[package] name = "opossum" version = "0.2.0" edition = "2021" authors = ["Udo Eisenbarth <u.eisenbarth@gsi.de>", "Yannik Zobus <y.zobus@gsi.de>"] description = "Open-source Optics Simulation Software and Unified Modeler" repository = "https://git.gsi.de/phelix/rust/opossum/" license = "GPL-3.0-or-later" keywords = ["laser", "optics", "physics", "simulation"] categories = [ "science", "simulation"] publish = false build = "build.rs" [dependencies] petgraph = {version="0", features = ["serde-1"]} # the graph library uom = "0" serde = { version="1" } serde_derive = "1" serde_yaml = "0" serde_json = "1" # for spectrum ndarray= { version="0", features= ["serde"]} ndarray-stats="0" csv="1" plotters="0" approx = "0" # assert macros for comparison of floats with tolerance clap = { version = "4", features = ["derive"] } # command line argument parser rprompt = "2.0" strum = { version = "0", features = ["derive"] } chrono = "0" embed-doc-image = "0" # allows for embedded images in the rust API doc [features] doc-images = [] [build-dependencies] # All features enabled vergen = { version = "8", features = ["git", "gitcl"] }