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The "sys" cookbook helps integrating a (Debian) node into a computing site. It configures various services in a single cookbook eg. apt repositories, automount, NTP, IPMI BMCs, postfix, SNMP, aso.
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Debian packaging for ruby-oci8 (Ruby Oracle Client)
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Framework to automate the download and (re-)packaging of commercial software as Debian packages
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LabVIEW library for handling Git repository information.
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RCF_EnergyLoss_GUI Matlab routines for calculating energy loss of protons/deuterons in given materials.
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RCF_NIKON_postprocessor Matlab scripts to handle scanned RCF films.
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RCF_Spectrum_GUI Matlab scripts for proper RCF film analysis.
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LabVIEW driver framework for various real and simulated cameras used at PHELIX.
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ZernikePolynome fork of https://github.com/HB-BNT/ZernikePolynome.git
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Software zur Steuerung einer Produktionsanlage für gewickelte Faserverbundwerkstoffe, welche im Rahmen des PANDA-Projekts Anwendung finden wird.
Author: D.Krebs@gsi.de, H.Brand@gsi.de Copyright 2017 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
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This library contain the subVIs to used for motion control with NI-9503.
Copyright 2017 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH D.Krebs@gsi.de, H.Brand@gsi.de Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
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LabVIEW Interface for DIM (Distributed Information Managmenet, see http://www.cern.ch/DIM). For more detailed information check the wiki of this repository. Note also that you have to checkout the correct branch for your LabVIEW and DIM version.
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These are the main components of the CS-framework. Note that they are mandatory. They are automatically included as submodule in the CSMain and have to installed in the CSClass folder.
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CS Classes for digital input output devices. This should be included as submodule in the CSClass folder. Note that some of the classes need instrument drivers to be installed in the instr.lib folder.
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CS classes for step motors. This submodule should be installed in the CSClass folder. Note that the NanotecSMCPD needs a device driver installed in instr.lib.