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k.fugiel / cabad
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0circular acquisition buffer for accelerator devices
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Debian packaging of the Chef fork of the lvm-attrib ruby gem
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s.kuschel / postpic
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Tools for calibrating and monitoring HADES forward detector
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OtherLabVIEW Interface for DIM (Distributed Information Managmenet, see http://www.cern.ch/DIM). For more detailed information check the wiki of this repository. Note also that you have to checkout the correct branch for your LabVIEW and DIM version.
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A shell script to fetch the binaries from the alice.cern.ch CVMFS repository for a specific environment tag and to build a Singularity image for a standalone environment container, which can be run on a system where CVMFS is not available.
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Christopher Huhn / debutant
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyFramework to automate the download and (re-)packaging of commercial software as Debian packages
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Trying to get legacy FPGA software to run on a current system using Docker.