- Allow the usage of Enums in a silecsdesign (#16) - Use correct Fesa Version for first time codegen (#104) - Restrict usable characters for "silecs-device-label" (#97) - Fix string array build-time error (#95) - Improve script for automated yocto deployment (#94) - Semi-automated integration testing by running a FESA class (#106) - Simplified lookup parameter files (#93) - Add fesa-device-name as comment to related entries in *.scl file (#92) - Dropped unused/incomplete features "shared connection" (#89) - Dropped unused/incomplete features "synchro mode" (#88) - Simplify/Allow usage of Block Mode in Fesa (#25) - Multiple refactorings of silecs internal C++ code
- Reverted "Support for DTL time format (#47)" for 2.x.x branch, since it would be required to restart operational PLC's. - renamed build-target from 'x86_64-yocto' to 'yocto' to reuse FESA syntax
New features: - Generate Makefile.silecs which is included in Makefile.specific (#80) No need any more to bump Versions in the Makefile 'by hand' - silecs CLI tool accepts path to concrete file OR path to project (#67) - Support for DTL time format (#47) Bugfixes / Maintenance: - Fix various build-warnings in silecs-communication-cpp (#84) - Own method for 'isInitialized_ check in codegen' (#42) - Make use of python package 'unittest' (#39) - replace all tabs by spaces (#14) - Use xsd naming for C++ "access types" (#12) - Get rid of boost dependency (#83) - Fix various build warnings in silecs-diagnostic (#65) - Use cmake to build the whole project over CERN make.generic (#53) - Prefix Block Makros in generated ClassHeader with Classname (#46) - Remove custom Mutex, Condition, Thread (#86)
Bugfixes / Maintenance: - Automate modbus installation
New features: - Add support for boolean scalar data-type (Issue #9) - Unified creation of Links to 'major', 'major.minor' and 'latest' snap7 and silecs version Bugfixes / Maintenance: - Add missing const specifier in codegen (Issue #56) - Use FESA Version from FESA .design/.deploy file (Issue #74) - Remove hardcoded silecs version and installation path (Issue #75) - Setup silecs environments script and version symlinks (Issue #64) - silecs-cli: Support for migration to a new silecs version (Issue #58) - Automatically install python-xmlschema when missing (Issue #73) - silecs-cli: Add XSD 1.1 validation to implement missing Java validation rules (Issue: #61) - silecs-cli: Add support for "release param" feature (Issue #59) - Updated and automated snap7 build - Update README.md
- Added support for modbus - Do not remove domain name from 'host' string
- silecs v2.2.0 is only available on acc8 cluster - no eclipse-plugin any more, only a cli script - silecs-diagnostic does not work yet
fixed non-working migration-script
release of v2.0.1 on asl74x (fixed existing 2.0.0)
fix for installation on asl744 (CecntOS7)
release of GSI-Silecs version 1.0.0