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CHEF / cookbooks / base
Apache License 2.0Updated -
debian-packages / chef / test-kitchen
Apache License 2.0Debian packaging for test-kitchen forked from https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/test-kitchen
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Debian packaging of the Chef fork of the lvm-attrib ruby gem
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Debian-packaging of the Chef-specific fork of ruby-lvm [Sic!]
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debian-packages / chef-handler-mail
Apache License 2.0Chef handler to send mails on chef-client execution
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debian-packages / ruby-chef-vault
Apache License 2.0Updated -
debian-packages / test-kitchen-driver-vagrant
Apache License 2.0Updated -
debian-packages / ruby-mixlib-authentication
Apache License 2.0Debian packaging of mixlib-authentication with patches for ssh-agent based authentication (for knife)