use std::collections::HashMap; use crate::{ lightdata::LightData, optic_node::{Dottable, Optical, LightResult}, optic_ports::OpticPorts, error::OpossumError, }; type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, OpossumError>; /// This node represents a source of light. Hence it has only one output port (out1) and no input ports. Source nodes usually are the first nodes of an optic scenery. #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct NodeSource { light_data: Option<LightData>, } impl NodeSource { /// Creates a new [`NodeSource`]. pub fn new(light: LightData) -> Self { NodeSource { light_data: Some(light), } } /// Returns the light data of this [`NodeSource`]. pub fn light_data(&self) -> Option<&LightData> { self.light_data.as_ref() } /// Sets the light data of this [`NodeSource`]. The [`LightData`] provided here represents the input data of an `OpticScenery`. pub fn set_light_data(&mut self, light_data: LightData) { self.light_data = Some(light_data); } } impl Optical for NodeSource { fn node_type(&self) -> &str { "light source" } fn ports(&self) -> OpticPorts { let mut ports = OpticPorts::new(); ports.add_output("out1").unwrap(); ports } fn analyze(&mut self, _incoming_edges: LightResult, _analyzer_type: &crate::analyzer::AnalyzerType) -> Result<LightResult> { let data=self.light_data.clone(); if data.is_some() { Ok(HashMap::from([("out1".into(), data)])) } else { Err(OpossumError::Analysis(format!("no input data available"))) } } } impl Dottable for NodeSource { fn node_color(&self) -> &str { "slateblue" } }