diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genparam.py b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genparam.py
index 206c6073d87fd3d70d3123b83a392adbb624f606..9aa31a1c988326ea475e07b4cb30a284dc2c08d1 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genparam.py
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genparam.py
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ def alignM340RegAddress(addr, format, size, dim, dim2, strLen):
         msize = msize * 2            # while string and uint8-array use 8bit alignment
     return addr
-# Adjust the register address relying on the DIGI-Rabbit RCMx alignment constraints
+# Adjust the register address relying on the DIGI-Rabbit RCMx and PCLike alignment constraints
 # Use  16bits processor and base-address is interpreted as 16bit address
-def alignDIGIRegAddress(addr, format, size, dim, dim2, strLen):
+def alignPCLikeRegAddress(addr, format, size, dim, dim2, strLen):
     global msize
     # internal string/unicode to integer cast
@@ -481,18 +481,19 @@ def computeChecksumClass(designDOM, CRC32, logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
 # This logic allows having a unique adress computing whatever the mode {DEVICE/BLOCK} and the PLC model.
 # Concerning SIEMENS PLC, block alignment should respect the 16bits alignement constraint for Struct&Array.
 whichBaseAlignment = {
-    'SIMATIC_S7-300'    : '16',
-    'SIMATIC_S7-400'    : '16',
-    'SIMATIC_S7-1200'   : '16',
-    'SIMATIC_S7-1500'   : '16',
-    'SIMATIC_ET-200S'   : '16',
-    'SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL': '16',
-    'Premium'           : '16',
-    'Quantum'           : '16',
-    'M340'              : '32',     # any data-block of M340 model will start on 32bits address
+    'SIMATIC_S7-300'  : '16',
+    'SIMATIC_S7-400'  : '16',
+    'SIMATIC_S7-1200' : '16',
+    'SIMATIC_S7-1500' : '16',
+    'SIMATIC_ET-200S' : '16',
+    'Premium'         : '16',
+    'Quantum'         : '16',
+    'M340'            : '32',     # any data-block of M340 model will start on 32bits address
                                   # even if the first register of the block is a 16bit data.
     'Rabbit_RCM_4010' : '16',
     'Rabbit_RCM_2000' : '16',
+    'S7_virtual_controller'     : '16',
+    'MODBUS_virtual_controller' : '16',
     'BC9020'          : '16',
     'CX9020'          : '32'                          
@@ -527,7 +528,6 @@ whichRegAddressFunction = {
     'SIMATIC_S7-1200'         : alignSimaticRegAddress,
     'SIMATIC_S7-1500'         : alignSimaticRegAddress,
     'SIMATIC_ET-200S'         : alignSimaticRegAddress,
-    'SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL'      : alignSimaticRegAddress,
     'Premium'                 : alignPremiumRegAddress,
     'Quantum'                 : alignPremiumRegAddress,
     'M340'                    : alignM340RegAddress,
@@ -536,8 +536,10 @@ whichRegAddressFunction = {
     'PXI_Windows'             : alignCNVRegAddress,
     'PC_Windows'              : alignCNVRegAddress,
     'Other_Support_CNV'       : alignCNVRegAddress,
-    'Rabbit_RCM_4010'         : alignDIGIRegAddress,
-    'Rabbit_RCM_2000'         : alignDIGIRegAddress,
+    'Rabbit_RCM_4010'         : alignPCLikeRegAddress,
+    'Rabbit_RCM_2000'         : alignPCLikeRegAddress,
+    'S7_virtual_controller'     : alignSimaticRegAddress,
+    'MODBUS_virtual_controller' : alignPCLikeRegAddress,
     'BC9020'                  : alignBCxxRegAddress,
     'CX9020'                  : alignCXxxRegAddress
@@ -548,8 +550,8 @@ whichBlkAddressFunction = {
     'SCHNEIDER'+'BLOCK_MODE'    : computeSchneiderBlockBlkAddress,
     'SCHNEIDER'+'DEVICE_MODE'   : computeSchneiderDeviceBlkAddress,
     'NI'+'DEVICE_MODE'                  : computeNiDeviceBlkAddress,
-    'DIGI'+'BLOCK_MODE'           : computeSchneiderBlockBlkAddress,
-    'DIGI'+'DEVICE_MODE'          : computeSchneiderDeviceBlkAddress,
+    'PCLike'+'BLOCK_MODE'           : computeSchneiderBlockBlkAddress,
+    'PCLike'+'DEVICE_MODE'          : computeSchneiderDeviceBlkAddress,
     'BECKHOFF'+'BLOCK_MODE'      : computeSchneiderBlockBlkAddress
@@ -559,8 +561,8 @@ whichInstAddressFunction = {
     'SCHNEIDER'+'BLOCK_MODE'    : computeAnyBlockInstAddress,
     'SCHNEIDER'+'DEVICE_MODE'   : computeSchneiderDeviceInstAddress,
     'NI'+'DEVICE_MODE'                  : computeNiDeviceInstAddress,
-    'DIGI'+'BLOCK_MODE'           : computeAnyBlockInstAddress,
-    'DIGI'+'DEVICE_MODE'          : computeSchneiderDeviceInstAddress,
+    'PCLike'+'BLOCK_MODE'           : computeAnyBlockInstAddress,
+    'PCLike'+'DEVICE_MODE'          : computeSchneiderDeviceInstAddress,
     'BECKHOFF'+'BLOCK_MODE'      : computeAnyBlockInstAddress
@@ -570,8 +572,8 @@ whichBaseAddressFunction = {
     'SCHNEIDER'+'BLOCK_MODE'     : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress,
     'SCHNEIDER'+'DEVICE_MODE'    : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress,
     'NI'+'DEVICE_MODE'                   : computeNiAnyNextBaseAddress,
-    'DIGI'+'BLOCK_MODE'            : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress,
-    'DIGI'+'DEVICE_MODE'           : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress,
+    'PCLike'+'BLOCK_MODE'            : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress,
+    'PCLike'+'DEVICE_MODE'           : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress,
     'BECKHOFF'+'BLOCK_MODE'       : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genplcsrc.py b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genplcsrc.py
index 13b414785350c8945f0dae9cadd0a183cd3571b8..3f54f475c950f6ae4bc76c8f74d28592001a60ce 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genplcsrc.py
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/genplcsrc.py
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ def generateRabbitSources(paramDOM,sourceFolderPath,logTopics):
 # ----------------------------------------------------
-def generateVirtualS7Sources(paramDOM,sourceFolderPath,logTopics):   
+def generatePCLikeSources(paramDOM,sourceFolderPath,logTopics):   
     deploy = getDeploymentInformation(paramDOM)
     includeDesign  = ''
     allocDesign  = ''
@@ -590,8 +590,8 @@ def generateControllerCode(controller, paramsFile, sourceFolderPath, logTopics={
     paramDOM = libxml2.parseFile(paramsFile)
     if controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Siemens-PLC':
-    elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Virtual-Controller':
-        generateVirtualS7Sources(paramDOM,sourceFolderPath,logTopics)
+    elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'PC-Controller':
+        generatePCLikeSources(paramDOM,sourceFolderPath,logTopics)
     elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Schneider-PLC':
     elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Rabbit-uC':
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/Controller.py b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/Controller.py
index 9d1c700d5b5501bfa8e9654870f7711f9276bd1e..341bfa1169aceb30377ef7a350aed55628e2ae4d 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/Controller.py
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/Controller.py
@@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ class Controller(object):
         elif type == "Beckhoff-PLC":
             return BeckhoffController(controllerNode)
         elif type == "Rabbit-uC":
-            return DigiController(controllerNode)
+            return RabbitController(controllerNode)
         elif type == "NI-Controller":
             return NIController(controllerNode)
-        elif type == "Virtual-Controller":
-            return SiemensController(controllerNode)
+        elif type == "PC-Controller":
+            return PCController(controllerNode)
             raise Exception( "Controller-Type " + type + " not supported" )
@@ -132,12 +132,21 @@ class SchneiderController(Controller):
         self.baseAddress = long(self.plcNode.prop('base-address'))
         self.baseAddress = self.baseAddress * self.addressFactor
-# Formally known as "Rabbit Controller"
-class DigiController(Controller):
+class RabbitController(Controller):
     addressFactor = 2
     def __init__(self, xmlNode):
-        super(DigiController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
-        self.brand = "DIGI"
+        super(RabbitController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.brand = "PCLike"
+        self.baseAddress = long(self.plcNode.prop('base-address'))
+        self.baseAddress = self.baseAddress * self.addressFactor
+class PCController(Controller):
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+        super(PCController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.addressFactor = 2 #default
+        if self.system == "S7 virtual controller":
+            self.addressFactor = 1
+        self.brand = "PCLike"
         self.baseAddress = long(self.plcNode.prop('base-address'))
         self.baseAddress = self.baseAddress * self.addressFactor
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy
index 7b44e99e7215d0f001c4298f11325a582871b1eb..d0ed2d44065fd5b00326c3ec8f0c068fd7f26364 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
         <Editor user-login="schwinn" />
     <Deploy-Unit name="AllTypesDU" version="0.1.0" />
-    <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+    <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes"/>
-    </SilecsDesign>
     <Controller host-name="Siemens_TiaDevice">
         <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="TIA-PORTAL" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE">
             <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
@@ -37,21 +35,19 @@
     <Controller host-name="Virtual_SiemensDevice">
-        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE">
-            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+    <PC-Controller model="S7_virtual_controller" system="S7 virtual controller" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-address="0">
+                <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
             <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
-        </Virtual-Controller>
+    </PC-Controller>
     <Controller host-name="Virtual_SiemensBlock">
-        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE">
-            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+    <PC-Controller model="S7_virtual_controller" system="S7 virtual controller" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0">
+                <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
             <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
-        </Virtual-Controller>
+    </PC-Controller>
     <Controller host-name="Beckhoff_BC9020">
         <Beckhoff-PLC model="BC9020" system="TWINCat" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam
index 161f848188630bcd335b864d2b27d2390a242756..f8666ab53e46cc0d1970242f9dacc84b55b96ea4 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.299118"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_BlockMode" plc-brand="DIGI" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_BlockMode" plc-brand="PCLike" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="MW0..MW21 / 22 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="44">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="16">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam
index c762cf3a2d749f31bfcab68027c0c19dc4e600ac..1a75876058b1a9f5baee3408d68aa21162f9809e 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
     <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.271989"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_DeviceMode" plc-brand="DIGI" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_DeviceMode" plc-brand="PCLike" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="MW0..MW21 / 22 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="44">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="16">
diff --git a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVBlock.cpp b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVBlock.cpp
index 81725a8969790887e6e1bea3673bc57f553bda75..8bb3f2ac3fe9db3ecf68c93e2ad560f57ca5a1c1 100644
--- a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVBlock.cpp
+++ b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVBlock.cpp
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace Silecs
 		subscriptionFlag_ = false;
         // Creates receive task which relies on the block exchange
-		if (getPLC()->getProtocolID() == BlockMode)
+		if (getPLC()->getProtocolModeID() == BlockMode)
 			pAction_ = new CNVRecvBlockMode(this, name_ + "_" + getPLC()->getName());
 			pAction_ = new CNVRecvDeviceMode(this, name_ + "_" + getPLC()->getName());
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ namespace Silecs
         CNVData *structBuilder = (CNVData*)calloc(numberOfReg,sizeof(CNVData)); //allocate space for number of register in the block
         // Creates send task which relies on the block exchange
-		if (getPLC()->getProtocolID() == BlockMode)
+		if (getPLC()->getProtocolModeID() == BlockMode)
 			int numberOfDevice = thePLC->getDeviceMap().size();
diff --git a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVRegister.cpp b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVRegister.cpp
index d27cdd367e0a6a0b518e04424db3295bd98de808..c7c0b8a4bf3e5fd9e096ccf601a329909e53c17f 100644
--- a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVRegister.cpp
+++ b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/CNVRegister.cpp
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ namespace Silecs
 		CNVData regContent; // will contain the register value in a CNVData format.
-        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolID()==DeviceMode)
+        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolModeID()==DeviceMode)
 			// DEVICE MODE { BlockStruct.reg(1-n) }
 			regContent = getRegfromStructBuffer((CNVData)(*(CNVData*) pBuffer), structBufferSize, address_);
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ namespace Silecs
         unsigned long structBufferSize = this->getDevice()->getRegisterCollection(this->getBlockName()).size();
-        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolID()==DeviceMode)
+        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolModeID()==DeviceMode)
             // DEVICE MODE { BlockStruct.reg(1-n) }
             setRegIntoStructBuffer((CNVData*) pBuffer,structBufferSize, regContent, address_);
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ namespace Silecs
         std::string** pRecvStringValue_ = static_cast<std::string**>(pRecvValue_);
         CNVData regContent; // will contain the register value in a CNVData format
-        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolID()==DeviceMode)
+        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolModeID()==DeviceMode)
             // DEVICE MODE { BlockStruct.reg(1-n) }
             regContent = getRegfromStructBuffer((CNVData)(*(CNVData*) pBuffer), structBufferSize, address_);
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ namespace Silecs
         unsigned long structBufferSize = this->getDevice()->getRegisterCollection(this->getBlockName()).size();
-        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolID()==DeviceMode)
+        if (this->getDevice()->getPLC()->getProtocolModeID()==DeviceMode)
             // DEVICE MODE { BlockStruct.reg(1-n) }
             setRegIntoStructBuffer((CNVData*) pBuffer,structBufferSize, regContent, address_);
diff --git a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCBlock.cpp b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCBlock.cpp
index b144357b739eb4149002513dc0d550fc6289c67a..99e2f60c7468ce3520a6722f28255618fb7fcdcd 100644
--- a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCBlock.cpp
+++ b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCBlock.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace Silecs
 		// Create buffer for the block exchanges
 		bufferSize_ = memSize_; //size of one block type (including alignements)
-		if (getPLC()->getProtocolID() == BlockMode)
+		if (getPLC()->getProtocolModeID() == BlockMode)
 		{ //BlockMode ==> access all devices in once
 		  bufferSize_ *= getPLC()->getDeviceMap().size();
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace Silecs
 		if (DEBUG & Log::topics_) LOG(ALLOC) << "Block (create): " << name_ << ", plc: " << getPLC()->getName() << ", access: Input" << ", address: " << address_ << ", mem-size: " << memSize_ << ", buffer-size: " << bufferSize_;
         // Creates receive task which relies on the block exchange
-		if (getPLC()->getProtocolID() == BlockMode)
+		if (getPLC()->getProtocolModeID() == BlockMode)
 			pAction_ = new PLCRecvBlockMode(this);
 			pAction_ = new PLCRecvDeviceMode(this);
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ namespace Silecs
 		if (DEBUG & Log::topics_) LOG(ALLOC) << "Block (create): " << name_ << ", plc: " << getPLC()->getName() << ", access: Output" << ", address: " << address_ << ", mem-size: " << memSize_ << ", buffer-size: " << bufferSize_;
         // Creates send task which relies on the block exchange
-		if (getPLC()->getProtocolID() == BlockMode)
+		if (getPLC()->getProtocolModeID() == BlockMode)
 			pAction_ = new PLCSendBlockMode(this);
 			pAction_ = new PLCSendDeviceMode(this);
diff --git a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCRegister.cpp b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCRegister.cpp
index de398657404ac67a0b28cffb20872cb84aa82e8c..7339f5a7e116e663c91c81596d9ebac8fa55ef1b 100644
--- a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCRegister.cpp
+++ b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/PLCRegister.cpp
@@ -289,27 +289,28 @@ namespace Silecs
                     for (unsigned int j=0; j<dimension2_; j++)    // works also for 1d, in this case j is always 0 and points to the element on the array
-                        switch(getPLC()->getBrandID())
+                        if (getPLC()->getBrandID() == Beckhoff)
+                        {   //Beckhoff controller implement the standard EPOCH on 32bits word
+                            dtSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
+                            uint32_t *timeVal = (uint32_t *)pData;
+                            swapBytesNToH((unsigned char *)&(timeVal[0]), sizeof(uint32_t));
+                            ((double *)pRecvValue_)[i*dimension2_+j] = static_cast<double>(timeVal[0]);
+                        }
+                        else if (getPLC()->getProtocolTypeID() == S7Protocol)
+                        {   ((double *)pRecvValue_)[i*dimension2_+j] = IeRfcGetTime(pData);
+                        }
+                        else if (getPLC()->getProtocolTypeID() == MBProtocol)
-                            case Siemens:
-                                ((double *)pRecvValue_)[i*dimension2_+j] = IeRfcGetTime(pData);
-                                break;
-                            case Schneider:
-                            case Digi:
-                                ((double *)pRecvValue_)[i*dimension2_+j] = IeMdbGetTime(pData);
+                            ((double *)pRecvValue_)[i*dimension2_+j] = IeMdbGetTime(pData);
-                                break;
-                            case Ni:
-                                //TODO
-                                break;
-                            case Beckhoff:
-                                //Beckhoff controller implement the standard EPOCH on 32bits word
-                                dtSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
-                                uint32_t *timeVal = (uint32_t *)pData;
-                                swapBytesNToH((unsigned char *)&(timeVal[0]), sizeof(uint32_t));
-                                ((double *)pRecvValue_)[i*dimension2_+j] = static_cast<double>(timeVal[0]);
-                                break;
+                        }
+                        else if (getPLC()->getProtocolTypeID() == CNVProtocol)
+                        { //TODO for NI
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {   //should never occur!
+                            throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, (int)UNEXPECTED_ERROR, "Controller protocol type undefined!");
                         pData += dtSize;
@@ -369,27 +370,29 @@ namespace Silecs
                 for (unsigned int i=0; i<(dimension1_*dimension2_); i++)
                     time_t epoch = static_cast<time_t>((double)((double *)pSendValue_)[i]);
-                    switch(getPLC()->getBrandID())
+                    if (getPLC()->getBrandID() == Beckhoff)
+                    {   //Beckhoff controller implement the standard EPOCH on 32bits word
+                        dtSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
+                        uint32_t *timeVal = (uint32_t *)pData;
+                        timeVal[0] = static_cast<uint32_t>(epoch);
+                        swapBytesHToN((unsigned char *)&(timeVal[0]), sizeof(uint32_t));
+                    }
+                    else if (getPLC()->getProtocolTypeID() == S7Protocol)
+                    {   IeRfcSetTime(pData, epoch);
+                    }
+                    else if (getPLC()->getProtocolTypeID() == MBProtocol)
-                        case Siemens:
-                            IeRfcSetTime(pData, epoch);
-                            break;
-                        case Schneider:
-                        case Digi:
-                            IeMdbSetTime(pData, epoch);
+                        IeMdbSetTime(pData, epoch);
-                            break;
-                        case Ni:
-                            //TODO
-                            break;
-                        case Beckhoff:
-                            //Beckhoff controller implement the standard EPOCH on 32bits word
-                            dtSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
-                            uint32_t *timeVal = (uint32_t *)pData;
-                            timeVal[0] = static_cast<uint32_t>(epoch);
-                            swapBytesHToN((unsigned char *)&(timeVal[0]), sizeof(uint32_t));
-                            break;
+                    }
+                    else if (getPLC()->getProtocolTypeID() == CNVProtocol)
+                    { //TODO for NI
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {   //should never occur!
+                        throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, (int)UNEXPECTED_ERROR, "Controller protocol type undefined!");
                     pData += dtSize;
diff --git a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.cpp b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.cpp
index acd4e217c7650ddad5de5edbf6348b0392486be6..dbb1c9c50dfb7328506e27a3a8ba289c908cbdc6 100644
--- a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.cpp
+++ b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.cpp
@@ -358,7 +358,11 @@ namespace Silecs
 			brand_ = mappingNode.getAttribute("plc-brand");
             system_ = mappingNode.getAttribute("plc-system");
             protocolMode_ = mappingNode.getAttribute("protocol");
+            model_ = mappingNode.getAttribute("plc-model");
+            StringUtilities::fromString(baseAddr_,mappingNode.getAttribute("address") );
+            usedMem_ = mappingNode.getAttribute("used-mem");
 			brandID_ = whichPLCBrand(brand_);
+            modelID_ = whichPLCModel(model_);
             systemID_ = whichPLCSystem(system_);
 			protocolModeID_ = whichProtocolMode(protocolMode_);
 			protocolTypeID_ = whichProtocolType(system_);
@@ -366,15 +370,10 @@ namespace Silecs
 				case MBProtocol: 	protocolType_ = "MODBUS-TCP"; break;
-				case S7Protocol: protocolType_ = "SNAP7-TCP"; break;
+				case S7Protocol:    protocolType_ = "SNAP7-TCP"; break;
 				case CNVProtocol: 	protocolType_ = "CNV-TCP"; break;
-			model_ = mappingNode.getAttribute("plc-model");
-            modelID_ = whichPLCModel(model_);
-			StringUtilities::fromString(baseAddr_,mappingNode.getAttribute("address") );
-			usedMem_ = mappingNode.getAttribute("used-mem");
 			std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<ElementXML> > classNodes = mappingNode.childList_;
 			std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<ElementXML> >::const_iterator classIter;
 			for(classIter = classNodes.begin(); classIter != classNodes.end(); classIter++)
@@ -553,50 +552,56 @@ namespace Silecs
         PLCModel PLC::whichPLCModel(std::string model)
-            if (model == "simatic_et-200s")    return ET200S;
-            else if (model == "simatic_s7-300")    return S7300;
-            else if (model == "simatic_s7-400")  return S7400;
-            else if (model == "simatic_s7-1200")   return S71200;
-            else if (model == "simatic_s7-1500")         return S71500;
-            else if (model == "premium")         return Premium;
-            else if (model == "quantum")         return Quantum;
-            else if (model == "m340")         return M340;
-            else if (model == "bc9020")         return BC9020;
-            else if (model == "cx9020")         return CX9020;
-            else if (model == "rabbit_rcm_4010")         return RCM4010;
-            else if (model == "rabbit_rcm_2000")         return RCM2000;
-            else if (model == "compact_rio")         return CompactRIO;
-            else if (model == "pxi_rt")             return PXIRT;
-            else if (model == "pxi_windows")         return PXIWindows;
-            else if (model == "pc_windows")         return PCWindows;
-            else if (model == "other_support_cnv")         return OtherSupportCNV;
+            if (model == "simatic_et-200s")       return ET200S;
+            else if (model == "simatic_s7-300")   return S7300;
+            else if (model == "simatic_s7-400")   return S7400;
+            else if (model == "simatic_s7-1200")  return S71200;
+            else if (model == "simatic_s7-1500")  return S71500;
+            else if (model == "premium")          return Premium;
+            else if (model == "quantum")          return Quantum;
+            else if (model == "m340")             return M340;
+            else if (model == "bc9020")           return BC9020;
+            else if (model == "cx9020")           return CX9020;
+            else if (model == "rabbit_rcm_4010")  return RCM4010;
+            else if (model == "rabbit_rcm_2000")  return RCM2000;
+            else if (model == "compact_rio")      return CompactRIO;
+            else if (model == "pxi_rt")           return PXIRT;
+            else if (model == "pxi_windows")      return PXIWindows;
+            else if (model == "pc_windows")       return PCWindows;
+            else if (model == "linux_x64")        return PCLinux64;
+            else if (model == "linux_i386")       return PCLinux32;
+            else if (model == "other_support_cnv")  return OtherSupportCNV;
             else throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DATA_UNKNOWN_PLC_MODEL, model);
 	   PLCSystem PLC::whichPLCSystem(std::string system)
-	       StringUtilities::toLower(system);
-           if (system == "step-7")          return Step7;
-           if (system == "tia-portal")      return TiaPortal;
-           else if (system == "unity pro")  return Unity;
-           else if (system == "twincat")    return TwinCat;
-           else if (system == "standard-c") return StdC;
-           else if (system == "labview")    return Labview;
+           StringUtilities::toLower(system);
+           if (system == "step-7")            return Step7;
+           if (system == "tia-portal")        return TiaPortal;
+           else if (system == "unity pro")    return Unity;
+           else if (system == "twincat")      return TwinCat;
+           else if (system == "standard-c")   return StdC;
+           else if (system == "s7 virtual controller")    return ServerS7;
+           else if (system == "modbus virtual controller")return ServerMB;
+           else if (system == "labview")      return Labview;
            else throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DATA_UNKNOWN_PLC_SYSTEM, system);
 		ProtocolType PLC::whichProtocolType(std::string system)
-		{
+        {
-            if (system == "step-7")          return S7Protocol;
-            if (system == "tia-portal")      return S7Protocol;
-            else if (system == "unity pro")  return MBProtocol;
-            else if (system == "twincat")    return MBProtocol;
-            else if (system == "standard-c") return MBProtocol;
-            else if (system == "labview")    return CNVProtocol;
+            if (system == "step-7")             return S7Protocol;
+            if (system == "tia-portal")         return S7Protocol;
+            else if (system == "unity pro")     return MBProtocol;
+            else if (system == "twincat")       return MBProtocol;
+            else if (system == "standard-c")    return MBProtocol;
+            else if (system == "s7 virtual controller")     return S7Protocol;
+            else if (system == "modbus virtual controller") return MBProtocol;
+            else if (system == "labview")       return CNVProtocol;
             else throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DATA_UNKNOWN_PLC_SYSTEM, system);
-		}
+        }
 		ProtocolMode PLC::whichProtocolMode(std::string mode)
diff --git a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.h b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.h
index 8af5ed6156a08b4e0680a7a66be8c669555dd355..85adebbd9a3bb25834396d67b6ab717356694d21 100644
--- a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.h
+++ b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.h
@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ namespace Silecs
     typedef enum
         ET200S, S7300, S7400, S71200, S71500,
-        S7VIRTUAL,
         Premium, Quantum,
         BC9020, CX9020,
         RCM4010, RCM2000,
-        PXIRT, PXIWindows, PCWindows, OtherSupportCNV
+        PXIRT, PXIWindows, PCWindows, OtherSupportCNV,
+        PCLinux64, PCLinux32
     } PLCModel;
     typedef enum
-       Step7, TiaPortal, Unity, TwinCat, StdC, ServerS7, Labview
+       Step7, TiaPortal, Unity, TwinCat, StdC, ServerS7, ServerMB, Labview
     } PLCSystem;
 	typedef enum
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ namespace Silecs
 		std::string getBrand();
-         * \brief Returns the PLC development system: STEP-7, TIA-PORTAL, UNITY Pro, TWINCat, Standard-C, Labview
+         * \brief Returns the PLC development system: STEP-7, TIA-PORTAL, UNITY Pro, TWINCat, Standard-C, Standard-Cpp, Labview
          * \return PLC development system
         std::string getSystem();
@@ -388,7 +388,8 @@ namespace Silecs
 		inline PLCBrand& getBrandID() { return brandID_; }
         inline PLCModel& getModelID() { return modelID_; }
         inline PLCSystem& getSystemID() { return systemID_; }
-		inline ProtocolMode& getProtocolID() { return protocolModeID_; }
+        inline ProtocolMode& getProtocolModeID() { return protocolModeID_; }
+        inline ProtocolType& getProtocolTypeID() { return protocolTypeID_; }
 		void updateLocalData();
diff --git a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/protocol/modbus/iemdb.cpp b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/protocol/modbus/iemdb.cpp
index 0ae7c925704e420522bcefe7366986a4355b2ea8..9025ea8cd5648c25f5abca7516d8951a372e0244 100644
--- a/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/protocol/modbus/iemdb.cpp
+++ b/silecs-communication-cpp/src/silecs-communication/protocol/modbus/iemdb.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #include "iemdb.h"
+#include <modbus.h>
 //Modbus max data size definition (byte counting)
diff --git a/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd b/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
index 1bace0fb95ac049d44c5c08122c941c456fe03a1..7e027cfaddd0eb425eafa1f88ef3e0bf7bd5370a 100644
--- a/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
+++ b/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
-                <!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far<xs:element name="Beckhoff-RIO" type="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-RIO deployment defines the physical Mapping of TwinCAT Remote IO modules.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> -->
                 <xs:element name="Rabbit-uC" type="RabbituCType">
                         <xs:documentation>A Rabbit-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of
@@ -140,11 +139,9 @@
-                <xs:element name="Virtual-Controller" type="VirtualControllerType">
+                <xs:element name="PC-Controller" type="PC-ControllerType">
-                        <xs:documentation>Defines a particular C++ code mapping of classes
-                            intended for Software controller
-                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Defines a particular C-code mapping of classes intended for PC-based controller</xs:documentation>
                 <xs:element name="NI-Controller" type="NIControllerType">
@@ -244,6 +241,12 @@
             <xs:enumeration value="Standard-C" />
+    <xs:simpleType name="PCSystemType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="S7 virtual controller" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="MODBUS virtual controller" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
     <xs:simpleType name="NISystemType">
         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
             <xs:enumeration value="Labview" />
@@ -265,32 +268,26 @@
             <xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE" />
-    <xs:simpleType name="PCSystemType">
-        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-            <xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux32" />
-            <xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux64" />
-        </xs:restriction>
-    </xs:simpleType>
-    <xs:simpleType  name="DomainType">
+    <xs:simpleType name="DomainType">
         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-            <xs:enumeration value="ALL"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="ADE"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="CPS"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="CTF"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="ISO"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="LEI"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="LHC"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="LIN"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="LN3"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="LN4"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="PSB"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="REX"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="SPS"/>
-            <xs:enumeration value="TST"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="ALL" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="ADE" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="CPS" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="CTF" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="ISO" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="LEI" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="LHC" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="LIN" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="LN3" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="LN4" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="PSB" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="REX" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="SPS" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="TST" />
     <xs:complexType name="PLCBaseType">
             <xs:element name="Device" type="DeviceType" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
@@ -496,9 +493,6 @@
-    <!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far <xs:complexType name="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software. </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="model" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="BK9000"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9050"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9100"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="io-base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> 
-        Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). &lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit). </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> -->
     <xs:complexType name="RabbituCType">
             <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
@@ -560,19 +554,15 @@
-    <xs:complexType name="VirtualControllerType">
+    <xs:complexType name="PC-ControllerType">
             <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
                 <xs:attribute name="system" type="PCSystemType" use="required">
-                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
-                            configure the controller software.
-                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation>
-                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
-                                Controller
-                                software.
+                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software.
@@ -580,39 +570,28 @@
                 <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
                         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-                            <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="S7_virtual_controller" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="MODBUS_virtual_controller" />
                 <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
-                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
-                            the classes
-                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all the classes</xs:documentation>
-                                DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device
-                                ([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the
-                                corresponding ordered list of Blocks
-                                &lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C
-                                struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]),
-                                &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per
-                                device
+                                DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device ([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the corresponding ordered list of Blocks
+                                &lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]), &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per device
-                <xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+                <xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-                        <xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one
-                            of the global configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader
-                            data-block).
-                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Start address of the entire SILECS configuration interpreted as 16bit address.</xs:documentation>
-                                Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the
-                                global
-                                configuration ( &gt;=1)
+                                Start address of the entire SILECS configuration interpreted as 16bit address.