use crate::optic_node::OpticNode; use crate::error::OpossumError; use petgraph::algo::*; use petgraph::prelude::{DiGraph, EdgeIndex, NodeIndex}; type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, OpossumError>; /// [`OpticScenery`] represents the overall optical model and additional metatdata. All optical elements ([`OpticNode`]s) have /// to be added to this structure in order to be considered for an analysis. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct OpticScenery { g: DiGraph<OpticNode, ()>, description: String, } impl OpticScenery { /// Creates a new (empty) [`OpticScenery`]. pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } /// Add a given [`OpticNode`] to the graph of this [`OpticScenery`]. /// /// This command just adds an [`OpticNode`] but does not connect it to existing nodes in the graph. The given node is /// consumed (owned) by the [`OpticScenery`]. pub fn add_node(&mut self, node: OpticNode) -> NodeIndex { self.g.add_node(node) } /// Get reference of [`OpticNode`]. /// /// Get the reference of an previously added [`OpticNode`] denoted by a given `NodeIndex`. This function can be used as input while /// constructing a `NodeReference`. /// # Panics /// /// Panics if the given `NodeIndex` is not found in the graph. pub fn node(&self, idx: NodeIndex) -> &OpticNode { self.g.node_weight(idx).unwrap() } /// Connect (already existing) nodes denoted by the respective `NodeIndex`. /// /// Both node indices must exist. Otherwise an [`OpticSceneryError`] is returned. In addition, connections are /// rejected and an [`OpticSceneryError`] is returned, if the graph would form a cycle (loop in the graph). pub fn connect_nodes( &mut self, src_node: NodeIndex, target_node: NodeIndex, ) -> Result<EdgeIndex> { if self.g.node_weight(src_node).is_none() { return Err(OpossumError); } if self.g.node_weight(target_node).is_none() { return Err(OpossumError); } let edge_index = self.g.add_edge(src_node, target_node, ()); if is_cyclic_directed(&self.g) { self.g.remove_edge(edge_index); return Err(OpossumError); } Ok(edge_index) } /// Export the optic graph into the `dot` format to be used in combination with the [`graphviz`]( software. pub fn to_dot(&self) -> String { let mut dot_string = "digraph {\n".to_owned(); dot_string.push_str(&format!(" label=\"{}\"\n", self.description)); for node_idx in self.g.node_indices() { let node=self.g.node_weight(node_idx).unwrap(); dot_string += &node.to_dot(&format!("i{}", node_idx.index())); } for edge in self.g.edge_indices() { let end_nodes = self.g.edge_endpoints(edge).unwrap(); dot_string.push_str(&format!(" i{} -> i{}\n", end_nodes.0.index(), end_nodes.1.index())); } dot_string += "}"; dot_string } /// Analyze this [`OpticScenery`] using a given OpticAnalyzer. pub fn analyze(&self) { todo!(); } /// Sets the description of this [`OpticScenery`]. pub fn set_description(&mut self, description: String) { self.description = description; } /// Returns a reference to the description of this [`OpticScenery`]. pub fn description(&self) -> &str { self.description.as_ref() } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::super::nodes::NodeDummy; use super::*; #[test] fn new() { let scenery = OpticScenery::new(); assert_eq!(scenery.description, "".to_owned()); assert_eq!(scenery.g.edge_count(), 0); assert_eq!(scenery.g.node_count(), 0); } #[test] fn add_node() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); assert_eq!(scenery.g.node_count(), 1); } #[test] fn connect_nodes_ok() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); let n1 = scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); let n2 = scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); assert!(scenery.connect_nodes(n1, n2).is_ok()); assert_eq!(scenery.g.edge_count(), 1); } #[test] fn connect_nodes_failure() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); let n1 = scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); let n2 = scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); assert!(scenery.connect_nodes(n1, NodeIndex::new(5)).is_err()); assert!(scenery.connect_nodes(NodeIndex::new(5), n2).is_err()); } #[test] fn connect_nodes_loop_error() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); let n1 = scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); let n2 = scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); assert!(scenery.connect_nodes(n1, n2).is_ok()); assert!(scenery.connect_nodes(n2, n1).is_err()); assert_eq!(scenery.g.edge_count(), 1); } #[test] fn to_dot_empty() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); scenery.set_description("Test".into()); assert_eq!(scenery.to_dot(), "digraph {\n label=\"Test\"\n}"); } #[test] fn to_dot_with_node() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); scenery.set_description("SceneryTest".into()); scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test", Box::new(NodeDummy))); assert_eq!( scenery.to_dot(), "digraph {\n label=\"SceneryTest\"\n i0 [label=\"Test\"]\n}" ); } #[test] fn to_dot_with_edge() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); scenery.set_description("SceneryTest".into()); let n1=scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test1", Box::new(NodeDummy))); let n2=scenery.add_node(OpticNode::new("Test2", Box::new(NodeDummy))); if let Ok(_)=scenery.connect_nodes(n1,n2) { assert_eq!( scenery.to_dot(), "digraph {\n label=\"SceneryTest\"\n i0 [label=\"Test1\"]\n i1 [label=\"Test2\"]\n i0 -> i1\n}" ); } else { assert!(false); } } #[test] fn set_description() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); scenery.set_description("Test".into()); assert_eq!(scenery.description, "Test") } #[test] fn description() { let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new(); scenery.set_description("Test".into()); assert_eq!(scenery.description(), "Test") } }