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This is a small project which creates an interface between ZeroMQ and NIs Shared Variables. One can run the executable on any node with access to all the needed SVs. Note that the ZeroMQ LabVIEW library needs to be installed to run the source code.
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debian-packages / ruby-mixlib-authentication
Apache License 2.0Debian packaging of mixlib-authentication with patches for ssh-agent based authentication (for knife)
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A vagrant test environment utilising the redirectoToLocal plug-in
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Created on the base of Hans-Joerg Scherer's and work: https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Code/Allan-Variance-Code-LV-9-0-1/ta-p/3502437
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CS Classes for digital input output devices. This should be included as submodule in the CSClass folder. Note that some of the classes need instrument drivers to be installed in the instr.lib folder.
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EKS / Python / MQTT-SQLite-Logger
European Union Public License 1.2The program can be used to log MQTT-Topics to SQLite database. It can also be used to query the SQLite database via MQTT.
Published under EUPL V. 1.1.
Copyright 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
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MQTT project publishing some values and monitoring alerts published by InfluxDB.
Copyright 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Published under EUPL.
Acknowledgements: Inpired by http://www.steves-internet-guide.
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t.-h.kruse / recordparser
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis tool converts a C/C++ header file that describes the register map of a peripheral in an FPGA into a json or into a Avalon MM Slave (VHDL) wrapper
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debian-packages / vagrant-proxyconf
MIT LicenseUpdated -
CS classes for frequency generators. This shold be included as submodul in the CSClass folder. Note that these classes require device drivers which should be included in Instr.lib.