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A shell script to fetch the binaries from alice.cern.ch cvmfs repository for a specific environment tag and builds a singularity image for a standalone environment container
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A shell script to fetch the binaries from the alice.cern.ch CVMFS repository for a specific environment tag and to build a Singularity image for a standalone environment container, which can be run on a system where CVMFS is not available.
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Submit scripts using local storage for the 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code [Artis] (https://github.com/artis-mcrt/artis).
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Top-level build scripts to create the "GSI Slurm Packages" rpm repos
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acc / cabad
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0circular acquisition buffer for accelerator devices
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s.kupiecki / cabad
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0circular acquisition buffer for accelerator devices
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k.fugiel / cabad
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0circular acquisition buffer for accelerator devices
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Christian Tacke / chef-cookbook-sys
Apache License 2.0The "sys" cookbook helps integrating a (Debian) node into a computing site. It configures various services in a single cookbook eg. apt repositories, automount, NTP, IPMI BMCs, postfix, SNMP, aso.
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A module to manage Java dependencies across multiple Python packages
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Slides and code for my cpp user group talk on c++ webassembly: https://git.gsi.de/SDE/cxx-user-group/-/issues/38