diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/xmltemplate.py b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/xmltemplate.py
index b09e09f18a9ed06c70bd884c2cf363a244604c44..bb2c1b82892b5b81443d58271fa0c11acda9efb6 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/xmltemplate.py
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/xmltemplate.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ silecsHeader = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 def getSilecsHeader(silecsVersion):
 	date = time.strftime("%x")
 	owner = getpass.getuser()
-	return silecsHeader%(silecsVersion,date,date,owner,owner)
+	return silecsHeader % (silecsVersion, date, date, owner, owner)
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ designTemplate = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-def getDesignTemplate(designName,schemaPath,silecsVersion):
+def getDesignTemplate(designName, schemaPath, silecsVersion):
 	date = time.strftime("%x")
 	owner = getpass.getuser()
-	return designTemplate%(silecsVersion,date,date,schemaPath,owner,owner,designName)
+	return designTemplate % (silecsVersion, date, date, schemaPath, owner, owner, designName)
@@ -87,11 +87,12 @@ deployTemplate = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <Editor user-login="%s"/>
     <Deploy-Unit name="%s" version="0.1.0"/>
+    <SilecsDesign silecs-design-name="" silecs-design-version=""/>
 	<Controller host-name="">
-	    <Siemens-PLC system="TIA-PORTAL" model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-DB-number="1"/>
-		<SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="" silecs-design-name="">
-			<Device device-name="" />
-		</SilecsDesign>
+	    <Siemens-PLC system="TIA-PORTAL" model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-DB-number="1">
+	        <Device silecs-device-label="dev0" silecs-design-ref="" fesa-device-name="" fesa-fec-name=""/>
+	    </Siemens-PLC>
@@ -99,4 +100,4 @@ deployTemplate = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 def getDeployTemplate(deployName, schemaPath, silecsVersion):
 	date = time.strftime("%x")
 	owner = getpass.getuser()
-	return deployTemplate%(silecsVersion,date,date,schemaPath,owner,owner,deployName)
+	return deployTemplate % (silecsVersion, date, date, schemaPath, owner, owner, deployName)
diff --git a/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd b/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
index ffc6ec6ff652ca0cc584adc7885351a975b2a197..350dab940329400babc99ec73bd2688771114514 100644
--- a/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
+++ b/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.-->
+<!-- Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. -->
 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
 	<xs:include schemaLocation="shared.xsd" />
 	<xs:element name="SILECS-Deploy">
-			<xs:documentation>A SILECS configuration contains the class designs, the memory mapping and the hardware distribution for a given set of PLCs.</xs:documentation>
+			<xs:documentation>A SILECS configuration contains the class designs,
+				the memory mapping and the hardware distribution for a given set of
+				PLCs.
+			</xs:documentation>
-				The SILECS configuration defines the data structure and the communication parameters required for the interconnection of the PLCs and the Front-End clients. It consists of 3 parts:
-				&lt;ol&gt;
-				&lt;li&gt; Design: to define the structure of the exchanged data
-				&lt;li&gt; Mapping: to define the PLC memory mapping and the protocol parameters
-				&lt;li&gt; Generation: to define the hardware on which we will deployed the different Mapping
-				&lt;/ol&gt;
-				Generally under the responsability of a unique expert entity, an SILECS configuration is done for a set of classes and PLCs in the scope of a particular project or set of equipment.
+					The SILECS configuration defines the data structure and the
+					communication parameters required for the interconnection of the
+					PLCs and the Front-End clients. It consists of 3 parts:
+					&lt;ol&gt;
+					&lt;li&gt; Design: to define the structure of the exchanged data
+					&lt;li&gt; Mapping: to define the PLC memory mapping and the
+					protocol
+					parameters
+					&lt;li&gt; Generation: to define the hardware on
+					which we will deployed the
+					different Mapping
+					&lt;/ol&gt;
+					Generally
+					under the responsability of a unique expert entity, an SILECS
+					configuration is done for a set of classes and PLCs in the scope of
+					a particular project or set of equipment.
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.-->
 							<xs:element name="Owner">
-									<xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+									<xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required" />
 							<xs:element name="Editor" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-									<xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+									<xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required" />
@@ -51,19 +51,21 @@ along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.-->
 				<xs:element name="Deploy-Unit">
-						<xs:attribute name="name" type="DeployNameType" use="required"/>
-						<xs:attribute name="version" type="VersionType" use="required"/>
+						<xs:attribute name="name" type="DeployNameType" use="required" />
+						<xs:attribute name="version" type="VersionType" use="required" />
+				<xs:element name="SilecsDesign" type="SilecsDesignType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
+					<xs:unique name="Design-name-uniquer">
+						<xs:selector xpath="." />
+						<xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-name" />
+					</xs:unique>
+				</xs:element>
 				<xs:element name="Controller" type="ControllerType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
-			        <xs:unique name="Device-name-unique-per-controller">
-			            <xs:selector xpath="SilecsDesign/Device"/>
-			            <xs:field xpath="@device-name"/>
-			        </xs:unique>
-			        <xs:unique name="Class-name-unique-per-controller">
-                        <xs:selector xpath="SilecsDesign"/>
-                        <xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-name"/>
-                    </xs:unique>
+					<xs:unique name="silecs-device-label-unique-per-controller">
+						<xs:selector xpath="*/Device" />
+						<xs:field xpath="@silecs-device-label" />
+					</xs:unique>
 			<xs:attribute name="silecs-version" type="xs:string" use="required">
@@ -88,431 +90,558 @@ along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.-->
-	    <xs:unique name="Host-name-unique-per-silecsdeploy">
-	      <xs:selector xpath="Controller"/>
-	      <xs:field xpath="@host-name"/>
-	    </xs:unique>
+		<xs:unique name="Host-name-unique-per-silecsdeploy">
+			<xs:selector xpath="Controller" />
+			<xs:field xpath="@host-name" />
+		</xs:unique>
+		<xs:unique name="fesa-device-name-unique">
+			<xs:selector xpath="Controller/*/Device" />
+			<xs:field xpath="@fesa-device-name" />
+		</xs:unique>
 	<xs:complexType name="ControllerType">
-		    <xs:choice>
-		        <xs:element name="Siemens-PLC" type="SiemensPLCType">
-		            <xs:annotation>
-		                <xs:documentation>A Siemens-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of classes intended to SIMATIC PLCs</xs:documentation>
-		            </xs:annotation>
-		        </xs:element>
-		        <xs:element name="Schneider-PLC" type="SchneiderPLCType">
-		            <xs:annotation>
-		                <xs:documentation>A Schneider-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of classes intended to PL7/UNITY PLCs</xs:documentation>
-		            </xs:annotation>
-		        </xs:element>
-		        <xs:element name="Beckhoff-PLC" type="BeckhoffPLCType">
-		            <xs:annotation>
-		                <xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of classes intended to TwinCat PLCs</xs:documentation>
-		            </xs:annotation>
-		        </xs:element>
-		        <!--  No support for this type in CERN codegen so far<xs:element name="Beckhoff-RIO" type="BeckhoffRIOType">
-				    <xs:annotation>
-				        <xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-RIO deployment defines the physical Mapping of TwinCAT Remote IO modules.</xs:documentation>
-				    </xs:annotation>
-                </xs:element>-->
-		        <xs:element name="Rabbit-uC" type="RabbituCType">
-		            <xs:annotation>
-		                <xs:documentation>A Rabbit-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of classes intended for Rabbit microcontrollers</xs:documentation>
-		            </xs:annotation>
-		        </xs:element>
-		        <xs:element name="Virtual-Controller" type="VirtualControllerType">
-				    <xs:annotation>
-				        <xs:documentation>Defines a particular C++ code mapping of classes intended for Software controller</xs:documentation>
-				    </xs:annotation>
-                </xs:element>
-		        <xs:element name="NI-Controller" type="NIControllerType">
-		            <xs:annotation>
-		                <xs:documentation>A NI-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of classes intended to National Instrument Controllers</xs:documentation>
-		            </xs:annotation>
-		        </xs:element>
-		   </xs:choice>
-		   <xs:element name="SilecsDesign" type="SilecsDesignType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+			<xs:choice>
+				<xs:element name="Siemens-PLC" type="SiemensPLCType">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>A Siemens-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
+							of classes intended to SIMATIC PLCs
+						</xs:documentation>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:element>
+				<xs:element name="Schneider-PLC" type="SchneiderPLCType">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>A Schneider-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
+							of classes intended to PL7/UNITY PLCs
+						</xs:documentation>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:element>
+				<xs:element name="Beckhoff-PLC" type="BeckhoffPLCType">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
+							of classes intended to TwinCat PLCs
+						</xs:documentation>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:element>
+				<!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far<xs:element name="Beckhoff-RIO" type="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-RIO deployment defines the physical Mapping of TwinCAT Remote IO modules.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> -->
+				<xs:element name="Rabbit-uC" type="RabbituCType">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>A Rabbit-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of
+							classes intended for Rabbit microcontrollers
+						</xs:documentation>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:element>
+				<xs:element name="Virtual-Controller" type="VirtualControllerType">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Defines a particular C++ code mapping of classes
+							intended for Software controller
+						</xs:documentation>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:element>
+				<xs:element name="NI-Controller" type="NIControllerType">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>A NI-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of
+							classes intended to National Instrument Controllers
+						</xs:documentation>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:element>
+			</xs:choice>
-		<xs:attribute name="host-name" type="HostNameType" use="required"/>
+		<xs:attribute name="host-name" type="HostNameType" use="required" />
 	<xs:complexType name="SilecsDesignType">
-        <xs:sequence>
-            <xs:element name="Device" type="DeviceType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
-        </xs:sequence>              
-        <xs:attribute name="silecs-design-name" type="SilecsClassNameType" use="required"/>
-        <xs:attribute name="silecs-design-version" type="VersionType" use="required"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
-    <xs:complexType name="DeviceType">
-        <xs:sequence>
-	        <xs:annotation>
-	            <xs:documentation>The device is an instance of the related silecs-design.</xs:documentation>
-	            <xs:appinfo>
-	                <doc>
-	                    The device is an instance of the related SILECS design class. 
-	                    The label is dedicated to the PLC process and the SILECS client software to identify the device in the scope of that class in that particular Mapping.
-	                    It does not identify a unique device instance of the control system at the supervision level.    
-	                    The device sequence will occupy contiguous segment of PLC memory respecting their exact ordering.     
-	                    The SILECS tool assists the expert in ordering devices as required.
-	                </doc>
-	            </xs:appinfo>
-	        </xs:annotation>
-        </xs:sequence>
-        <xs:attribute name="device-name" type="DeviceNameType" use="required"/>
-    </xs:complexType>
+		<xs:attribute name="silecs-design-name" type="SilecsClassNameType" use="required" />
+		<xs:attribute name="silecs-design-version" type="VersionType" use="required" />
+	</xs:complexType>
+	<xs:complexType name="DeviceType">
+		<xs:sequence>
+			<xs:annotation>
+				<xs:documentation>The device is an instance of the related
+					silecs-design.
+				</xs:documentation>
+				<xs:appinfo>
+					<doc>
+						The device is an instance of the related SILECS design class.
+						The label is dedicated to the PLC process and the SILECS client
+						software to identify the device in the scope of that class in that
+						particular Mapping.
+						It does not identify a unique device instance
+						of the control system
+						at the supervision level.
+						The device sequence
+						will occupy contiguous segment of PLC memory
+						respecting their exact
+						ordering.
+						The SILECS tool assists the expert in ordering devices as
+						required.
+					</doc>
+				</xs:appinfo>
+			</xs:annotation>
+		</xs:sequence>
+		<xs:attribute name="silecs-device-label" type="DeviceNameType" use="required" />
+		<xs:attribute name="silecs-design-ref" type="SilecsClassNameType" use="required" />
+		<xs:attribute name="fesa-device-name" type="DeviceNameType" use="optional" />
+		<xs:attribute name="fesa-fec-name" type="HostNameType" use="optional" />
+	</xs:complexType>
 	<xs:simpleType name="HostNameType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-		    <xs:minLength value="1"/>
-			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z0-9]*"/>
+			<xs:minLength value="1" />
+			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="DeployNameType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:minLength value="1"/>
-			<xs:maxLength value="20"/>
-			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*"/>
+			<xs:minLength value="1" />
+			<xs:maxLength value="20" />
+			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="DeviceNameType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:minLength value="1"/>
-			<xs:maxLength value="30"/>
-			<!--  In FESA the deviceName is restricted to max. 30 characters -->
-			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*"/>
+			<xs:minLength value="1" />
+			<xs:maxLength value="30" />
+			<!-- In FESA the deviceName is restricted to max. 30 characters -->
+			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="SiemensSystemType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="STEP-7"/>
-			<xs:enumeration value="TIA-PORTAL"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="STEP-7" />
+			<xs:enumeration value="TIA-PORTAL" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="SchneiderSystemType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="UNITY Pro"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="UNITY Pro" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="BeckhoffSystemType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="TWINCat"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="TWINCat" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="RabbitSystemType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="Standard-C"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="Standard-C" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="NISystemType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="Labview"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="Labview" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="BothProtocolType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE"/>
-			<xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE" />
+			<xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="DeviceProtocolType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="BlockProtocolType">
 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE"/>
+			<xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE" />
 	<xs:simpleType name="PCSystemType">
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-            <xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux32"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux64"/>
-        </xs:restriction>
-    </xs:simpleType>
+		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+			<xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux32" />
+			<xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux64" />
+		</xs:restriction>
+	</xs:simpleType>
+	<xs:complexType name="PLCBaseType">
+		<xs:sequence>
+			<xs:element name="Device" type="DeviceType" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+		</xs:sequence>
+	</xs:complexType>
 	<xs:complexType name="SiemensPLCType">
-		<xs:attribute name="system" type="SiemensSystemType" use="required">
-			<xs:annotation>
-				<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-				<xs:appinfo>
-					<doc>
-						System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.
-					</doc>
-				</xs:appinfo>
-			</xs:annotation>
-		</xs:attribute>
-		<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-			<xs:simpleType>
-				<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-					<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-300"/>
-					<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-400"/>
-					<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1200"/>
-					<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1500"/>
-					<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_ET-200S"/>
-				</xs:restriction>
-			</xs:simpleType>
-		</xs:attribute>
-		<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
-			<xs:annotation>
-				<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all the classes</xs:documentation>
-				<xs:appinfo>
-					<doc>
-				DEVICE_MODE: One S7-DB per class/device ([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the corresponding ordered list of Blocks
-				&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One S7-DB per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]), &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per device
-			</doc>
-				</xs:appinfo>
-			</xs:annotation>
-		</xs:attribute>
-		<xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-			<xs:annotation>
-				<xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the global configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader data-block).</xs:documentation>
-				<xs:appinfo>
-					<doc>
-						Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the global configuration ( &gt;=1)
-					</doc>
-				</xs:appinfo>
-			</xs:annotation>
-		</xs:attribute>
+		<xs:complexContent>
+			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+				<xs:attribute name="system" type="SiemensSystemType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+							configure the controller software.
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+								controller
+								software.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+					<xs:simpleType>
+						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-300" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-400" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1200" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1500" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_ET-200S" />
+						</xs:restriction>
+					</xs:simpleType>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+							the classes
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								DEVICE_MODE: One S7-DB per class/device
+								([class-name]_[device-label|id]),
+								&lt;br&gt;containing the
+								corresponding ordered list of Blocks
+								&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One
+								S7-DB per class/block
+								([class-name]_[block-name]),
+								&lt;br&gt;containing array of
+								corresponding Block, one element
+								per device
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first
+							one of the global configuration (corresponds to the common
+							SilecsHeader data-block).
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the
+								global
+								configuration ( &gt;=1)
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+			</xs:extension>
+		</xs:complexContent>
 	<xs:complexType name="SchneiderPLCType">
-			<xs:attribute name="system" type="SchneiderSystemType" use="required">
-				<xs:annotation>
-					<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-					<xs:appinfo>
-						<doc>
-							System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.
-						</doc>
-					</xs:appinfo>
-				</xs:annotation>
-			</xs:attribute>
-			<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-				<xs:simpleType>
-					<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-						<xs:enumeration value="Premium"/>
-						<xs:enumeration value="Quantum"/>
-						<xs:enumeration value="M340"/>
-					</xs:restriction>
-				</xs:simpleType>
-			</xs:attribute>
-			<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
-				<xs:annotation>
-					<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all the classes</xs:documentation>
-					<xs:appinfo>
-						<doc>
-					BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]), &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per device
-				</doc>
-					</xs:appinfo>
-				</xs:annotation>
-			</xs:attribute>
-			<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-				<xs:annotation>
-					<xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address).  Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).</xs:documentation>
-					<xs:appinfo>
-						<doc>
-							Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address).
-							&lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit)
-						</doc>
-					</xs:appinfo>
-				</xs:annotation>
-			</xs:attribute>
+		<xs:complexContent>
+			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+				<xs:attribute name="system" type="SchneiderSystemType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+							configure the controller software.
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+								controller
+								software.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+					<xs:simpleType>
+						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+							<xs:enumeration value="Premium" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="Quantum" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="M340" />
+						</xs:restriction>
+					</xs:simpleType>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+							the classes
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block
+								([class-name]_[block-name]),
+								&lt;br&gt;containing array of
+								corresponding Block, one element per
+								device
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration
+							(corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address). Attention:
+							16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16
+							or 32 bit).
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the
+								common
+								SilecsHeader block address).
+								&lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit
+								address value is expected independently from the HW model
+								(16 or 32
+								bit)
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+			</xs:extension>
+		</xs:complexContent>
+	</xs:complexType>
-<xs:complexType name="BeckhoffPLCType">
-	<xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-					System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software.
-				</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-		<xs:simpleType>
-			<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-				<xs:enumeration value="BC9020"/>
-				<xs:enumeration value="CX9020"/>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:simpleType>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all the classes</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-			BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]), &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per device
-		</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address).  Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-					Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address).
-					&lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit)
-				</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
+	<xs:complexType name="BeckhoffPLCType">
+		<xs:complexContent>
+			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+				<xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+							configure the controller software.
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+								Controller
+								software.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+					<xs:simpleType>
+						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+							<xs:enumeration value="BC9020" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="CX9020" />
+						</xs:restriction>
+					</xs:simpleType>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+							the classes
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block
+								([class-name]_[block-name]),
+								&lt;br&gt;containing array of
+								corresponding Block, one element per
+								device
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration
+							(corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address). Attention:
+							16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16
+							or 32 bit).
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the
+								common
+								SilecsHeader block address).
+								&lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit
+								address value is expected independently from the HW model
+								(16 or 32
+								bit)
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+			</xs:extension>
+		</xs:complexContent>
+	</xs:complexType>
-<!--  No support for this type in CERN codegen so far <xs:complexType name="BeckhoffRIOType">
-    <xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required">
-        <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-            <xs:appinfo>
-                <doc>
-                    System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software.
-                </doc>
-            </xs:appinfo>
-        </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-        <xs:simpleType>
-            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-                <xs:enumeration value="BK9000"/>
-                <xs:enumeration value="BK9050"/>
-                <xs:enumeration value="BK9100"/>
-            </xs:restriction>
-        </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="io-base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-        <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).</xs:documentation>
-            <xs:appinfo>
-                <doc>
-                    Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required).
-                    &lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).
-                </doc>
-            </xs:appinfo>
-        </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-<xs:complexType name="RabbituCType">
-	<xs:attribute name="system" type="RabbitSystemType" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-					System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software.
-				</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-		<xs:simpleType>
-			<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-	            <xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_4010"/>
-	            <xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_2000"/>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:simpleType>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all the classes</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-			DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device ([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the corresponding ordered list of Blocks
-			&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]), &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per device
-		</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>Start address of the entire SILECS configuration interpreted as 16bit address.</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-					Start address of the entire SILECS configuration interpreted as 16bit address.
-				</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
+	<!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far <xs:complexType name="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software. </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="model" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="BK9000"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9050"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9100"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="io-base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> Start 
+		address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). &lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit). </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> -->
-<xs:complexType name="VirtualControllerType">
-    <xs:attribute name="system" type="PCSystemType" use="required">
-        <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-            <xs:appinfo>
-                <doc>
-                    System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software.
-                </doc>
-            </xs:appinfo>
-        </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-        <xs:simpleType>
-            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-                <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL"/>
-            </xs:restriction>
-        </xs:simpleType>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
-        <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all the classes</xs:documentation>
-            <xs:appinfo>
-                <doc>
-            DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device ([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the corresponding ordered list of Blocks
-            &lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]), &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per device
-        </doc>
-            </xs:appinfo>
-        </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-    <xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-        <xs:annotation>
-            <xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the global configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader data-block).</xs:documentation>
-            <xs:appinfo>
-                <doc>
-                    Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the global configuration ( &gt;=1)
-                </doc>
-            </xs:appinfo>
-        </xs:annotation>
-    </xs:attribute>
-<xs:complexType name="NIControllerType">
-	<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-		<xs:simpleType>
-			<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-				<xs:enumeration value="Compact_RIO"/>
-				<xs:enumeration value="PXI_RT"/>
-				<xs:enumeration value="PXI_Windows"/>
-				<xs:enumeration value="PC_Windows"/>
-				<xs:enumeration value="Other_Support_CNV"/>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:simpleType>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="system" type="NISystemType" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-					System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software.
-				</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="DeviceProtocolType" use="required">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all the classes</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-					DEVICE_MODE: One shared variable per class/device (//class-name//controllerName//device-label), &lt;br&gt;containing the corresponding ordered list of Blocks.
-				</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-	</xs:attribute>
+	<xs:complexType name="RabbituCType">
+		<xs:complexContent>
+			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+				<xs:attribute name="system" type="RabbitSystemType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+							configure the controller software.
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+								Controller
+								software.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+					<xs:simpleType>
+						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+							<xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_4010" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_2000" />
+						</xs:restriction>
+					</xs:simpleType>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+							the classes
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device
+								([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the
+								corresponding ordered list of Blocks
+								&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C
+								struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]),
+								&lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per
+								device
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Start address of the entire SILECS configuration
+							interpreted as 16bit address.
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								Start address of the entire SILECS configuration interpreted
+								as 16bit
+								address.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+			</xs:extension>
+		</xs:complexContent>
+	</xs:complexType>
+	<xs:complexType name="VirtualControllerType">
+		<xs:complexContent>
+			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+				<xs:attribute name="system" type="PCSystemType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+							configure the controller software.
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+								Controller
+								software.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+					<xs:simpleType>
+						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" />
+						</xs:restriction>
+					</xs:simpleType>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+							the classes
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device
+								([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the
+								corresponding ordered list of Blocks
+								&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C
+								struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]),
+								&lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per
+								device
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one
+							of the global configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader
+							data-block).
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the
+								global
+								configuration ( &gt;=1)
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+			</xs:extension>
+		</xs:complexContent>
+	</xs:complexType>
+	<xs:complexType name="NIControllerType">
+		<xs:complexContent>
+			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+					<xs:simpleType>
+						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+							<xs:enumeration value="Compact_RIO" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="PXI_RT" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="PXI_Windows" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="PC_Windows" />
+							<xs:enumeration value="Other_Support_CNV" />
+						</xs:restriction>
+					</xs:simpleType>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="system" type="NISystemType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+							configure the controller software.
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+								Controller
+								software.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="DeviceProtocolType" use="required">
+					<xs:annotation>
+						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+							the classes
+						</xs:documentation>
+						<xs:appinfo>
+							<doc>
+								DEVICE_MODE: One shared variable per class/device
+								(//class-name//controllerName//device-label), &lt;br&gt;containing
+								the corresponding ordered list of Blocks.
+							</doc>
+						</xs:appinfo>
+					</xs:annotation>
+				</xs:attribute>
+			</xs:extension>
+		</xs:complexContent>
+	</xs:complexType>
+	<xs:keyref name="SilecsDesignRef" refer="SilecsDesign">
+		<xs:selector xpath="Controller/*/Device" />
+		<xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-ref" />
+	</xs:keyref>
+	<xs:key name="SilecsDesign">
+		<xs:selector xpath="SilecsDesign" />
+		<xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-name" />
+	</xs:key>