From 609a6daea001694c50b8bbfd8ceef38de56a6029 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philipp Niedermayer <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 17:38:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Support data saved via DCCT

 common/ | 23 +++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/ b/common/
index 1e4e31f..ea62c03 100644
--- a/common/
+++ b/common/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from .bdiolib.bdio import bdio
 class LassieSpillData(Trace):
-    """Container for time series data from lassie spill application
+    """Container for time series data from lassie spill or DCCT application
     t - time array in seconds
     v - value array in unit
@@ -36,14 +36,13 @@ class LassieSpillData(Trace):
     t: np.ndarray
     v: np.ndarray
-    unit: str = 'a.u.'
+    unit: str = 'particles'
-    def from_file(cls, fname, calibrated=True, from_event=None, verbose=1):
-        """Read in time series data from a *.tdf file saved with lassiespill application
+    def from_file(cls, fname, from_event=None, verbose=1):
+        """Read in time series data from a *.tdf file saved with lassiespill or DCCT application
         :param fname: path to filename
-        :param calibrated: use calibrated or raw data
         :param from_event: return data from this event, time will also be relative to this event                    
@@ -56,36 +55,36 @@ class LassieSpillData(Trace):
         fs = None
         t0 = 0
         t1 = None
-        unit = 'a.u.'
+        unit = 'particles'
         blocks = b.get_directory()
         for bi in blocks:
             block = b.next_block()
-            #print(bi)
-            #print(block)
+            if verbose: print(bi.get_title(), block)
             #if hasattr(block, 'get_rows'):
             #    for row in block.get_rows():
             #        print(row)
-            if bi.is_header_block():            
+            if bi.is_header_block():
                 appname = block.get_app_name()
                 device = block.get_device()
+                if verbose: print(device, 'data saved from', appname)
             elif bi.get_title() == 'TraceInfo':
                 for row in block.get_rows():
                     if verbose: print(row)
-                    if row.get_tag() == 'sampling frequency':
+                    if row.get_tag() == ('intensity frequency' if appname=='DCCT' else 'sampling frequency'):
                         assert row.get_unit().lower() == 'hz', 'sampling frequency has unexpected unit {}'.format(row.get_unit())
                         fs = row.get_value()
             elif bi.get_title() == 'Integrals':
                 for row in block.get_rows():
                     if verbose: print(row)
-                    if row.get_tag() == ('Calibrated' if calibrated else 'Raw') + ': beam in integral':
+                    if row.get_tag() == 'Calibrated: beam in integral':
                         unit = row.get_unit()
-            elif bi.get_title() == ('Calibrated' if calibrated else 'Raw'):
+            elif bi.is_double_array_block() and bi.get_title() == ('Intensity' if appname=='DCCT' else 'Calibrated'):
                 values = np.array(block.get_array())
             elif bi.is_event_table_block():