diff --git a/plotting.py b/plotting.py
index 2b6f66db42ec011097867ee220d52da3b60eb12e..e4dd01227823f6c2e02208eab6f7b5634941b420 100644
--- a/plotting.py
+++ b/plotting.py
@@ -63,21 +63,29 @@ def add_resonance_vlines(axes, max_order, color='r'):
             add_vline(axes, to_half_intervall(r), color, text=f'{n}/{m} resonance' if m > 1 else None, lw=3/max(1, m-2)**.5,
                       alpha=1/max(1, m-2), text_vertical=True, text_top=True)
-def subplot_shared_labels(axes, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, clear=True):
+def subplot_shared_labels(axes, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, clear='auto'):
     """Adds labels to shared axes as needed
     :param axes: 2D array of axes from subplots (pass squeeze=False to plt.subplots if required)
     :param xlabel: the shared xlabel
     :param ylabel: the shared ylabel
-    :param clear: if true (default) any existing labels on the axes will get cleared
+    :param clear: if 'auto' clears duplicate labels; if true clears any existing labels; if false do not clear any labels
-    for r in range(axes.shape[0]):
+    axes = np.array(axes)
+    for r in reversed(range(axes.shape[0])):
         for c in range(axes.shape[1]):
-            if clear: axes[r,c].set(xlabel=None, ylabel=None)
-            if c == 0 or not axes[r,c].get_shared_y_axes().joined(axes[r,c], axes[r,0]):
-                axes[r,c].set(ylabel=ylabel)
-            if r == axes.shape[0]-1 or not axes[r,c].get_shared_x_axes().joined(axes[r,c], axes[-1,c]):
+            if clear is True:
+                axes[r,c].set(xlabel=None, ylabel=None)
+            elif clear == 'auto':
+                if r < axes.shape[0]-1 and axes[r,c].get_shared_x_axes().joined(axes[r,c], axes[-1,c]):
+                    axes[r,c].set(xlabel=None)
+                if c > 0 and axes[r,c].get_shared_y_axes().joined(axes[r,c], axes[r,0]):
+                    axes[r,c].set(ylabel=None)
+            if xlabel is not None and (r == axes.shape[0]-1 or not axes[r,c].get_shared_x_axes().joined(axes[r,c], axes[-1,c])):
+            if ylabel is not None and (c == 0 or not axes[r,c].get_shared_y_axes().joined(axes[r,c], axes[r,0])):
+                axes[r,c].set(ylabel=ylabel)
 def grid_diagonal(ax, **kwargs):
     for k, v in dict(color='lightgray',lw=1,zorder=-100).items():
@@ -172,7 +180,7 @@ def plot_tbt(ax, libera_data, what='fsxy', *, over_time=True, turn_range=None, t
             a = ax.twinx() if i > 0 else ax
             if i > 0: a.spines.right.set_position(("axes", 0.9+0.1*len(axes)))
-            a.set(ylabel=axlabels[w])
+            a.set(ylabel=axlabels[w], xlabel='Time / s' if over_time else 'Turn')
             axes.update({axlabels[w]: a})
         if w == 'f':
@@ -230,7 +238,7 @@ def plot_tune_spectrum(ax, libera_data, xy, turn_range=None, time_range=None, tu
     ax.plot(freq, mag, **kwargs)
     ax.set(xlim=tune_range, xlabel=f'Tune $q_{xy}$',
-           ylabel='a.u.')
+           ylabel='Magnitude / a.u.')
     if fit:
         q = None