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This project adds the ZeroMQ protocoll to CS++. Note that one has to install the ZeroMQ library into the LabVIEW vi.lib directory either by installing it from https://labview-zmq.sourceforge.io/ (recommended) or by copying it manually.
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This is a small project which creates an interface between ZeroMQ and NIs Shared Variables. One can run the executable on any node with access to all the needed SVs. Note that the ZeroMQ LabVIEW library needs to be installed to run the source code.
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A prototype datalake built with xrootd. Multiple sites, global redirector
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MQTT project publishing some values and monitoring alerts published by InfluxDB.
Copyright 2022 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Published under EUPL.
Acknowledgements: Inpired by http://www.steves-internet-guide.
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CSPP_MQTT extends the CSPP_Core package of the CSPP_-Project. It contains derived classes of CSPP_PVConnection and CSPP_PVMonitor. Refer to https://git.gsi.de/EE-LV/CSPP/CSPP/-/wikis/home for CS++ project overview, details. Published under EUPL
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This is an interface between UPC UA and MQTT written in Python. It is bases on the asyncua library (for OPC) and paho library (for MQTT)
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This is a simulation for the Minibeams project, adapted from C. Schuy's version.
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Uses Poetry, Django and Rest Framework to create a very simple REST API web application. Uses LV2020 for client side. Implements GRUD operations.