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Example DSC-IO-Server communication with the Instrument Simulator.
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Driver for a special oscilloscope application based on an FPGA card (5170) from NI for VITO@CERN.
An additional NI driver has to be installed: LabVIEW Instruments Design Libraries for Reconfigurable Oscilloscopes
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EE-LV / Drivers / NI-FPGA-PPG
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis is a driver for an FPGA based pulsed pattern generator. It can be used with the 7811 and 7813 cards from NI.
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Driver for a Multi-Channel-Scaler (MCS) based on an FPGA card (781x) from NI.
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This CSPP-Template.lvproj is used to develop an application based on NI ActorFramework and CS++ libraries.
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MGC647C Instrument Driver
Lizenziert unter EUPL V. 1.1 Copyright 2012 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Dr. Holger Brand, EE/KS Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
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Created on the base of Hans-Joerg Scherer's and work: https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Code/Allan-Variance-Code-LV-9-0-1/ta-p/3502437
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LabVIEW advanced course teaching some important features of LabVIEW.
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Private copy of Leybold's CENTER TWO/THREE LabVIEW instrument driver. http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_web_display.model_page?p_model_id=9991
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Private copy of Leybold's CENTER ONE LabVIEW instrument driver. http://sine.ni.com/apps/utf8/niid_web_display.model_page?p_model_id=9993
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This project is used to develop laser cooling and laser spectroscopy at ESR/SIS-100 based on NI ActorFramework and CS++ libraries.
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EE-LV / EE-HB / IonBeamView
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA LabVIEW project dealing with IMAQdx and Vision for ion beam monitoring and analysis.
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EE-LV / Drivers / InstrSim
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis is the Instrument Driver Project for the NI Instrument Simulator.
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phelix / LV / imagesource
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterLabVIEW driver framework for various real and simulated cameras used at PHELIX.