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EKS / Python / ACDAQ / PyAcdaq
European Union Public License 1.2PyAcdaq is a Python library for Automation Control & Data Acquisition System. Published under EUPL. Copyright 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
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silecs / opensilecs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyFramework which can be used to configure and access PLC systems via FESA
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Python utils for analysing data from various beam diagnostic systems like BPM, IPM, scalars, turn-by-turn data etc. in a unified simplistic manner
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A module to manage Java dependencies across multiple Python packages
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Philipp Niedermayer / Software Radio Beam Exciter
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyGNU Radio flowgraphs and code for use with a Software Defined Radio such as Ettus USRP as triggered signal generator for transverse beam excitation
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A template to be used as starting point for new MQTT projects.
Copyright 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Published under EUPL.
Acknowledgements: Inpired by http://www.steves-internet-guide.
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This project adds the ZeroMQ protocoll to CS++. Note that one has to install the ZeroMQ library into the LabVIEW vi.lib directory either by installing it from https://labview-zmq.sourceforge.io/ (recommended) or by copying it manually.
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KiCad PCB design of the Beam Loss Monitor Quad IFC Service Terminal.
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This is a simulation for the Minibeams project, adapted from C. Schuy's version.
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