Explore projects
This is a copy of the NI Actor Framework.
It includes a branch 'feature/QPileup', that allows for monitoring of the number of messages in the priority messages queues. To use it, replace \vi.lib\ActorFramework with this branch.Updated -
Introduction to NI's Actor Framework. To be used in Hands-on Workshop. Each commit is a partial extension to the complete solution.
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Control and reead out the process values from BINDER Mk53 climate chamber.
Published under EUPL v1.1.
Copyright 2018 A.Lymanets@gsi.de
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH CBM, Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
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Driver for the ColdValve for Artemis which uses a device based on the GSISwitch by H.Hahn. Note that you need the SDEX driver to be installed as well.
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This submodule is used to develop the COMPACT specific stuff and is based on LVOOP, NI Actor Framework and CS++.
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A standalone program which reads out the data from an CSPP ini file and creates SVs for an instance, which are bound to already existing ones (for example I/O variables of an OPC server). Afterwards the ini file might need to be changed.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis is the main project of the CS-framework. It can be used as a starting point for all further developments within the CS.
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CS++.lvproj is used to develop the successor of the CS Framework. CS++ is be based on native LabVIEW classes and the Actor Framework. CS++ will follow the KISS principle: "Keep It Smart & Simple".
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CS++.lvproj is used to develop the successor of the CS Framework. CS++ is be based on native LabVIEW classes and the Actor Framework. CS++ will follow the KISS principle: "Keep It Smart & Simple".
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CSPP_AccRest extends the CSPP_Core package of the CSPP_-Project. It contains a derived classes of CSPP_Monitor and CSPP_PVConnection. Refer also to https://www-acc.gsi.de/wiki/Service/JapcRestService. Published under EUPL.
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This package adds different acquisition actor classes to CS++.
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This package includes several application layer GUIs for different CSPP applications.
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CSPP_Core.lvproj provides the CS++core system, some libraries, classes and actors. CS++ is based on native LabVIEW classes and the NI Actor Framework.
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CSPP_Core.lvproj provides the CS++core system, some libraries, classes and actors. CS++ is based on native LabVIEW classes and the NI Actor Framework.
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CSPP_DeviceBase extends the CSPP_Core package of the CS++-Project.
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CSPP_DSC extends the CSPP_Core package of the CS++-Project.
It contains a derived classes of CS++SVMonitor, CS++MessageLogger and in addition CS++DSCManager, CSPPDSCAlarmViewer, CSPPDSCTrendViewer.