log stop ost ${FORCE} --dump cleanup.log } if [ ! -z "$EVAL" ]; then eval "$EVAL" exit $? fi if [ "$ONLY" == "setup" ]; then setup exit fi if [ "$ONLY" == "cleanup" ]; then sysctl -w portals.debug=0 || true cleanup exit fi REFORMAT=--reformat $SETUP unset REFORMAT test_1() { drop_request "mcreate $MOUNT/1" || return 1 drop_reint_reply "mcreate $MOUNT/2" || return 2 } run_test 1 "mcreate: drop req, drop rep" test_2() { drop_request "tchmod 111 $MOUNT/2" || return 1 drop_reint_reply "tchmod 666 $MOUNT/2" || return 2 } run_test 2 "chmod: drop req, drop rep" test_3() { drop_request "statone $MOUNT/2" || return 1 drop_reply "statone $MOUNT/2" || return 2 } run_test 3 "stat: drop req, drop rep" test_4() { do_facet client "cp /etc/resolv.conf $MOUNT/resolv.conf" || return 1 drop_request "cat $MOUNT/resolv.conf > /dev/null" || return 2 drop_reply "cat $MOUNT/resolv.conf > /dev/null" || return 3 } run_test 4 "open: drop req, drop rep" test_5() { drop_request "mv $MOUNT/resolv.conf $MOUNT/renamed" || return 1 drop_reint_reply "mv $MOUNT/renamed $MOUNT/renamed-again" || return 2 do_facet client "checkstat -v $MOUNT/renamed-again" || return 3 } run_test 5 "rename: drop req, drop rep" test_6() { drop_request "mlink $MOUNT/renamed-again $MOUNT/link1" || return 1 drop_reint_reply "mlink $MOUNT/renamed-again $MOUNT/link2" || return 2 } run_test 6 "link: drop req, drop rep" test_7() { drop_request "munlink $MOUNT/link1" || return 1 drop_reint_reply "munlink $MOUNT/link2" || return 2 } run_test 7 "unlink: drop req, drop rep" #bug 1423 test_8() { drop_reint_reply "touch $MOUNT/renamed" || return 1 } run_test 8 "touch: drop rep (bug 1423)" #bug 1420 test_9() { pause_bulk "cp /etc/profile $MOUNT" || return 1 do_facet client "cp /etc/termcap $MOUNT" || return 2 do_facet client "sync" do_facet client "rm $MOUNT/termcap $MOUNT/profile" || return 3 } run_test 9 "pause bulk on OST (bug 1420)" #bug 1521 test_10() { do_facet client mcreate $MOUNT/f10 || return 1 drop_bl_callback "chmod 0777 $MOUNT/f10" || return 2 # wait for the mds to evict the client #echo "sleep $(($TIMEOUT*2))" #sleep $(($TIMEOUT*2)) do_facet client touch $MOUNT/f10 || echo "touch failed, evicted" do_facet client checkstat -v -p 0777 $MOUNT/f10 || return 3 do_facet client "munlink $MOUNT/f10" } run_test 10 "finish request on server after client eviction (bug 1521)" #bug 2460 # wake up a thead waiting for completion after eviction test_11(){ do_facet client multiop $MOUNT/$tfile Ow || return 1 do_facet client multiop $MOUNT/$tfile or || return 2 cancel_lru_locks OSC do_facet client multiop $MOUNT/$tfile or || return 3 drop_bl_callback multiop $MOUNT/$tfile Ow || echo "client evicted, as expected" do_facet client munlink $MOUNT/$tfile || return 4 } run_test 11 "wake up a thead waiting for completion after eviction (b=2460)" #b=2494 test_12(){ $LCTL mark multiop $MOUNT/$tfile OS_c do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x115" clear_failloc mds $((TIMEOUT * 2)) & multiop $MOUNT/$tfile OS_c & PID=$! #define OBD_FAIL_MDS_CLOSE_NET 0x115 sleep 2 kill -USR1 $PID echo "waiting for multiop $PID" wait $PID || return 2 do_facet client munlink $MOUNT/$tfile || return 3 } run_test 12 "recover from timed out resend in ptlrpcd (b=2494)" # Bug 113, check that readdir lost recv timeout works. test_13() { mkdir /mnt/lustre/readdir touch /mnt/lustre/readdir/newentry # OBD_FAIL_MDS_READPAGE_NET|OBD_FAIL_ONCE do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000104" ls /mnt/lustre/readdir || return 1 do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0" rm -rf /mnt/lustre/readdir } run_test 13 "mdc_readpage restart test (bug 1138)" # Bug 113, check that readdir lost send timeout works. test_14() { mkdir /mnt/lustre/readdir touch /mnt/lustre/readdir/newentry # OBD_FAIL_MDS_SENDPAGE|OBD_FAIL_ONCE do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000106" ls /mnt/lustre/readdir || return 1 do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0" } run_test 14 "mdc_readpage resend test (bug 1138)" test_15() { do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000128" touch $DIR/$tfile && return 1 return 0 } run_test 15 "failed open (-ENOMEM)" stop_read_ahead() { for f in /proc/fs/lustre/llite/*/read_ahead; do echo 0 > $f done } start_read_ahead() { for f in /proc/fs/lustre/llite/*/read_ahead; do echo 1 > $f done } test_16() { do_facet client cp /etc/termcap $MOUNT sync stop_read_ahead #define OBD_FAIL_PTLRPC_BULK_PUT_NET 0x504 | OBD_FAIL_ONCE sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000504 cancel_lru_locks OSC # will get evicted here do_facet client "cmp /etc/termcap $MOUNT/termcap" && return 1 sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0 # give recovery a chance to finish (shouldn't take long) sleep $TIMEOUT do_facet client "cmp /etc/termcap $MOUNT/termcap" || return 2 start_read_ahead } run_test 16 "timeout bulk put, evict client (2732)" test_17() { # OBD_FAIL_PTLRPC_BULK_GET_NET 0x0503 | OBD_FAIL_ONCE # client will get evicted here sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000503 do_facet client cp /etc/termcap $DIR/$tfile sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0 sleep $TIMEOUT # expect cmp to fail do_facet client "cmp /etc/termcap $DIR/$tfile" && return 1 do_facet client "rm $DIR/$tfile" || return 2 return 0 } run_test 17 "timeout bulk get, evict client (2732)" test_18a() { do_facet client mkdir -p $MOUNT/$tdir f=$MOUNT/$tdir/$tfile cancel_lru_locks OSC pgcache_empty || return 1 # 1 stripe on ost2 lfs setstripe $f $((128 * 1024)) 1 1 do_facet client cp /etc/termcap $f sync local osc2_dev=`$LCTL device_list | \ awk '(/ost2.*client_facet/){print $4}' ` $LCTL --device %$osc2_dev deactivate # my understanding is that there should be nothing in the page # cache after the client reconnects? rc=0 pgcache_empty || rc=2 $LCTL --device %$osc2_dev activate rm -f $f return $rc } run_test 18a "manual ost invalidate clears page cache immediately" test_18b() { # OBD_FAIL_PTLRPC_BULK_PUT_NET|OBD_FAIL_ONCE do_facet client mkdir -p $MOUNT/$tdir f=$MOUNT/$tdir/$tfile f2=$MOUNT/$tdir/${tfile}-2 cancel_lru_locks OSC pgcache_empty || return 1 # shouldn't have to set stripe size of count==1 lfs setstripe $f $((128 * 1024)) 0 1 lfs setstripe $f2 $((128 * 1024)) 0 1 do_facet client cp /etc/termcap $f sync # just use this write to trigger the client's eviction from the ost sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000503 do_facet client dd if=/dev/zero of=$f2 bs=4k count=1 sync sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0 # allow recovery to complete sleep $((TIMEOUT + 2)) # my understanding is that there should be nothing in the page # cache after the client reconnects? rc=0 pgcache_empty || rc=2 rm -f $f $f2 return $rc } run_test 18b "eviction and reconnect clears page cache (2766)" test_19a() { f=$MOUNT/$tfile do_facet client mcreate $f || return 1 drop_ldlm_cancel "chmod 0777 $f" || echo evicted do_facet client checkstat -v -p 0777 $f || echo evicted do_facet client "munlink $f" } run_test 19a "test expired_lock_main on mds (2867)" test_19b() { f=$MOUNT/$tfile do_facet client multiop $f Ow || return 1 do_facet client multiop $f or || return 2 cancel_lru_locks OSC do_facet client multiop $f or || return 3 drop_ldlm_cancel multiop $f Ow || echo "client evicted, as expected" do_facet client munlink $f || return 4 } run_test 19b "test expired_lock_main on ost (2867)" test_20a() { # bug 2983 - ldlm_handle_enqueue cleanup mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir multiop $DIR/$tdir/${tfile} O_wc & MULTI_PID=$! usleep 500 cancel_lru_locks OSC #define OBD_FAIL_LDLM_ENQUEUE_EXTENT_ERR 0x308 do_facet ost sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000308 kill -USR1 $MULTI_PID wait $MULTI_PID rc=$? [ $rc -eq 0 ] && error "multiop didn't fail enqueue: rc $rc" || true } run_test 20a "ldlm_handle_enqueue error (should return error)" test_20b() { # bug 2986 - ldlm_handle_enqueue error during open mkdir -p $DIR/$tdir touch $DIR/$tdir/${tfile} cancel_lru_locks OSC #define OBD_FAIL_LDLM_ENQUEUE_EXTENT_ERR 0x308 do_facet ost sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000308 dd if=/etc/hosts of=$DIR/$tdir/$tfile && \ error "didn't fail open enqueue" || true } run_test 20b "ldlm_handle_enqueue error (should return error)" $CLEANUP