From 4fb0274ec936cb030c931a1fd603abde04cc5ed4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aschwinn <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 11:18:39 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 1441 - Restructurization of silecsdeploy - allow to use
 only one controller-file for identical controllers

 .../xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/ |    6 +-
 .../xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/ |    6 +-
 silecs-codegen/src/xml/        |   72 +-
 .../src/xml/           |    4 +-
 silecs-codegen/src/xml/            |  276 +---
 silecs-codegen/src/xml/           |   42 +-
 silecs-codegen/src/xml/            |   12 -
 silecs-codegen/src/xml/             |   10 +-
 .../src/xml/migration/         |    3 +
 .../migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/        |  114 +-
 .../migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/    |   63 +-
 .../src/xml/migration/        |    2 +-
 .../src/xml/model/{ => Class}/        |   15 +-
 .../src/xml/model/{ => Class}/        |    6 +-
 .../src/xml/model/{ => Class}/     |   28 +-
 .../src/xml/model/Class/           |    0
 .../src/xml/model/Deploy/        |  151 ++
 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/ |   93 ++
 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/ |   43 +
 .../src/xml/model/Deploy/      |   33 +
 .../src/xml/model/Deploy/          |    0
 .../src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy      |  153 +-
 .../xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy.backup   |  103 ++
 .../src/xml/test/general/  |    2 +-
 .../src/xml/test/general/     |   14 +-
 .../xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.cpp   |    2 +-
 .../src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.h |    2 +-
 .../client/Beckhoff_BC9020.silecsparam        |    4 +-
 .../client/Beckhoff_CX9020.silecsparam        |    4 +-
 .../client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam       |    4 +-
 .../client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam      |    4 +-
 .../client/Schneider_M340.silecsparam         |    4 +-
 .../Schneider_PremiumQuantum.silecsparam      |    4 +-
 .../client/Siemens_Step7Block.silecsparam     |    4 +-
 .../client/Siemens_Step7Device.silecsparam    |    4 +-
 .../client/Siemens_TiaBlock.silecsparam       |    4 +-
 .../client/Siemens_TiaDevice.silecsparam      |    4 +-
 .../wrapper/Beckhoff_BC9020.h                 |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Beckhoff_CX9020.h                 |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Rabbit_BlockMode.h                |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Rabbit_DeviceMode.h               |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Schneider_M340.h                  |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.h        |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Siemens_Step7Block.h              |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Siemens_Step7Device.h             |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Siemens_TiaBlock.h                |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Siemens_TiaDevice.h               |   23 +
 .../generated_correct/wrapper/SilecsHeader.h  |   38 +
 .../wrapper/Virtual_SiemensBlock.h            |   23 +
 .../wrapper/Virtual_SiemensDevice.h           |   23 +
 .../diagnostictoolmainview.cpp                |    2 +-
 .../src/silecs-diagnostic/silecsmodule.cpp    |   18 +-
 silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd         | 1274 +++++++++--------
 53 files changed, 1774 insertions(+), 1129 deletions(-)
 rename silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/{ => Class}/ (95%)
 rename silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/{ => Class}/ (98%)
 rename silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/{ => Class}/ (96%)
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy.backup
 create mode 100644 silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/SilecsHeader.h

diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/
index 25224e4..e7fbb14 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ import fesaTemplates
 import iefiles
 from iecommon import *
-from model.Register import DesignRegister
-from model.Block import DesignBlock
-from model.Class import DesignClass
+from model.Class.Register import DesignRegister
+from model.Class.Block import DesignBlock
+from model.Class.Class import DesignClass
 import libxml2
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/
index 1208ea4..019408f 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/fesa/fesa_3_0_0/
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ import fesaTemplates
 import iefiles
 from iecommon import *
-from model.Register import DesignRegister
-from model.Block import DesignBlock
-from model.Class import DesignClass
+from model.Class.Register import DesignRegister
+from model.Class.Block import DesignBlock
+from model.Class.Class import DesignClass
 import libxml2
 def findBlockServerSetActionName(fesaRoot, propName):
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
index dc8036b..2034155 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
@@ -24,21 +24,17 @@ import iefiles
 import genduwrappertemplate
 from iecommon import *
-from model.Register import DesignRegister
-from model.Block import DesignBlock
-from model.Class import DesignClass
+from model.Class.Register import DesignRegister
+from model.Class.Block import DesignBlock
+from model.Class.Class import DesignClass
+from model.Deploy.Deploy import Deploy
-def genClassHeader(workspacePath, deployName, classNode, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile, logTopics):
-    designName = classNode.prop("silecs-design-name")
-    designVersion = classNode.prop("silecs-design-version") 
-    designFile = funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath(workspacePath, designName)
-    designDOM = libxml2.parseFile(designFile)
+def genClassHeader(workspacePath, deploy, design, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile, logTopics):
+    designDOM = iefiles.loadSilecsDesignDOM(workspacePath, design, deploy.silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath)
     designClass = DesignClass.getDesignClassFromRootNode(designDOM)
-    if(not os.path.isfile(designFile)):
-        raise Exception("File not found: " + designFile)
     classDeclarations = ""
-    #construct Block class
     for block in designClass.getDesignBlocks():
         registerInitializerList = genduwrappertemplate.getBlockInitializerList(block)
         registerGetterSetter = genduwrappertemplate.getRegisterGetterSetter(block)
@@ -54,42 +50,38 @@ def genClassHeader(workspacePath, deployName, classNode, funcGetSilecsDesignFile
     classDeclarations += genduwrappertemplate.getDeviceClass(blockGetters,sendRecvBlocks)
     sendRecvBlocks = genduwrappertemplate.getControllerSendRecvBlocks(designClass.getBlockNodes())
-    classDeclarations = genduwrappertemplate.getDesignClass(designName, designVersion)
-    designWrapper = genduwrappertemplate.designFileTemplate.substitute({'designNameCapitalized' :  iecommon.capitalizeString(designName),'designNameUpper' :  designName.upper(),'classDeclarations' : classDeclarations})
+    classDeclarations = genduwrappertemplate.getDesignClass(, design.version)
+    designWrapper = genduwrappertemplate.designFileTemplate.substitute({'designNameCapitalized' :  iecommon.capitalizeString(,'designNameUpper' :,'classDeclarations' : classDeclarations})
-    designWrapperFile = funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile(workspacePath, deployName, designName)
+    designWrapperFile = funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile(workspacePath,,
     fdesc = open(designWrapperFile, "w")
-    iecommon.logInfo('Generated Wrapper for Design %s'%(designName), logTopics)
+    iecommon.logInfo('Generated Wrapper for Design %s'%(, logTopics)
-def genDuWrapperBase(deployFile,funcGetDuWrapperFile,workspacePath,funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile,deployName,deployVersion,logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
-    deployDOM = libxml2.parseFile(deployFile)
-    for controllerNode in deployDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller"):
-        controllerName = controllerNode.prop("host-name")
-        controllerDomain = "" # GSI-Hack - No Support for domains at GSI
-        deployCustomInclude = constructorBody = destructorBody = designGetters = designMemberDeclarations = ""
-        for classNode in controllerNode.xpathEval("SilecsDesign"):
-            designName = classNode.prop("silecs-design-name")
-            designNameCapitalized = iecommon.capitalizeString(designName)
-            genClassHeader(workspacePath, deployName, classNode, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile, logTopics)
-            deployCustomInclude += genduwrappertemplate.deployIncludeTemplate.substitute({'designNameCapitalized' : designNameCapitalized})
-            constructorBody += genduwrappertemplate.designAllocation.substitute({'designName' : designName,'designNameCapitalized' : designNameCapitalized})
-            destructorBody += genduwrappertemplate.designDeallocation.substitute({'designName' : designName})
-            designGetters += genduwrappertemplate.designGetterTemplate.substitute({'designName' : designName,'designNameCapitalized' : designNameCapitalized})
-            designMemberDeclarations += genduwrappertemplate.deployUnitMembersDeclaration.substitute({'designName' : designName,'designNameCapitalized' : designNameCapitalized})
+def genDuWrapperBase(deployFile,funcGetDuWrapperFile,workspacePath,funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile,logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
+    deploy = Deploy.getDeployFromFile(deployFile)
+    for controller in deploy.controllers:
+        deployCustomInclude = constructorBody = destructorBody = designGetters = designMemberDeclarations = ''
+        for design in controller.getUsedDesigns():
+            genClassHeader(workspacePath, deploy, design, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetDuDesignWrapperFile, logTopics)
+            deployCustomInclude += genduwrappertemplate.deployIncludeTemplate.substitute({'designNameCapitalized' : design.getNameCapitalized()})
+            constructorBody += genduwrappertemplate.designAllocation.substitute({'designName' :,'designNameCapitalized' : design.getNameCapitalized()})
+            destructorBody += genduwrappertemplate.designDeallocation.substitute({'designName' :})
+            designGetters += genduwrappertemplate.designGetterTemplate.substitute({'designName' :,'designNameCapitalized' : design.getNameCapitalized()})
+            designMemberDeclarations += genduwrappertemplate.deployUnitMembersDeclaration.substitute({'designName' :,'designNameCapitalized' : design.getNameCapitalized()})
         controllerCtor = deviceGetter = ''
-        for deviceNode in controllerNode.xpathEval("*/Device"):
-            deviceName = deviceNode.prop("device-name")
-            controllerCtor +=  genduwrappertemplate.controllerDeviceInit.substitute({'deviceName' : deviceName})
-            deviceGetter += genduwrappertemplate.deviceGetterTemplate.substitute({'deviceName' : deviceName, 'deviceNameCapitalizedNoUndercore' : iecommon.capitalizeString(deviceName.replace("-","_"))})
-        controllerClass = genduwrappertemplate.getControllerClass(controllerCtor,deviceGetter,controllerName, controllerDomain)
-        code = genduwrappertemplate.generateControllerFile(deployName,deployVersion,deployCustomInclude,constructorBody,destructorBody,designGetters,designMemberDeclarations,controllerClass)
+        for device in controller.devices:
+            controllerCtor +=  genduwrappertemplate.controllerDeviceInit.substitute({'deviceName' : device.silecsDeviceLabel})
+            deviceGetter += genduwrappertemplate.deviceGetterTemplate.substitute({'deviceName' : device.silecsDeviceLabel, 'deviceNameCapitalizedNoUndercore' : device.getSilecsDeviceLabelCapitalizedNoUnderscore()})
+        controllerClass = genduwrappertemplate.getControllerClass(controllerCtor,deviceGetter,controller.hostName, controller.domain)
+        code = genduwrappertemplate.generateControllerFile(,deploy.version,deployCustomInclude,constructorBody,destructorBody,designGetters,designMemberDeclarations,controllerClass)
-        fdesc = open(funcGetDuWrapperFile(workspacePath, deployName, controllerNode.prop("host-name")) , "w")
+        fdesc = open(funcGetDuWrapperFile(workspacePath,, controller.hostName) , "w")
-        iecommon.logInfo('Generated Wrapper for Controller %s'%(controllerNode.prop("host-name")), logTopics)
+        iecommon.logInfo('Generated Wrapper for Controller %s'%(controller.hostName), logTopics)
 def genDuWrapper(workspacePath,deployName,deployVersion,logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
@@ -101,6 +93,6 @@ def genDuWrapper(workspacePath,deployName,deployVersion,logTopics={'errorlog': T
     if not os.path.exists(sourcePath):
-    genDuWrapperBase(deployFile,funcGetDuWrapperFile,workspacePath,iefiles.getSilecsDesignFilePath, iefiles.getDuDesignWrapperFile,deployName,deployVersion,logTopics)
+    genDuWrapperBase(deployFile,funcGetDuWrapperFile,workspacePath,iefiles.getSilecsDesignFilePath, iefiles.getDuDesignWrapperFile,logTopics)
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
index af7cf95..3f0e9b4 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 import string
 import iecommon
-from model.Register import DesignRegister
-from model.Block import DesignBlock
+from model.Class.Register import DesignRegister
+from model.Class.Block import DesignBlock
 # Deploy Unit Class
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
index 4dfecb5..206c607 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
@@ -28,9 +28,12 @@ import xmltemplate
 import iefiles
 from iecommon import *
-from model.Register import *
-from model.Block import *
-from model.Class import *
+from model.Class.Register import *
+from model.Class.Block import *
+from model.Class.Class import *
+from model.Deploy.Deploy import *
+from model.Deploy.Controller import *
+import model.Deploy.Device
 # Global definitions
@@ -49,19 +52,6 @@ blockCounter            = 0 # used for NI block address generation
 regCounter              = 0 # used for NI register address generation
-# Sub-function
-# Decode HTML mapping < , > , " , ' in the appropiate coding
-def decode(html):
-    html = html.replace("<","&lt;")
-    html = html.replace(">","&gt;")
-    html = html.replace('"',"&quot;")
-    html = html.replace("'","&#39;")
-    return html
 # Trimming: remove new-line, tabulation and spaces of the string
 # Used to compute CRC32 on significant data only
@@ -457,29 +447,19 @@ def computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress(classAddr, nbBlk, nbDev, devSize):
 def computeNiAnyNextBaseAddress(classAddr, nbBlk, nbDev, devSize):
     return 0
-# computeChecksumController
-# checksum procedure:
-#     CRC = Major-number + PLC-base-address
-#     For each PLC-Class (cluster) of the controller mapping:
-#         CRC += class-name + class-version + class-access //DEVICE/BLOCK
-#         For each Block
-#             CRC += block-name + block-mode //R/W
-#             For each Register
-#                 CRC += reg-name + reg-format + array-dim1 + array-dim2 + (string-length) optional
-#         CRC += nb-instance
-def computeChecksumController( workspacePath, controllerNode, silecsVersion, PLCbaseAddress, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath,  logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
+def computeChecksumController( workspacePath, deploy, controller, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath,  logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
     majorSilecsVersion = iecommon.getMajorSilecsVersion(silecsVersion)
     CRC32 = zlib.crc32(trim(str(majorSilecsVersion)),0)& 0xffffffff
-    CRC32 = zlib.crc32(trim(str(PLCbaseAddress)),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
-    for silecsDesign in controllerNode.xpathEval("SilecsDesign"):
-        CRC32       = zlib.crc32(trim(silecsDesign.prop("silecs-design-name")),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
-        CRC32       = zlib.crc32(trim(silecsDesign.prop("silecs-design-version")),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
-        designDOM = loadSilecsDesignDOM(workspacePath, silecsDesign, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath)
-        CRC32 = computeChecksumClass(designDOM,CRC32,logTopics)
-        for device in silecsDesign.xpathEval("Device"):
-            CRC32     = zlib.crc32(trim(device.prop("device-name")),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
+    CRC32 = zlib.crc32(trim(str(controller.baseAddress)),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
+    for silecsDesign in deploy.silecsDesigns:
+        devices = controller.getDevicesOfDesign(
+        if len(devices) > 0:
+            CRC32       = zlib.crc32(trim(,CRC32)& 0xffffffff
+            CRC32       = zlib.crc32(trim(silecsDesign.version),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
+            designDOM = iefiles.loadSilecsDesignDOM(workspacePath, silecsDesign, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath)
+            CRC32 = computeChecksumClass(designDOM,CRC32,logTopics)
+            for device in devices:
+                CRC32     = zlib.crc32(trim(device.silecsDeviceLabel),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
     iecommon.logInfo("CRC32: %s" % str(CRC32),logTopics)
     return CRC32
@@ -495,30 +475,6 @@ def computeChecksumClass(designDOM, CRC32, logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
             CRC32     = zlib.crc32(trim(str(register.stringLength)),CRC32)& 0xffffffff
     return CRC32
-# Hash table
-whichPLCBrand = {
-    'SIMATIC_S7-300'    : 'SIEMENS',
-    'SIMATIC_S7-400'    : 'SIEMENS',
-    'SIMATIC_S7-1200'   : 'SIEMENS',
-    'SIMATIC_S7-1500'   : 'SIEMENS',
-    'SIMATIC_ET-200S'   : 'SIEMENS',
-    'Premium'           : 'SCHNEIDER',
-    'Quantum'           : 'SCHNEIDER',
-    'M340'              : 'SCHNEIDER',
-    'Compact_RIO'       : 'NI',
-    'PXI_RT'            : 'NI',
-    'PXI_Windows'       : 'NI',
-    'PC_Windows'        : 'NI',
-    'Other_Support_CNV' : 'NI',
-    'Rabbit_RCM_4010'   : 'DIGI',
-    'Rabbit_RCM_2000'   : 'DIGI',
-    'BC9020'            : 'BECKHOFF',
-    'CX9020'            : 'BECKHOFF'
 # The following constant are used to align the address of a device block {set of registers}.
 # With SCHNEIDER PLC, block is aligned depending on his 'worst-case' alignement {16bits or 32bits}.
@@ -619,43 +575,10 @@ whichBaseAddressFunction = {
     'BECKHOFF'+'BLOCK_MODE'       : computeSchneiderAnyNextBaseAddress
-#Base address provided by the user in the Deployment relies on the PLC model:
-#Unity Premium/Quantum is interpreted as 16bit address
-#Unity M340 is interpreted as 32bit address
-#Factor is used to convert the base-address to byte-addressing for computation.
-whichAddressFactor = {      
-    'SIMATIC_S7-300'    : 1,  # Simatic does not use absolute addressing {DB-number}
-    'SIMATIC_S7-400'    : 1,
-    'SIMATIC_S7-1200'   : 1,
-    'SIMATIC_S7-1500'   : 1,
-    'SIMATIC_ET-200S'   : 1,
-    'Premium'           : 2,  # Premium/Quantum uses 16bit adressing for 32bit values
-    'Quantum'           : 2,
-    'M340'              : 2,
-    'Compact_RIO'       : 0,
-    'PXI_RT'            : 0,
-    'PXI_Windows'       : 0,
-    'PC_Windows'        : 0,
-    'Other_Support_CNV' : 0,
-    'Rabbit_RCM_4010'   : 2,
-    'Rabbit_RCM_2000'   : 2,
-    'BC9020'            : 2,    # BC90xx use 16 bit addressing
-    'CX9020'            : 1
-def loadSilecsDesignDOM(workspacePath, classNode, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath):
-    if classNode.prop("silecs-design-name") == "SilecsHeader":
-        silecsHeader = xmltemplate.getSilecsHeader(silecsVersion)
-        return libxml2.parseDoc(silecsHeader)
-    else:
-        designPath = funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath(workspacePath, classNode.prop("silecs-design-name"))
-        return libxml2.parseFile(designPath)
 # Needed to encapsulate "genParam" in order to allow unit-testing (fake all file interactions)
 def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSilecsDeployFilePath,  funcGetParameterFileDirectory, workspacePath, deployName, deployVersion, silecsVersion, logTopics={'debuglog': True}):
     # Global variable links
-    global plcModel, plcBrand, plcSystem, plcProtocol, plcSize, plcLast
+    global plcModel, plcSize, plcLast
     global PLCbaseAddress, checksumRef, owner, deviceMemSize, blkAddr, nbBlock, msize
     global blkMemSize
     global instAddr, classAddr
@@ -669,26 +592,8 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
     if(not os.path.isfile(deployPath)):
         iecommon.logError(deployName + "deployment file cannot be found in provided workspace",logTopics)
-    # Create the Deployment DOM object
-    deployDOM = libxml2.parseFile(deployPath)
-    # Check that Deployment data are consistent
-    deployUnitNode = deployDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Deploy-Unit")[0] # only one Deploy-Unit
-    if (deployUnitNode.prop('name') != deployName):
-        iecommon.logError("Deployment name is not consistent", True,logTopics)
+    deploy = Deploy.getDeployFromFile(deployPath)
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Extract information from the XML
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # Extract Deployment owner from the Information node
-    owner = deployDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Information/Owner")[0].prop('user-login')
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    # SECOND pass on each Design documents: Generate parameters
-    # For each class generate XML-ouput document relying on Design & Deployment
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     iecommon.logDebug("------Processing for output file generation------",logTopics)
     paramPath = funcGetParameterFileDirectory(workspacePath, deployName)
@@ -697,54 +602,20 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
         iecommon.logDebug("create directory %s" %paramPath,logTopics)
-    iecommon.addSilecsHeaderToClasses(deployDOM)
-    controllerNodes = deployDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller")
-    for controllerNode in controllerNodes:
-        plcNode  = controllerNode.xpathEval("*[@system]")[0]
-        # Extract PLC global information
-        plcSystem     = plcNode.prop('system')
-        plcModel        = plcNode.prop('model')
-        plcBrand        = whichPLCBrand[plcModel]
-        plcProtocol     = plcNode.prop('protocol')
-        addressFactor   = whichAddressFactor[plcModel]
-        if plcBrand == 'SIEMENS':
-            PLCbaseAddress = long(plcNode.prop('base-DB-number'))
-        elif plcBrand == 'SCHNEIDER':
-            PLCbaseAddress = long(plcNode.prop('base-address'))
-            PLCbaseAddress = PLCbaseAddress * addressFactor
-        elif plcBrand == 'BECKHOFF':
-            PLCbaseAddress = long(plcNode.prop('base-address'))
-            # Use plcModel to set appropriate initial offset
-            if plcModel == 'BC9020':
-                offset = 32768
-            elif plcModel == 'CX9020':
-                offset = 24576
-            PLCbaseAddress = (PLCbaseAddress * addressFactor) + offset
-        elif plcBrand == 'DIGI':
-            PLCbaseAddress = long(plcNode.prop('base-address'))
-            PLCbaseAddress = PLCbaseAddress * addressFactor
-        else: # plcBrand == 'NI'
-            PLCbaseAddress = 0
-        classBaseAddress = PLCbaseAddress
+    for controller in deploy.controllers:
+        classBaseAddress = controller.baseAddress
+        plcModel = controller.model
         # Messagges for debugging purpose
         iecommon.logDebug("------ XML extracted informations ------",logTopics)
-        iecommon.logDebug("owner = "+owner,logTopics)
-        iecommon.logDebug("plcSystem = "+plcSystem,logTopics)
-        iecommon.logDebug("plcModel = "+plcModel,logTopics)
-        iecommon.logDebug("plcBrand = "+plcBrand,logTopics)
-        iecommon.logDebug("plcProtocol = "+plcProtocol,logTopics)
-        iecommon.logDebug("addressFactor = %d" %addressFactor,logTopics)
-        iecommon.logDebug("PLCbaseAddress = %d" %PLCbaseAddress,logTopics)
+        iecommon.logDebug("owner = " + deploy.owner,logTopics)
+        iecommon.logDebug("plcSystem = " + controller.system,logTopics)
+        iecommon.logDebug("plcModel = " + controller.model,logTopics)
+        iecommon.logDebug("plcBrand = " + controller.brand,logTopics)
+        iecommon.logDebug("plcProtocol = " + controller.protocol,logTopics)
+        iecommon.logDebug("PLCbaseAddress = %d" %controller.baseAddress,logTopics)
-        paramFile = funcGetParameterFile(workspacePath, deployName, controllerNode.prop('host-name'))
-        iecommon.logInfo("Generate xml for parameters file: "+paramFile,logTopics)
+        paramFile = funcGetParameterFile(workspacePath, deployName, controller.hostName )
+        iecommon.logInfo("Generate xml for parameters file: " + paramFile,logTopics)
         # Create the parameter DOM for the output file
         paramDOM  = libxml2.newDoc(version='1.0')
@@ -752,26 +623,20 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
         outputRoot.setProp("silecs-version", silecsVersion)
-        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # Generate section <Mapping-Info></Mapping-Infon>
-        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
         paramMappingInfoNode = libxml2.newNode("Mapping-Info")
-        # Add Owner
         paramOwnerNode = libxml2.newNode('Owner')
-        paramOwnerNode.setProp("user-login", owner)
+        paramOwnerNode.setProp("user-login", deploy.owner)
-        # Add Generation
         element2 = libxml2.newNode('Generation')
         currentDate = str(
-        # Add Deployment
         element2 = libxml2.newNode('Deployment')
-        CRC32 = computeChecksumController(workspacePath, controllerNode, silecsVersion, PLCbaseAddress, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, logTopics)
+        CRC32 = computeChecksumController(workspacePath, deploy, controller, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, logTopics)
         element2.setProp("checksum", str(CRC32))
@@ -779,35 +644,33 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
         # Generate section <SILECS-Mapping></SILECS-Mapping>
         paramSilecsMappingNode = libxml2.newNode("SILECS-Mapping")
-        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-name", controllerNode.prop('host-name'))
-        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-brand", plcBrand)
-        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-system", plcSystem)
-        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-model", plcModel)
-        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("protocol", plcProtocol)
-        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("address", str(PLCbaseAddress))
-        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("domain", "NotUsed")
+        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-name", controller.hostName)
+        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-brand", controller.brand)
+        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-system", controller.system)
+        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("plc-model", controller.model)
+        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("protocol", controller.protocol)
+        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("address", str(controller.baseAddress))
+        paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("domain", controller.domain)
         paramSilecsMappingNode.setProp("used-mem", "TODO")
-        classNodes = controllerNode.xpathEval('SilecsDesign')
-        for classNode in classNodes:
+        for deployDesign in deploy.silecsDesigns:
+            devices = controller.getDevicesOfDesign(
+            nbDevice = len(devices)
+            iecommon.logDebug("Class %s has %s devices" %(,nbDevice),logTopics)
+            if nbDevice == 0:
+                continue #skip unused design
-            iecommon.logDebug("------  Analysing Class %s   ------"%classNode.prop("silecs-design-name"),logTopics)
+            iecommon.logDebug("------  Analysing Class " + + "   ------",logTopics)
-            designDOM = loadSilecsDesignDOM(workspacePath, classNode, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath)
+            designDOM = iefiles.loadSilecsDesignDOM(workspacePath, deployDesign, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath)
             designClass = DesignClass.getDesignClassFromRootNode(designDOM)
             paramClass = ParamClass()
-            # Extract the number of devices ------------------------------------------
-            deviceLabelList=classNode.xpathEval('Device')
-            nbDevice = len(deviceLabelList)
-            iecommon.logDebug("Class %s uses device-list and has %s devices" %(classNode,nbDevice),logTopics)
             # Generate section <Block></Block>
@@ -817,10 +680,10 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
             blkAddr = 0                 # memory address of the block (using byte addressing)
             nbBlock = 0             # number of block of the class
-            computeBlkAddress = whichBlkAddressFunction[plcBrand + plcProtocol]
+            computeBlkAddress = whichBlkAddressFunction[controller.brand + controller.protocol]
-            for designBlock in designClass.getDesignBlocks():    #LOOP-2
+            for designBlock in designClass.getDesignBlocks():
                 paramBlock = ParamBlock()
@@ -831,17 +694,17 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
                 blockMemSize = 0    # block size (sum of the regist)
                 instAddr = 0                # initial class address BUG FIXED
                 regCounter = 0      # used for NI register address generation
-                alignRegAddress     = whichRegAddressFunction [plcModel]
+                alignRegAddress     = whichRegAddressFunction [controller.model]
                 # Generate section <Register></Register>
                 for designRegister in designBlock.getDesignRegisters():
                     iecommon.logDebug("------ Processing Register " + + " ------",logTopics)
                     # Set length attribute only for string registers
                     if designRegister.format == 'string':
-                        if plcBrand == 'RABBIT':
+                        if controller.brand == 'RABBIT':
                             # RABBIT has 8bit memory alignment but uses 16bit word communication protocol (MODBUS).
                             # String buffer (8bit elements) must have even number of bytes.
                             if ((int(designRegister.dim1)*int(designRegister.dim2)*int(designRegister.stringLength)) % 2 == 1): #XML CliX cannot check that constraint!   
@@ -857,12 +720,12 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
                     paramRegister = ParamRegister()
                     # Compute address for the next register
-                    regAddress = computeAnyNextRegAddress(plcBrand, regAddress, designRegister.dim1, designRegister.dim2)
+                    regAddress = computeAnyNextRegAddress(controller.brand, regAddress, designRegister.dim1, designRegister.dim2)
                     #iterativelly compute the block size (accumulator initialized outside the loop)
                     blockSize = blockSize + (int(regSize) * designRegister.dim1 * designRegister.dim2)
                 paramBlock.setAddress(computeBlkAddress(regAddress, int(classBaseAddress),nbDevice))
@@ -878,20 +741,20 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
             # Set block Address
-            computeInstAddress = whichInstAddressFunction[ plcBrand + plcProtocol ]
-            for device in deviceLabelList:
-                instance = libxml2.newNode("Instance")     
-                instance.setProp("label", device.prop("device-name"))
+            computeInstAddress = whichInstAddressFunction[ controller.brand + controller.protocol ]
+            for device in devices:
+                instance = libxml2.newNode("Instance")
+                instance.setProp("label", device.silecsDeviceLabel)
                 instance.setProp("address", str(computeInstAddress(classBaseAddress, deviceMemSize)))
             # Compute the memory address for the next class
-            computeBaseAddress = whichBaseAddressFunction [plcBrand+plcProtocol]
+            computeBaseAddress = whichBaseAddressFunction [controller.brand + controller.protocol]
             classBaseAddress = computeBaseAddress(classBaseAddress, nbBlock, nbDevice, deviceMemSize);
             # Set class used-memory
-            iecommon.logInfo("Used-memory for Class "+classNode.prop("silecs-design-version")+": "+str(classMem),logTopics)
+            iecommon.logInfo("Used-memory for Class " + + ": "+str(classMem),logTopics)
         # Generate output XML
@@ -901,21 +764,6 @@ def genParamBase( funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath, funcGetParameterFile, funcGetSile
         iecommon.logDebug("------GENERATED FILE: %s "%paramFile,logTopics)
-    # GSI-Fix there are more then two types now ... better say nothing than something which could be wrong for the else-case
-    #Display details about the PLC memory using for the global configuration
-    #if (plcBrand == 'SIEMENS'):
-    #    # SIEMENS works with data-block addressing
-    #    plcUsedMem = "DB"+str(PLCbaseAddress)+"..DB"+str(plcLast)+" / "+str(plcSize)+" bytes"
-    #else:
-    #    # SCHNEIDER works with absolute addressing
-    #    startAddr   = PLCbaseAddress /2         #Memory info uses word-addressing
-    #    lastAddr    = plcLast               #Already computed as byte-address
-    #    plcUsedMem  = "MW"+str(startAddr)+"..MW"+str(lastAddr)+" / "+str(plcSize)+" words"
-    # print plc used memory
-    # iecommon.logInfo("Used-memory for PLC "+deployName+": "+str(plcUsedMem),logTopics)
 # Entry point
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
index 005156f..13b4147 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 # Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
@@ -28,9 +27,10 @@ import virtualS7Template
 import rabbitTemplate
 from iecommon import *
-from model.Register import ParamRegister
-from model.Block import ParamBlock
-from model.Class import ParamClass
+from model.Class.Register import ParamRegister
+from model.Class.Block import ParamBlock
+from model.Class.Class import ParamClass
+from model.Deploy.Deploy import *
 # General remarks
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ from model.Class import ParamClass
 # Deploy global information
-class Deploy(object):
+class DeploymentInfo(object):
     plcModel        = None  # S7-300, .., Premium, ..
     plcSystem       = None  # UNITY, STEP-7, TIA-PORTAL, ...
     plcProtocol     = None  # DEVICE_MODE or BLOCK_MODE
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ def generateNISources(paramDOM, sourceFolderPath ,logTopics):
 def getDeploymentInformation(paramDOM):
-    deploy = Deploy()
+    deploy = DeploymentInfo()
     mapping = paramDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Param/SILECS-Mapping")[0] 
     deploy.plcModel    = mapping.prop('plc-model')
@@ -586,20 +586,19 @@ def generateControllerFiles(sourceFolderPath,deploy,fileExtention,source,logTopi
 # Needed for unit-testing
-def generateControllerCode(controllerNode, paramsFile, sourceFolderPath, logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
+def generateControllerCode(controller, paramsFile, sourceFolderPath, logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
     paramDOM = libxml2.parseFile(paramsFile)
-    plcNode  = controllerNode.xpathEval("*[@system]")[0]
-    if plcNode.get_name() == 'Siemens-PLC':
+    if controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Siemens-PLC':
-    elif plcNode.get_name() == 'Virtual-Controller':
+    elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Virtual-Controller':
-    elif plcNode.get_name() == 'Schneider-PLC':
+    elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Schneider-PLC':
-    elif plcNode.get_name() == 'Rabbit-uC':
+    elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Rabbit-uC':
-    elif plcNode.get_name() == 'Beckhoff-PLC':
+    elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'Beckhoff-PLC':
-    elif plcNode.get_name() == 'NI-Controller':
+    elif controller.plcNode.get_name() == 'NI-Controller':
         iecommon.logError("The PLC-Type %s is not supported" %plcNode.get_name(), True,logTopics)
@@ -610,7 +609,6 @@ def generateControllerCode(controllerNode, paramsFile, sourceFolderPath, logTopi
 def genPlcSrc(workspacePath, deployName,silecsVersion,logTopics={'errorlog': True}):
     deployFilePath = iefiles.getSilecsDeployFilePath(workspacePath,deployName)
-    deployDOM = libxml2.parseFile(deployFilePath)
     iecommon.logInfo("Load Deployment document: %s" %deployFilePath,logTopics);
     # Create the source folder if needed
@@ -618,16 +616,10 @@ def genPlcSrc(workspacePath, deployName,silecsVersion,logTopics={'errorlog': Tru
     if not os.path.exists(sourceFolderPath):
-    # Add xml of the silecs-header
-    iecommon.addSilecsHeaderToClasses(deployDOM)
-    controllerNodes = deployDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller")
-    for controllerNode in controllerNodes:
-        paramsFile = iefiles.getParameterFile(workspacePath, deployName,controllerNode.prop("host-name"))
-        generateControllerCode(controllerNode,paramsFile,sourceFolderPath,logTopics)
-    # Clean-up the memory before exit
-    deployDOM.freeDoc()
+    silecsDeploy = Deploy.getDeployFromFile(deployFilePath)
+    for controller in silecsDeploy.controllers:
+        paramsFile = iefiles.getParameterFile(workspacePath, deployName,controller.hostName)
+        generateControllerCode(controller,paramsFile,sourceFolderPath,logTopics)
     return "Genplcsrc succeded!"
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
index 720e594..a93685b 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
@@ -155,18 +155,6 @@ def capitalizeString(text):
         str += text[0].upper()
         str += text[1:]
     return str
-def addSilecsHeaderToClasses(silecsDeployDOM):
-    controllers = silecsDeployDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller")
-    for controller in controllers:
-        silecsHeaderDesign = libxml2.newNode("SilecsDesign")
-        silecsHeaderDesign.setProp("silecs-design-name","SilecsHeader")
-        silecsHeaderDesign.setProp("silecs-design-version","1.0.0")
-        silecsHeaderDevice = libxml2.newNode("Device")
-        silecsHeaderDevice.setProp("device-name","SilecsHeader")
-        silecsHeaderDesign.addChild(silecsHeaderDevice)
-        silecsDesigns = controller.xpathEval("SilecsDesign")
-        silecsDesigns[0].addPrevSibling(silecsHeaderDesign)
 #Major changes: Public API, database and PLC code generation may be impacted
 def getMajorSilecsVersion(silecsVersionString):
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
index 4c40de7..32376c9 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 import iecommon
 import xmltemplate
 import socket
+import libxml2
 import os
 import fnmatch
 import shutil
@@ -26,6 +26,14 @@ designFormat    = '.silecsdesign'
 deployFormat    = '.silecsdeploy'
 paramFormat     = '.silecsparam'
+def loadSilecsDesignDOM(workspacePath, silecsDesign, silecsVersion, funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath):
+    if == "SilecsHeader":
+        silecsHeader = xmltemplate.getSilecsHeader(silecsVersion)
+        return libxml2.parseDoc(silecsHeader)
+    else:
+        designPath = funcGetSilecsDesignFilePath(workspacePath,
+        return libxml2.parseFile(designPath)
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/
index 4c9dbdd..408fd90 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ class Migration(MigrationBase):
     def migrateClass(self, context, projectDir ):
         modified = false
+        # fix reverted, since FESA does not allow to have code outside of the "src" folder
         #modified = fesaClassIncludeHeaderMigrator(context,self.silecsDocument)
         #removeSilecsDesignGenCode(context, self.silecsDocument)
         #modified |= fesaClassMakeSpecificMigrator(self.silecsDocument)
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ class Migration(MigrationBase):
     def migrateDeployUnit(self, context, projectDir ):
         modified = False
+        modified |= silecsDeployMigrator(context)
         removeSilecsDeployGenCode(context, projectDir)
         return modified
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/
index 293ede6..6e77a37 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/
@@ -15,54 +15,54 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 import libxml2
-from migration import FileUtils
+#from migration import FileUtils
 import os
 import shutil
-def fesaClassIncludeHeaderMigrator(context,silecsDocument):
-    print("Migration-Info: The include calls in all FESA source files will be updated to use the new 'generated-silecs' folder")
-    modified = False
-    silecsClassNodes = context.xpathEval("//SILECS-Class")
-    if not silecsClassNodes:
-        raise Exception('Node "SILECS-Class" not found')
-    silecsClassNodes = silecsClassNodes[0]
-    silecsClassName = silecsClassNodes.prop("name")
-    projectDir = FileUtils.getProjectDir(silecsDocument)
-    sourceFiles = FileUtils.getFesaSourceFiles(silecsClassName, projectDir)
-    searchString = "<" + os.path.join(silecsClassName,"Common",silecsClassName) + ".h>"
-    replaceString = "<" + os.path.join(silecsClassName,"GeneratedCode",silecsClassName) + ".h>"
-    for sourceFile in sourceFiles:
-        FileUtils.replaceInFile(sourceFile,searchString,replaceString)
-        modified = True 
-    return modified
+#------------------- def fesaClassIncludeHeaderMigrator(context,silecsDocument):
+    # print("Migration-Info: The include calls in all FESA source files will be updated to use the new 'generated-silecs' folder")
+    #---------------------------------------------------------- modified = False
+    #-------------------- silecsClassNodes = context.xpathEval("//SILECS-Class")
+    #-------------------------------------------------- if not silecsClassNodes:
+        #---------------------- raise Exception('Node "SILECS-Class" not found')
+    #------------------------------------ silecsClassNodes = silecsClassNodes[0]
+    #--------------------------- silecsClassName = silecsClassNodes.prop("name")
+    #---------------------- projectDir = FileUtils.getProjectDir(silecsDocument)
+    #--- sourceFiles = FileUtils.getFesaSourceFiles(silecsClassName, projectDir)
+    # searchString = "<" + os.path.join(silecsClassName,"Common",silecsClassName) + ".h>"
+    # replaceString = "<" + os.path.join(silecsClassName,"GeneratedCode",silecsClassName) + ".h>"
+    #-------------------------------------------- for sourceFile in sourceFiles:
+        #-------- FileUtils.replaceInFile(sourceFile,searchString,replaceString)
+        #------------------------------------------------------- modified = True
+    #----------------------------------------------------------- return modified
-def fesaClassMakeSpecificMigrator(silecsDocument):
-    print("Migration-Info:  Compiler flags for new codegen-folder will be added into the Makefile.specific of your FESA class")
-    modified = False
-    projectDir = FileUtils.getProjectDir(silecsDocument)
-    makeSpecific = os.path.join(projectDir,"myProject","Makefile.specific")
-    if os.path.isfile(makeSpecific):
-        with open(makeSpecific, "a") as myfile:
-            myfile.write("\nCOMPILER_FLAGS += -I./generated-silecs/cpp")
-        modified = True 
-    return modified
+#---------------------------- def fesaClassMakeSpecificMigrator(silecsDocument):
+    # print("Migration-Info:  Compiler flags for new codegen-folder will be added into the Makefile.specific of your FESA class")
+    #---------------------------------------------------------- modified = False
+    #---------------------- projectDir = FileUtils.getProjectDir(silecsDocument)
+    #--- makeSpecific = os.path.join(projectDir,"myProject","Makefile.specific")
+    #------------------------------------------ if os.path.isfile(makeSpecific):
+        #------------------------------- with open(makeSpecific, "a") as myfile:
+            #------ myfile.write("\nCOMPILER_FLAGS += -I./generated-silecs/cpp")
+        #------------------------------------------------------- modified = True
+    #----------------------------------------------------------- return modified
-def removeSilecsDesignGenCode(context, silecsDocument):
-    print("Migration-Info: The silecs generated C++ code which was located in 'Common' moved to 'generated-silecs' in the root directory. The old code will be removed")
-    silecsClassNodes = context.xpathEval("//SILECS-Class")
-    if not silecsClassNodes:
-        raise Exception('Node "SILECS-Class" not found')
-    silecsClassNodes = silecsClassNodes[0]
-    silecsClassName = silecsClassNodes.prop("name")
-    projectDir = FileUtils.getProjectDir(silecsDocument)
-    commonFolder = os.path.join(projectDir,"src",silecsClassName,"Common")
-    cppFile = os.path.join(commonFolder,silecsClassName + ".cpp")
-    hppFile = os.path.join(commonFolder,silecsClassName + ".h")
-    if os.path.isfile(cppFile):
-        os.remove(cppFile)
-    if os.path.isfile(hppFile):
-        os.remove(hppFile)
+#----------------------- def removeSilecsDesignGenCode(context, silecsDocument):
+    # print("Migration-Info: The silecs generated C++ code which was located in 'Common' moved to 'generated-silecs' in the root directory. The old code will be removed")
+    #-------------------- silecsClassNodes = context.xpathEval("//SILECS-Class")
+    #-------------------------------------------------- if not silecsClassNodes:
+        #---------------------- raise Exception('Node "SILECS-Class" not found')
+    #------------------------------------ silecsClassNodes = silecsClassNodes[0]
+    #--------------------------- silecsClassName = silecsClassNodes.prop("name")
+    #---------------------- projectDir = FileUtils.getProjectDir(silecsDocument)
+    #---- commonFolder = os.path.join(projectDir,"src",silecsClassName,"Common")
+    #------------- cppFile = os.path.join(commonFolder,silecsClassName + ".cpp")
+    #--------------- hppFile = os.path.join(commonFolder,silecsClassName + ".h")
+    #----------------------------------------------- if os.path.isfile(cppFile):
+        #---------------------------------------------------- os.remove(cppFile)
+    #----------------------------------------------- if os.path.isfile(hppFile):
+        #---------------------------------------------------- os.remove(hppFile)
 def removeSilecsDeployGenCode(context, projectDir):
     print("Migration-Info: the silecsdeploy folder 'generated' will be named 'generated-silecs' to be consistant with silecsdesign. The old folder will be removed.")
@@ -81,3 +81,31 @@ def removeFesaConfigurationFieldParameterFile(context):
     for paramField in paramFields:
+def silecsDeployMigrator(silecsDocument):
+    print("Migration-Info: re-order .silecsdeploy document to provide more configuration-options")
+    modified = False
+    deployUnitNodes = silecsDocument.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Deploy-Unit")
+    if not len(deployUnitNodes) == 1:
+        return
+    deployUnitNode = deployUnitNodes[0]
+    controllers = silecsDocument.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller")
+    for controller in controllers:
+        silecsDesigns = controller.xpathEval("SilecsDesign")
+        plc = controller.xpathEval("*[@system]")[0]
+        for silecsDesign in silecsDesigns:
+            devices = silecsDesign.xpathEval("Device")
+            for device in devices:
+                modified = True
+                device.newProp("silecs-design-ref",silecsDesign.prop("silecs-design-name"))
+                device.newProp("silecs-device-label",device.prop("device-name"))
+                device.unsetProp("device-name")
+                device.unlinkNode()
+                plc.addChild(device)
+            silecsDesign.unlinkNode()
+            alreadyThere = silecsDocument.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/SilecsDesign[@silecs-design-name='" + silecsDesign.prop("silecs-design-name") + "']")
+            if len(alreadyThere) == 0:
+                deployUnitNode.addNextSibling(silecsDesign)
+            modified = True
+    return modified
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/
index 08688f5..8af7f43 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/migration2_0_Xto2_1_X/
@@ -22,16 +22,58 @@ import inspect  # get caller name
 from shutil import copyfile
 import os
-def testFesaClassMakeSpecificMigrator():
-    currentDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    makefileSpecific = os.path.join(currentDirectory, "myProject", "Makefile.specific")
-    makefileSpecificOriginal = os.path.join(currentDirectory, "myProject", "Makefile.specific.original")
-    makefileSpecificCorrect = os.path.join(currentDirectory, "myProject", "Makefile.specific.correct")
-    if os.path.isfile(makefileSpecific):
-        os.remove(makefileSpecific)
-    copyfile(makefileSpecificOriginal, makefileSpecific)
-    fesaClassMakeSpecificMigrator(makefileSpecific)
-    assertFileEqual(makefileSpecific,makefileSpecificCorrect)
+#-------------------------------------- def testFesaClassMakeSpecificMigrator():
+    #------------- currentDirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    # makefileSpecific = os.path.join(currentDirectory, "myProject", "Makefile.specific")
+    # makefileSpecificOriginal = os.path.join(currentDirectory, "myProject", "Makefile.specific.original")
+    # makefileSpecificCorrect = os.path.join(currentDirectory, "myProject", "Makefile.specific.correct")
+    #-------------------------------------- if os.path.isfile(makefileSpecific):
+        #------------------------------------------- os.remove(makefileSpecific)
+    #---------------------- copyfile(makefileSpecificOriginal, makefileSpecific)
+    #--------------------------- fesaClassMakeSpecificMigrator(makefileSpecific)
+    #----------------- assertFileEqual(makefileSpecific,makefileSpecificCorrect)
+def testSilecsDeployMigrator():
+    silecsDeployDocOld = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SILECS-Deploy silecs-version="1.0.1" created="05/03/17" updated="05/03/17" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="/common/usr/cscofe/silecs/silecs-model/1.0.1/xml/DeploySchema.xsd">
+    <Information>
+        <Owner user-login="schwinn" />
+        <Editor user-login="schwinn" />
+    </Information>
+    <Deploy-Unit name="AlexTestDU" version="0.1.0" />
+    <Controller host-name="asl733">
+        <Siemens-PLC system="TIA-PORTAL" model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-DB-number="1" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AlexTest1">
+            <Device device-name="myDev1" />
+            <Device device-name="myDev2" />
+        </SilecsDesign>
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AlexTest2">
+            <Device device-name="myDev3" />
+            <Device device-name="myDev4" />
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="asl744">
+        <Siemens-PLC system="TIA-PORTAL" model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-DB-number="1" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AlexTest1">
+            <Device device-name="myDev1" />
+            <Device device-name="myDev2" />
+        </SilecsDesign>
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AlexTest2">
+            <Device device-name="myDev3" />
+            <Device device-name="myDev4" />
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    context = libxml2.parseDoc(silecsDeployDocOld)
+    silecsDeployMigrator(context)
+    print context
+    silecsDesigns = context.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/SilecsDesign")
+    assertEqual(len(silecsDesigns),2)
+    devices = context.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller[@host-name='asl733']/*/Device")
+    assertEqual(len(devices),4)
+    assertEqual(devices[0].prop("silecs-design-ref"),"AlexTest1")
+    assertEqual(devices[0].prop("silecs-device-label"),"myDev1")
 def testremoveFesaConfigurationFieldParameterFile():
     FesaDocOld = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@@ -73,4 +115,5 @@ def testremoveFesaConfigurationFieldParameterFile():
 def runTests():
+    testSilecsDeployMigrator()
     # print deployDoc # for debugging
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/
index 8277ab5..f404048 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/migration/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class MigrationBase(object):
     def fixSilecsVersion(self, context):
         root = context.xpathEval("/*")[0]
         if root.prop("silecs-version") != self.versionOld:
-            raise IOError("Wrong Silecs Version - migration cancelled")
+            raise IOError("Wrong Silecs Version. Document-version: '" + root.prop("silecs-version") + "' script start version: '" + self.versionOld + "' - migration cancelled")
         print("Info: Replaced old silecs-versiong string: " + self.versionOld + " with: " + self.versionNew)
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
similarity index 95%
rename from silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/
rename to silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
index 45ed1f6..0ae09cb 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 from iecommon import *
-from model.Register import *
+from model.Class.Register import *
 import libxml2
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ class Block(object):
     ___settingBlockType = "Setting-Block"
     ___acquisitionBlockType = "Acquisition-Block"
     ___commandBlockType = "Command-Block"
-    name = ""
-    ___type = ""
-    xmlNode = None
     def __init__(self, xmlNode):
         self.xmlNode = xmlNode
@@ -99,14 +96,14 @@ class ParamBlock(Block):
 class DesignBlock(Block):
-    generateFesaProperty = False
-    fesaPropertyName = ""
-    fesaGetServerActionName = ""
-    fesaSetServerActionName = ""
     def __init__(self, xmlNode):
         super(DesignBlock, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.generateFesaProperty = False
+        self.fesaPropertyName = ""
+        self.fesaGetServerActionName = ""
+        self.fesaSetServerActionName = ""
         if self.xmlNode.hasProp("fesaPropertyName"):
             self.fesaPropertyName = xmlNode.prop("fesaPropertyName")
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
similarity index 98%
rename from silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/
rename to silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
index f7fd3d0..2794060 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
@@ -15,14 +15,10 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 from iecommon import *
-from model.Block import *
+from model.Class.Block import *
 import libxml2
 class Class(object):
-    name = ""
-    version = ""
-    xmlNode = None
     def __init__(self, xmlNode):
         self.xmlNode = xmlNode
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
similarity index 96%
rename from silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/
rename to silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
index ac69f21..079dcde 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
@@ -22,15 +22,6 @@ class Register(object):
     ___acquisitionRegisterType = "Acquisition-Register"
     ___volatileRegisterType = "Volatile-Register"
-    ___type = ""
-    xmlNode = None
-    name = ""
-    valueTypeNode = None
-    valueType = ""
-    dim1 = 1
-    dim2 = 1
-    stringLength = 1 # ... currently needs to be default because of some old convention
-    format = ""
     def __init__(self, xmlNode):
         self.xmlNode = xmlNode
@@ -38,7 +29,13 @@ class Register(object):
         #xmlNode.shellPrintNode() = xmlNode.prop("name")
         self.___type = xmlNode.get_name()
+        self.valueTypeNode = None
+        self.valueType = ""
+        self.dim1 = 1
+        self.dim2 = 1
+        self.stringLength = 1 # ... currently needs to be default because of some old convention
+        self.format = ""
         valueTypes = xmlNode.xpathEval("*[name()='scalar' or name()='array' or name()='array2D' or name()='string' or name()='stringArray' or name()='stringArray2D']")
         if not valueTypes:
             iecommon.logError('ERROR: The register '+ +' has no valueTypes.', True, {'errorlog': True})
@@ -177,12 +174,12 @@ class Register(object):
 #has some additionalValues
 class ParamRegister(Register):
-    size = 0
-    address = 0
-    memSize = 0
     def __init__(self ):
-        size = 0
+        self.size = 0
+        self.address = 0
+        self.memSize = 0
     def initWithParamRegisterNode(self, xmlNode):
         super(ParamRegister, self).__init__(xmlNode)
@@ -218,12 +215,11 @@ class ParamRegister(Register):
 class DesignRegister(Register):
-    fesaFieldName = ""
-    generateFesaValueItem=True
     def __init__(self, xmlNode):
         super(DesignRegister, self).__init__(xmlNode)
         self.fesaFieldName =
+        self.generateFesaValueItem=True
         if self.xmlNode.hasProp("fesaFieldName"):
             self.fesaFieldName = xmlNode.prop("fesaFieldName")
         if self.xmlNode.hasProp("generateFesaValueItem"): #SilecsHEader does not have this attribute 
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Class/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1c700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from model.Deploy.Device import *
+from model.Deploy.SilecsDesign import *
+import libxml2
+class Controller(object):
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+        self.hostName = ""
+        self.domain = ""
+        self.system = ""
+        self.model = ""
+        self.protocol = ""
+        self.brand = ""
+        self.baseAddress = long(0)
+        self.xmlNode = None
+        self.plcNode = None
+        self.devices = []
+        self.xmlNode = xmlNode
+        self.hostName = xmlNode.prop("host-name")
+        if xmlNode.hasProp("domain"):
+            self.domain = xmlNode.prop("domain")
+        self.plcNode = Controller.getPLCNode(xmlNode)
+        self.system = self.plcNode.prop('system')
+        self.model = self.plcNode.prop('model')
+        self.protocol = self.plcNode.prop('protocol')
+        silecsHeader = Device()
+        silecsHeader.silecsDeviceLabel = "SilecsHeader"
+        silecsHeader.silecsDesignRef = "SilecsHeader"
+        self.devices.append(silecsHeader)
+        for deviceNode in self.plcNode.xpathEval('Device'):
+            device = Device()
+            device.initFromXMLNode(deviceNode)
+            self.devices.append(device)
+    def connectDesignObjects(self,silecsDesigns):
+        for device in self.devices:
+            for design in silecsDesigns:
+                if device.silecsDesignRef ==
+                    device.silecsDesign = design
+    def getDevicesOfDesign(self, designName):
+        deviceList = []
+        for device in self.devices:
+            if device.silecsDesignRef == designName:
+                deviceList.append(device)
+        return deviceList
+    def getUsedDesigns(self):
+        designList = []
+        for device in self.devices:
+            if not device.silecsDesign in designList:
+                designList.append(device.silecsDesign)
+        return designList
+    @staticmethod
+    def getPLCNode(controllerNode):
+        hostName = controllerNode.prop("host-name")
+        plcNodes = controllerNode.xpathEval('*')
+        if len(plcNodes) > 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: multiple plc-nodes found for controller: " + hostName )
+        if len(plcNodes) < 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: no plc-node found for controller: " + hostName )
+        return plcNodes[0]
+    @staticmethod
+    def createController(controllerNode):
+        plcNode = Controller.getPLCNode(controllerNode)
+        type = plcNode.get_name()
+        if   type == "Siemens-PLC":
+            return SiemensController(controllerNode)
+        elif type == "Schneider-PLC":
+            return SchneiderController(controllerNode)
+        elif type == "Beckhoff-PLC":
+            return BeckhoffController(controllerNode)
+        elif type == "Rabbit-uC":
+            return DigiController(controllerNode)
+        elif type == "NI-Controller":
+            return NIController(controllerNode)
+        elif type == "Virtual-Controller":
+            return SiemensController(controllerNode)
+        else:
+            raise Exception( "Controller-Type " + type + " not supported" )
+class SiemensController(Controller):
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+        super(SiemensController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.brand = "SIEMENS"
+        self.baseAddress = long(self.plcNode.prop('base-DB-number'))
+class BeckhoffController(Controller):
+    addressFactor_BC9020 = 2 # BC90xx use 16 bit addressing
+    addressFactor_CX9020 = 1
+    offset_BC9020 = 32768
+    offset_CX9020 = 24576
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+        super(BeckhoffController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.brand = "BECKHOFF"
+        self.baseAddress = long(self.plcNode.prop('base-address'))
+        if self.model == 'BC9020':
+            self.baseAddress = ( self.baseAddress * self.addressFactor_BC9020 ) + self.offset_BC9020
+        elif self.model == 'CX9020':
+            self.baseAddress = ( self.baseAddress * self.addressFactor_CX9020 ) + self.offset_CX9020
+        else:
+            raise Exception( "Unknown beckhoff plc-model:" + self.model )
+class SchneiderController(Controller):
+    addressFactor = 2
+    # Premium/Quantum uses 16bit adressing for 32bit values
+    # Unity M340 is interpreted as 32bit address
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+        super(SchneiderController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.brand = "SCHNEIDER"
+        self.baseAddress = long(self.plcNode.prop('base-address'))
+        self.baseAddress = self.baseAddress * self.addressFactor
+# Formally known as "Rabbit Controller"
+class DigiController(Controller):
+    addressFactor = 2
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+        super(DigiController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.brand = "DIGI"
+        self.baseAddress = long(self.plcNode.prop('base-address'))
+        self.baseAddress = self.baseAddress * self.addressFactor
+class NIController(Controller):
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+        super(NIController, self).__init__(xmlNode)
+        self.brand = "NI"
+        self.baseAddress = 0
+    #xmlNode.shellPrintNode()
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4adf1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+import libxml2
+from iecommon import *
+from model.Deploy.Controller import *
+from model.Deploy.SilecsDesign import *
+class Deploy(object):
+    def ___initInformation(self):
+        ownerNodes = self.xmlNode.xpathEval('Information/Owner')
+        if len(ownerNodes) > 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: multiple owner-nodes found in deploy-document" )
+        if len(ownerNodes) < 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: no owner-node found in deploy-document" )
+        if not ownerNodes[0].hasProp("user-login"):
+            raise Exception( "Error: no name property found on owner-node" )
+        self.owner = ownerNodes[0].prop("user-login")
+        editorNodes = self.xmlNode.xpathEval('Information/Editor')
+        for editorNode in editorNodes:
+            if editorNode.hasProp("user-login"):
+                self.editors.append(editorNode.prop("user-login"))
+    def __init__(self, xmlNode):
+ = ""
+        self.owner = ""
+        self.editors = []
+        self.silecsVersion = ""
+        self.controllers = []
+        self.silecsDesigns = []
+        self.xmlNode = xmlNode
+        self.silecsVersion = xmlNode.prop("silecs-version")
+        self.created = xmlNode.prop("created")
+        self.updated = xmlNode.prop("updated")
+        self.___initInformation()
+        deployUnitNodes = self.xmlNode.xpathEval('Deploy-Unit')
+        if len(deployUnitNodes) > 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: multiple Deploy-Unit nodes found in deploy-document" )
+        if len(deployUnitNodes) < 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: no Deploy-Unit node found in deploy-document" )
+        if not deployUnitNodes[0].hasProp("name"):
+            raise Exception( "Error: no name property found on Deploy-Unit node" )
+        if not deployUnitNodes[0].hasProp("version"):
+            raise Exception( "Error: no version property found on Deploy-Unit node" )
+ = deployUnitNodes[0].prop("name")
+        self.version = deployUnitNodes[0].prop("version")
+        ownerNodes = self.xmlNode.xpathEval('Information/Owner')
+        silecsHeader = SilecsDesign()
+ = "SilecsHeader"
+        silecsHeader.version = "1.0.0"
+        self.silecsDesigns.append(silecsHeader)
+        for designNode in self.xmlNode.xpathEval('SilecsDesign'):
+            design = SilecsDesign()
+            design.initFromXMLNode(designNode)
+            self.silecsDesigns.append(design)
+        for controllerNode in self.xmlNode.xpathEval('Controller'):
+            controller = Controller.createController(controllerNode)
+            self.controllers.append(controller)
+            controller.connectDesignObjects(self.silecsDesigns)
+        #xmlNode.shellPrintNode()
+    @staticmethod
+    def getDeployFromFile(deployFile):
+        root = libxml2.parseFile(deployFile)
+        deployNodes = root.xpathEval('/SILECS-Deploy')
+        if len(deployNodes) > 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: multiple Deploy nodes found in deploy-document" )
+        if len(deployNodes) < 1:
+            raise Exception( "Error: no Deploy node found in deploy-document" )
+        return Deploy(deployNodes[0])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..855d4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+import libxml2
+from iecommon import *
+class Device(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.xmlNode = None
+        self.silecsDeviceLabel = ""
+        self.silecsDesignRef = ""
+        self.fesaDeviceName = ""
+        self.fesaFecName = ""
+        self.silecsDesign = None #reference to SIlecsDesign object
+            # not in init, in order to fake a silecsheader
+    def initFromXMLNode(self,xmlNode):
+ = xmlNode.prop("silecs-design-name")
+        self.version = xmlNode.prop("silecs-design-version")
+        self.silecsDeviceLabel = xmlNode.prop("silecs-device-label")
+        self.silecsDesignRef = xmlNode.prop("silecs-design-ref")
+        if xmlNode.hasProp("fesa-device-name"):
+            self.fesaDeviceName = xmlNode.prop("fesa-device-name")
+        if xmlNode.hasProp("fesa-fec-name"):
+            self.fesaFecName = xmlNode.prop("fesa-fec-name")
+        #xmlNode.shellPrintNode()
+    def getSilecsDeviceLabelCapitalizedNoUnderscore(self):
+        return iecommon.capitalizeString(self.silecsDeviceLabel.replace("-","_"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..545c263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+import libxml2
+from iecommon import *
+class SilecsDesign(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.xmlNode = None
+ = ""
+        self.version = ""
+    def initFromXMLNode(self,xmlNode):
+        self.xmlNode = xmlNode
+ = xmlNode.prop("silecs-design-name")
+        self.version = xmlNode.prop("silecs-design-version")
+    def getNameCapitalized(self):
+        return iecommon.capitalizeString(
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/model/Deploy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy
index 871b51c..7b44e99 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy
@@ -1,103 +1,100 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<SILECS-Deploy silecs-version="2.0.0" created="06/27/16" updated="06/27/16" 
-    xmlns:xsi=""
-    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="/common/home/bel/schwinn/lnx/git/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd">
+<SILECS-Deploy xmlns:xsi="" silecs-version="2.1.0" created="06/27/16" updated="06/27/16" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="/common/home/bel/schwinn/lnx/git/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd">
-        <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-        <Editor user-login="schwinn"/>
+        <Owner user-login="schwinn" />
+        <Editor user-login="schwinn" />
-    <Deploy-Unit name="AllTypesDU" version="0.1.0"/>
-        <Controller host-name="Siemens_TiaDevice">
-        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="TIA-PORTAL" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+    <Deploy-Unit name="AllTypesDU" version="0.1.0" />
+    <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+    </SilecsDesign>
+    <Controller host-name="Siemens_TiaDevice">
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="TIA-PORTAL" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Siemens-PLC>
-        <Controller host-name="Siemens_TiaBlock">
-        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="TIA-PORTAL" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+    <Controller host-name="Siemens_TiaBlock">
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="TIA-PORTAL" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Siemens-PLC>
-        <Controller host-name="Siemens_Step7Block">
-        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="STEP-7" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+    <Controller host-name="Siemens_Step7Block">
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="STEP-7" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Siemens-PLC>
     <Controller host-name="Siemens_Step7Device">
-        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="STEP-7" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="STEP-7" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Siemens-PLC>
     <Controller host-name="Virtual_SiemensDevice">
-        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL"
-            system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Virtual-Controller>
     <Controller host-name="Virtual_SiemensBlock">
-        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL"
-            system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Virtual-Controller>
     <Controller host-name="Beckhoff_BC9020">
-        <Beckhoff-PLC model="BC9020" system="TWINCat" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Beckhoff-PLC model="BC9020" system="TWINCat" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Beckhoff-PLC>
     <Controller host-name="Beckhoff_CX9020">
-        <Beckhoff-PLC model="CX9020" system="TWINCat" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Beckhoff-PLC model="CX9020" system="TWINCat" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Beckhoff-PLC>
     <Controller host-name="Schneider_PremiumQuantum">
-        <Schneider-PLC model="Premium" system="UNITY Pro" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Schneider-PLC model="Premium" system="UNITY Pro" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Schneider-PLC>
     <Controller host-name="Schneider_M340">
-        <Schneider-PLC model="M340" system="UNITY Pro"
-            protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Schneider-PLC model="M340" system="UNITY Pro" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Schneider-PLC>
     <Controller host-name="Rabbit_DeviceMode">
-        <Rabbit-uC model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" system="Standard-C"
-            protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-address="0" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Rabbit-uC model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" system="Standard-C" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-address="0">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Rabbit-uC>
     <Controller host-name="Rabbit_BlockMode">
-        <Rabbit-uC model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" system="Standard-C"
-            protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
-        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
-            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
-            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
-        </SilecsDesign>
+        <Rabbit-uC model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" system="Standard-C" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0">
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice1" />
+            <Device silecs-design-ref="AllTypes" silecs-device-label="testDevice2" />
+        </Rabbit-uC>
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy.backup b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy.backup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..871b51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy.backup
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SILECS-Deploy silecs-version="2.0.0" created="06/27/16" updated="06/27/16" 
+    xmlns:xsi=""
+    xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="/common/home/bel/schwinn/lnx/git/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd">
+    <Information>
+        <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
+        <Editor user-login="schwinn"/>
+    </Information>
+    <Deploy-Unit name="AllTypesDU" version="0.1.0"/>
+        <Controller host-name="Siemens_TiaDevice">
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="TIA-PORTAL" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+        <Controller host-name="Siemens_TiaBlock">
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="TIA-PORTAL" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+        <Controller host-name="Siemens_Step7Block">
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="STEP-7" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Siemens_Step7Device">
+        <Siemens-PLC model="SIMATIC_S7-300" system="STEP-7" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Virtual_SiemensDevice">
+        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL"
+            system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Virtual_SiemensBlock">
+        <Virtual-Controller model="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL"
+            system="SNAP7 linux32" base-DB-number="0" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Beckhoff_BC9020">
+        <Beckhoff-PLC model="BC9020" system="TWINCat" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Beckhoff_CX9020">
+        <Beckhoff-PLC model="CX9020" system="TWINCat" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Schneider_PremiumQuantum">
+        <Schneider-PLC model="Premium" system="UNITY Pro" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Schneider_M340">
+        <Schneider-PLC model="M340" system="UNITY Pro"
+            protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Rabbit_DeviceMode">
+        <Rabbit-uC model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" system="Standard-C"
+            protocol="DEVICE_MODE" base-address="0" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
+    <Controller host-name="Rabbit_BlockMode">
+        <Rabbit-uC model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" system="Standard-C"
+            protocol="BLOCK_MODE" base-address="0" />
+        <SilecsDesign silecs-design-version="0.1.0" silecs-design-name="AllTypes">
+            <Device device-name="testDevice1"/>
+            <Device device-name="testDevice2"/>
+        </SilecsDesign>
+    </Controller>
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/
index d0b43d0..78040c1 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/
@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ def CompareGeneratedFiles():
     assertFileEqual( duControllerWrapperGenerated, duControllerWrapperCorrect)
 def runTests():
-    genDuWrapperBase(deployFilePath,fakeGetDuWrapperFile,"fake",fakeGetSilecsDesignFilePath, fakeGetDuDesignWrapperFile,"AllTypesDU","0.1.0")
+    genDuWrapperBase(deployFilePath,fakeGetDuWrapperFile,"fake",fakeGetSilecsDesignFilePath, fakeGetDuDesignWrapperFile)
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/
index 12e56fa..73cc097 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/general/
@@ -22,21 +22,23 @@ from test.testBase import *
 import genplcsrc
 import iecommon
 import iefiles
+from model.Deploy.Deploy import Deploy
 import libxml2
 testFolder = "test"
 generationFolder = testFolder + "/generated_temp"
 comparisonFolder = testFolder + "/generated_correct"
 generationFoldeController = generationFolder + "/controller"
 comparisonFolderController = comparisonFolder + "/controller"
 def generatePLCSources():
-    deployDOM = libxml2.parseFile(testFolder + "/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy")
-    controllerNodes = deployDOM.xpathEval("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller")
-    for controllerNode in controllerNodes:
-        paramsFile = generationFolder + "/client/" + controllerNode.prop("host-name") + ".silecsparam"
-        genplcsrc.generateControllerCode(controllerNode, paramsFile, generationFoldeController ,{'errorlog': True})
-    deployDOM.freeDoc()
+    silecsDeploy = Deploy.getDeployFromFile(testFolder + "/AllTypesDU.silecsdeploy")
+    for controller in silecsDeploy.controllers:
+        paramsFile = generationFolder + "/client/" + controller.hostName + ".silecsparam"
+        genplcsrc.generateControllerCode(controller, paramsFile, generationFoldeController ,{'errorlog': True})
 def CompareGeneratedFiles(hostName,fileExtension):
     fileGeneratedPath = generationFoldeController + "/" + hostName + fileExtension
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.cpp b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.cpp
index 40f7be4..76cd36e 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.cpp
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.cpp
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace AllTypes
                 // Retrieve the PLC related to the current FESA device
                 // (from 'plcHostName' FESA field defined on that purpose).
-                Silecs::PLC* pPLC = pCluster_->getPLC(pDevice->plcHostName.get(),pDevice->parameterFile.get());
+                Silecs::PLC* pPLC = pCluster_->getPLC(pDevice->plcHostName.get());
                 // Update the PLC Slave registers from related FESA fields just before synchronising done at connection time
                 setPLCSlaveRegisters(pPLC, serviceLocator);
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.h
index af3396c..79ecda2 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/AllTypes.h
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ namespace AllTypes
             static bool isInitialized(){ return AbstractAllTypes::isInitialized(); }
             static Silecs::PLC* getPLC(Device* pDevice)
-                return AbstractAllTypes::theCluster()->getPLC(pDevice->plcHostName.get(),pDevice->parameterFile.get());
+                return AbstractAllTypes::theCluster()->getPLC(pDevice->plcHostName.get());
 			static MyROBlock_Type MyROBlock;
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_BC9020.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_BC9020.silecsparam
index ca98dcf..163cd5f 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_BC9020.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_BC9020.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.858569"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.153287"/>
     <Deployment checksum="1037751963"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Beckhoff_BC9020" plc-brand="BECKHOFF" plc-system="TWINCat" plc-model="BC9020" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="32768" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Beckhoff_BC9020" plc-brand="BECKHOFF" plc-system="TWINCat" plc-model="BC9020" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="32768" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="32768" usedMemory="MW16384..MW16407 / 24 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="32768" mem-size="48">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="17">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_CX9020.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_CX9020.silecsparam
index 4fcb642..b711383 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_CX9020.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Beckhoff_CX9020.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.893890"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.186172"/>
     <Deployment checksum="2754857673"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Beckhoff_CX9020" plc-brand="BECKHOFF" plc-system="TWINCat" plc-model="CX9020" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="24576" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Beckhoff_CX9020" plc-brand="BECKHOFF" plc-system="TWINCat" plc-model="CX9020" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="24576" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="24576" usedMemory="MW12288..MW12313 / 26 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="24576" mem-size="52">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="17">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam
index 023db86..161f848 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_BlockMode.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:47.039562"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.299118"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_BlockMode" plc-brand="DIGI" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_BlockMode" plc-brand="DIGI" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="MW0..MW21 / 22 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="44">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="16">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam
index 62778b0..c762cf3 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Rabbit_DeviceMode.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:47.005686"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.271989"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_DeviceMode" plc-brand="DIGI" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Rabbit_DeviceMode" plc-brand="DIGI" plc-system="Standard-C" plc-model="Rabbit_RCM_4010" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="MW0..MW21 / 22 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="44">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="16">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_M340.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_M340.silecsparam
index f46258a..6a7ba61 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_M340.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_M340.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.968837"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.244711"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Schneider_M340" plc-brand="SCHNEIDER" plc-system="UNITY Pro" plc-model="M340" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Schneider_M340" plc-brand="SCHNEIDER" plc-system="UNITY Pro" plc-model="M340" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="MW0..MW21 / 22 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="44">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="16">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.silecsparam
index 6c0873b..0daaea4 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.931934"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.214606"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Schneider_PremiumQuantum" plc-brand="SCHNEIDER" plc-system="UNITY Pro" plc-model="Premium" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Schneider_PremiumQuantum" plc-brand="SCHNEIDER" plc-system="UNITY Pro" plc-model="Premium" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="MW0..MW21 / 22 words">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="44">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="16">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Block.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Block.silecsparam
index 857d51b..1bbf34f 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Block.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Block.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.708946"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.015979"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_Step7Block" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="STEP-7" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_Step7Block" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="STEP-7" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="DB0..DB0 / 48 bytes">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="48">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="18">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Device.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Device.silecsparam
index 6ae45a1..fadc781 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Device.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_Step7Device.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.747628"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:35.051991"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_Step7Device" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="STEP-7" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_Step7Device" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="STEP-7" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="DB0..DB0 / 48 bytes">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="48">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="18">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaBlock.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaBlock.silecsparam
index cc3461d..783f886 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaBlock.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaBlock.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.675405"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:34.977960"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_TiaBlock" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="TIA-PORTAL" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_TiaBlock" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="TIA-PORTAL" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="BLOCK_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="DB0..DB0 / 48 bytes">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="48">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="18">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaDevice.silecsparam b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaDevice.silecsparam
index 7488b87..e4721ef 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaDevice.silecsparam
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/client/Siemens_TiaDevice.silecsparam
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 <SILECS-Param silecs-version="DEV">
     <Owner user-login="schwinn"/>
-    <Generation date="2017-06-08 16:28:46.637256"/>
+    <Generation date="2017-07-20 10:34:34.943897"/>
     <Deployment checksum="308863231"/>
-  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_TiaDevice" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="TIA-PORTAL" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="NotUsed" used-mem="TODO">
+  <SILECS-Mapping plc-name="Siemens_TiaDevice" plc-brand="SIEMENS" plc-system="TIA-PORTAL" plc-model="SIMATIC_S7-300" protocol="DEVICE_MODE" address="0" domain="" used-mem="TODO">
     <SILECS-Class name="SilecsHeader" version="1.0.0" address="0" usedMemory="DB0..DB0 / 48 bytes">
       <Acquisition-Block name="hdrBlk" size="14" address="0" mem-size="48">
         <Acquisition-Register name="_version" size="1" address="0" mem-size="18">
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_BC9020.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_BC9020.h
index 0434b10..7db9cbf 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_BC9020.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_BC9020.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Beckhoff_BC9020", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_CX9020.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_CX9020.h
index 7feef99..a5e255f 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_CX9020.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Beckhoff_CX9020.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Beckhoff_CX9020", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_BlockMode.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_BlockMode.h
index c562005..b59164f 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_BlockMode.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_BlockMode.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Rabbit_BlockMode", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_DeviceMode.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_DeviceMode.h
index a90d775..747806c 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_DeviceMode.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Rabbit_DeviceMode.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Rabbit_DeviceMode", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_M340.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_M340.h
index d31fa17..78d39f6 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_M340.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_M340.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Schneider_M340", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.h
index 58576f6..895132c 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Schneider_PremiumQuantum.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Schneider_PremiumQuantum", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Block.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Block.h
index 9e32650..0ff25b6 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Block.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Block.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Siemens_Step7Block", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Device.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Device.h
index be5bd8a..d74d9da 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Device.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_Step7Device.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Siemens_Step7Device", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaBlock.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaBlock.h
index 63877a3..95fc78e 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaBlock.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaBlock.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Siemens_TiaBlock", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaDevice.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaDevice.h
index e6a3029..8041e9f 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaDevice.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Siemens_TiaDevice.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Siemens_TiaDevice", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/SilecsHeader.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/SilecsHeader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af86363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/SilecsHeader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* Copyright CERN 2015
+ *
+ * WARNING: This code is automatically generated from your SILECS deploy unit document.
+ * You should never modify the content of this file as it would break consistency.
+ * Furthermore, any changes will be overwritten in the next code generation.
+ * Any modification shall be done using the SILECS development environment
+ * and regenerating this source code.
+ */
+#include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Block.h>
+#include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
+#include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Device.h>
+namespace SilecsHeader
+class Design : public SilecsWrapper::Design
+    Design(SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit *deployUnit) :
+                    SilecsWrapper::Design("SilecsHeader", "1.0.0", deployUnit)
+    {
+    }
+    ~Design()
+    {
+    }
+} /* namespace SilecsHeader */
+#endif /* SILECSHEADER_H_ */
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensBlock.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensBlock.h
index 1681d8b..48a682a 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensBlock.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensBlock.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Virtual_SiemensBlock", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensDevice.h b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensDevice.h
index 8b1ef27..f37dd1c 100644
--- a/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensDevice.h
+++ b/silecs-codegen/src/xml/test/generated_correct/wrapper/Virtual_SiemensDevice.h
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/DeployUnit.h>
 #include <silecs-communication/wrapper/Design.h>
+#include "SilecsHeader.h"
 #include "AllTypes.h"
 namespace AllTypesDU
@@ -63,6 +64,14 @@ public:
         return getInstance("", globalConfig);
+    /*!
+     * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsHeader::Design* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _SilecsHeader;
+    }
      * \brief Return pointer to the deployed design AllTypes.
@@ -73,11 +82,15 @@ public:
+    SilecsHeader::Design* _SilecsHeader;
     AllTypes::Design* _AllTypes;
     DeployUnit(const std::string& logTopics, const SilecsWrapper::DeployConfig& globalConfig) :
                     SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit("AllTypesDU", "0.1.0", logTopics, globalConfig)
+        // Construct Design SilecsHeader
+        _SilecsHeader = new SilecsHeader::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
         // Construct Design AllTypes
         _AllTypes = new AllTypes::Design((SilecsWrapper::DeployUnit*) this);
@@ -85,6 +98,7 @@ private:
+        delete _SilecsHeader;
         delete _AllTypes;
@@ -96,6 +110,7 @@ public:
     Controller(SilecsWrapper::Design *design, const std::string parameterFile) :
                     SilecsWrapper::Controller("Virtual_SiemensDevice", "", design, parameterFile)
+            _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("SilecsHeader", new SilecsWrapper::Device("SilecsHeader", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice1", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice1", this)));
             _deviceMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, SilecsWrapper::Device*>("testDevice2", new SilecsWrapper::Device("testDevice2", this)));
@@ -127,6 +142,14 @@ public:
         return _deviceMap;
+    /*!
+     * \brief Get pointer to device SilecsHeader.
+     */
+    SilecsWrapper::Device* getSilecsHeader()
+    {
+        return _deviceMap["SilecsHeader"];
+    }
      * \brief Get pointer to device testDevice1.
diff --git a/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/diagnostictoolmainview.cpp b/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/diagnostictoolmainview.cpp
index 991e0e9..31ec128 100755
--- a/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/diagnostictoolmainview.cpp
+++ b/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/diagnostictoolmainview.cpp
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ void diagnosticToolMainView::fillClassNameComboBox()
 	boost::ptr_vector<ElementXML> classNodes;
-		classNodes = parserDeploy.getElementsFromXPath_throwIfEmpty("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller/SilecsDesign");
+		classNodes = parserDeploy.getElementsFromXPath_throwIfEmpty("/SILECS-Deploy/SilecsDesign");
 	catch(const Silecs::SilecsException& ex2)
diff --git a/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/silecsmodule.cpp b/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/silecsmodule.cpp
index b264bde..115f40d 100755
--- a/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/silecsmodule.cpp
+++ b/silecs-diagnostic-cpp/src/silecs-diagnostic/silecsmodule.cpp
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Item *silecsModule::generateTree(string className, string deployFile)
-        ElementXML silecsDesign = parserDeploy.getFirstElementFromXPath("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller/SilecsDesign[@silecs-design-name='" + className + "']");
+        ElementXML silecsDesign = parserDeploy.getFirstElementFromXPath("/SILECS-Deploy/SilecsDesign[@silecs-design-name='" + className + "']");
         string classVersion = silecsDesign.getAttribute("silecs-design-version");
         silecsCluster = silecsService->getCluster(className,classVersion);
         root->setText(0,QString::fromStdString(className+" v"+classVersion));
@@ -133,26 +133,20 @@ Item *silecsModule::generateTree(string className, string deployFile)
+    ElementXML deployUnitNode = parserDeploy.getFirstElementFromXPath("/SILECS-Deploy/Deploy-Unit");
+    string deployName = deployUnitNode.getAttribute("name");
+    std::size_t deployFolderPos = deployFile.find(deployName);
+    string deployProjectPath = deployFile.substr(0,deployFolderPos) + deployName;
     boost::ptr_vector<ElementXML> controllerNodes = parserDeploy.getElementsFromXPath_throwIfEmpty("/SILECS-Deploy/Controller");
     boost::ptr_vector<ElementXML>::const_iterator controllerIter;
     for(controllerIter = controllerNodes.begin(); controllerIter != controllerNodes.end(); controllerIter++)
         std::string plcName = controllerIter->getAttribute("host-name");
-        if("")==true)
-        {
-            Utils::logError(messageConsole_,"PLC name empty - will be skipped");
-            break;
-        }
         Silecs::PLC *plc;
         string parameterFile = "";
-            ElementXML deployUnitNode = parserDeploy.getFirstElementFromXPath("/SILECS-Deploy/Deploy-Unit");
-            string deployName = deployUnitNode.getAttribute("name");
-            std::size_t deployFolderPos = deployFile.find(deployName);
-            string deployProject = deployFile.substr(0,deployFolderPos) + deployName;
-            parameterFile = deployProject + "/generated/client/" + plcName + ".silecsparam";
+            parameterFile = deployProjectPath + "/generated-silecs/client/" + plcName + ".silecsparam";
             Utils::logInfo(messageConsole_,"Loading parameter file: " + parameterFile);
             plc = silecsCluster->getPLC(plcName,parameterFile);
diff --git a/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd b/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
index c736042..1bace0f 100644
--- a/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
+++ b/silecs-model/src/xml/DeploySchema.xsd
@@ -2,644 +2,668 @@
 <!-- Copyright 2016 CERN and GSI This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see -->
 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
-	<xs:include schemaLocation="shared.xsd" />
+    <xs:include schemaLocation="shared.xsd" />
-	<xs:element name="SILECS-Deploy">
-		<xs:annotation>
-			<xs:documentation>A SILECS configuration contains the class designs,
-				the memory mapping and the hardware distribution for a given set of
-				PLCs.
-			</xs:documentation>
-			<xs:appinfo>
-				<doc>
-					The SILECS configuration defines the data structure and the
-					communication parameters required for the interconnection of the
-					PLCs and the Front-End clients. It consists of 3 parts:
-					&lt;ol&gt;
-					&lt;li&gt; Design: to define the structure of the exchanged data
-					&lt;li&gt; Mapping: to define the PLC memory mapping and the
-					protocol
-					parameters
-					&lt;li&gt; Generation: to define the hardware on
-					which we will deployed the
-					different Mapping
-					&lt;/ol&gt;
-					Generally
-					under the responsability of a unique expert entity, an SILECS
-					configuration is done for a set of classes and PLCs in the scope of
-					a particular project or set of equipment.
-				</doc>
-			</xs:appinfo>
-		</xs:annotation>
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element name="Information">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element name="Owner">
-								<xs:complexType>
-									<xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required" />
-								</xs:complexType>
-							</xs:element>
-							<xs:element name="Editor" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-								<xs:complexType>
-									<xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required" />
-								</xs:complexType>
-							</xs:element>
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="Deploy-Unit">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:attribute name="name" type="DeployNameType" use="required" />
-						<xs:attribute name="version" type="VersionType" use="required" />
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="SilecsDesign" type="SilecsDesignType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
-					<xs:unique name="Design-name-uniquer">
-						<xs:selector xpath="." />
-						<xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-name" />
-					</xs:unique>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="Controller" type="ControllerType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
-					<xs:unique name="silecs-device-label-unique-per-controller">
-						<xs:selector xpath="*/Device" />
-						<xs:field xpath="@silecs-device-label" />
-					</xs:unique>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attribute name="silecs-version" type="xs:string" use="required">
-				<xs:annotation>
-					<xs:appinfo>
-						<doc>Silecs framework version</doc>
-					</xs:appinfo>
-				</xs:annotation>
-			</xs:attribute>
-			<xs:attribute name="created" type="xs:string" use="required">
-				<xs:annotation>
-					<xs:appinfo>
-						<doc>Creation date</doc>
-					</xs:appinfo>
-				</xs:annotation>
-			</xs:attribute>
-			<xs:attribute name="updated" type="xs:string" use="required">
-				<xs:annotation>
-					<xs:appinfo>
-						<doc>Last update Date</doc>
-					</xs:appinfo>
-				</xs:annotation>
-			</xs:attribute>
-		</xs:complexType>
-		<xs:unique name="Host-name-unique-per-silecsdeploy">
-			<xs:selector xpath="Controller" />
-			<xs:field xpath="@host-name" />
-		</xs:unique>
-		<xs:unique name="fesa-device-name-unique">
-			<xs:selector xpath="Controller/*/Device" />
-			<xs:field xpath="@fesa-device-name" />
-		</xs:unique>
-		<xs:keyref name="SilecsDesignRef" refer="SilecsDesign">
-			<xs:selector xpath="Controller/*/Device" />
-			<xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-ref" />
-		</xs:keyref>
-		<xs:key name="SilecsDesign">
-			<xs:selector xpath="SilecsDesign" />
-			<xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-name" />
-		</xs:key>
-	</xs:element>
+    <xs:element name="SILECS-Deploy">
+        <xs:annotation>
+            <xs:documentation>A SILECS configuration contains the class designs,
+                the memory mapping and the hardware distribution for a given set of
+                PLCs.
+            </xs:documentation>
+            <xs:appinfo>
+                <doc>
+                    The SILECS configuration defines the data structure and the
+                    communication parameters required for the interconnection of the
+                    PLCs and the Front-End clients. It consists of 3 parts:
+                    &lt;ol&gt;
+                    &lt;li&gt; Design: to define the structure of the exchanged data
+                    &lt;li&gt; Mapping: to define the PLC memory mapping and the
+                    protocol
+                    parameters
+                    &lt;li&gt; Generation: to define the hardware on
+                    which we will deployed the
+                    different Mapping
+                    &lt;/ol&gt;
+                    Generally
+                    under the responsability of a unique expert entity, an SILECS
+                    configuration is done for a set of classes and PLCs in the scope of
+                    a particular project or set of equipment.
+                </doc>
+            </xs:appinfo>
+        </xs:annotation>
+        <xs:complexType>
+            <xs:sequence>
+                <xs:element name="Information">
+                    <xs:complexType>
+                        <xs:sequence>
+                            <xs:element name="Owner">
+                                <xs:complexType>
+                                    <xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required" />
+                                </xs:complexType>
+                            </xs:element>
+                            <xs:element name="Editor" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+                                <xs:complexType>
+                                    <xs:attribute name="user-login" type="xs:string" use="required" />
+                                </xs:complexType>
+                            </xs:element>
+                        </xs:sequence>
+                    </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+                <xs:element name="Deploy-Unit">
+                    <xs:complexType>
+                        <xs:attribute name="name" type="DeployNameType" use="required" />
+                        <xs:attribute name="version" type="VersionType" use="required" />
+                    </xs:complexType>
+                </xs:element>
+                <xs:element name="SilecsDesign" type="SilecsDesignType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
+                    <xs:unique name="Design-name-uniquer">
+                        <xs:selector xpath="." />
+                        <xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-name" />
+                    </xs:unique>
+                </xs:element>
+                <xs:element name="Controller" type="ControllerType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
+                    <xs:unique name="silecs-device-label-unique-per-controller">
+                        <xs:selector xpath="*/Device" />
+                        <xs:field xpath="@silecs-device-label" />
+                    </xs:unique>
+                </xs:element>
+            </xs:sequence>
+            <xs:attribute name="silecs-version" type="xs:string" use="required">
+                <xs:annotation>
+                    <xs:appinfo>
+                        <doc>Silecs framework version</doc>
+                    </xs:appinfo>
+                </xs:annotation>
+            </xs:attribute>
+            <xs:attribute name="created" type="xs:string" use="required">
+                <xs:annotation>
+                    <xs:appinfo>
+                        <doc>Creation date</doc>
+                    </xs:appinfo>
+                </xs:annotation>
+            </xs:attribute>
+            <xs:attribute name="updated" type="xs:string" use="required">
+                <xs:annotation>
+                    <xs:appinfo>
+                        <doc>Last update Date</doc>
+                    </xs:appinfo>
+                </xs:annotation>
+            </xs:attribute>
+        </xs:complexType>
+        <xs:unique name="Host-name-unique-per-silecsdeploy">
+            <xs:selector xpath="Controller" />
+            <xs:field xpath="@host-name" />
+        </xs:unique>
+        <xs:unique name="fesa-device-name-unique">
+            <xs:selector xpath="Controller/*/Device" />
+            <xs:field xpath="@fesa-device-name" />
+        </xs:unique>
+        <xs:keyref name="SilecsDesignRef" refer="SilecsDesign">
+            <xs:selector xpath="Controller/*/Device" />
+            <xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-ref" />
+        </xs:keyref>
+        <xs:key name="SilecsDesign">
+            <xs:selector xpath="SilecsDesign" />
+            <xs:field xpath="@silecs-design-name" />
+        </xs:key>
+    </xs:element>
-	<xs:complexType name="ControllerType">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:choice>
-				<xs:element name="Siemens-PLC" type="SiemensPLCType">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>A Siemens-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
-							of classes intended to SIMATIC PLCs
-						</xs:documentation>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="Schneider-PLC" type="SchneiderPLCType">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>A Schneider-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
-							of classes intended to PL7/UNITY PLCs
-						</xs:documentation>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="Beckhoff-PLC" type="BeckhoffPLCType">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
-							of classes intended to TwinCat PLCs
-						</xs:documentation>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:element>
-				<!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far<xs:element name="Beckhoff-RIO" type="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-RIO deployment defines the physical Mapping of TwinCAT Remote IO modules.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> -->
-				<xs:element name="Rabbit-uC" type="RabbituCType">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>A Rabbit-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of
-							classes intended for Rabbit microcontrollers
-						</xs:documentation>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="Virtual-Controller" type="VirtualControllerType">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Defines a particular C++ code mapping of classes
-							intended for Software controller
-						</xs:documentation>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="NI-Controller" type="NIControllerType">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>A NI-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of
-							classes intended to National Instrument Controllers
-						</xs:documentation>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:choice>
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attribute name="host-name" type="HostNameType" use="required" />
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="ControllerType">
+        <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:choice>
+                <xs:element name="Siemens-PLC" type="SiemensPLCType">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>A Siemens-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
+                            of classes intended to SIMATIC PLCs
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:element>
+                <xs:element name="Schneider-PLC" type="SchneiderPLCType">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>A Schneider-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
+                            of classes intended to PL7/UNITY PLCs
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:element>
+                <xs:element name="Beckhoff-PLC" type="BeckhoffPLCType">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-Mapping defines a particular Mapping
+                            of classes intended to TwinCat PLCs
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:element>
+                <!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far<xs:element name="Beckhoff-RIO" type="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>A Beckhoff-RIO deployment defines the physical Mapping of TwinCAT Remote IO modules.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> -->
+                <xs:element name="Rabbit-uC" type="RabbituCType">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>A Rabbit-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of
+                            classes intended for Rabbit microcontrollers
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:element>
+                <xs:element name="Virtual-Controller" type="VirtualControllerType">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Defines a particular C++ code mapping of classes
+                            intended for Software controller
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:element>
+                <xs:element name="NI-Controller" type="NIControllerType">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>A NI-Mapping defines a particular Mapping of
+                            classes intended to National Instrument Controllers
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:element>
+            </xs:choice>
+        </xs:sequence>
+        <xs:attribute name="host-name" type="HostNameType" use="required" />
+        <xs:attribute name="domain" type="DomainType" use="optional">
+            <xs:annotation>
+                <xs:documentation>Defines the domain of deployment (Accelerator or Test)</xs:documentation>
+            </xs:annotation>
+        </xs:attribute>
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="SilecsDesignType">
-		<xs:attribute name="silecs-design-name" type="SilecsClassNameType" use="required" />
-		<xs:attribute name="silecs-design-version" type="VersionType" use="required" />
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="SilecsDesignType">
+        <xs:attribute name="silecs-design-name" type="SilecsClassNameType" use="required" />
+        <xs:attribute name="silecs-design-version" type="VersionType" use="required" />
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="DeviceType">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:annotation>
-				<xs:documentation>The device is an instance of the related
-					silecs-design.
-				</xs:documentation>
-				<xs:appinfo>
-					<doc>
-						The device is an instance of the related SILECS design class.
-						The label is dedicated to the PLC process and the SILECS client
-						software to identify the device in the scope of that class in that
-						particular Mapping.
-						It does not identify a unique device instance
-						of the control system
-						at the supervision level.
-						The device sequence
-						will occupy contiguous segment of PLC memory
-						respecting their exact
-						ordering.
-						The SILECS tool assists the expert in ordering devices as
-						required.
-					</doc>
-				</xs:appinfo>
-			</xs:annotation>
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attribute name="silecs-device-label" type="DeviceNameType" use="required" />
-		<xs:attribute name="silecs-design-ref" type="SilecsClassNameType" use="required" />
-		<xs:attribute name="fesa-device-name" type="DeviceNameType" use="optional" />
-		<xs:attribute name="fesa-fec-name" type="HostNameType" use="optional" />
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="DeviceType">
+        <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:annotation>
+                <xs:documentation>The device is an instance of the related
+                    silecs-design.
+                </xs:documentation>
+                <xs:appinfo>
+                    <doc>
+                        The device is an instance of the related SILECS design class.
+                        The label is dedicated to the PLC process and the SILECS client
+                        software to identify the device in the scope of that class in that
+                        particular Mapping.
+                        It does not identify a unique device instance
+                        of the control system
+                        at the supervision level.
+                        The device sequence
+                        will occupy contiguous segment of PLC memory
+                        respecting their exact
+                        ordering.
+                        The SILECS tool assists the expert in ordering devices as
+                        required.
+                    </doc>
+                </xs:appinfo>
+            </xs:annotation>
+        </xs:sequence>
+        <xs:attribute name="silecs-device-label" type="DeviceNameType" use="required" />
+        <xs:attribute name="silecs-design-ref" type="SilecsClassNameType" use="required" />
+        <xs:attribute name="fesa-device-name" type="DeviceNameType" use="optional" />
+        <xs:attribute name="fesa-fec-name" type="HostNameType" use="optional" />
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="HostNameType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:minLength value="1" />
-			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="DeployNameType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:minLength value="1" />
-			<xs:maxLength value="20" />
-			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="HostNameType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:minLength value="1" />
+            <xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="DeployNameType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:minLength value="1" />
+            <xs:maxLength value="20" />
+            <xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z]+[_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="DeviceNameType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:minLength value="1" />
-			<xs:maxLength value="30" />
-			<!-- In FESA the deviceName is restricted to max. 30 characters -->
-			<xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="DeviceNameType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:minLength value="1" />
+            <xs:maxLength value="30" />
+            <!-- In FESA the deviceName is restricted to max. 30 characters -->
+            <xs:pattern value="[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="SiemensSystemType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="STEP-7" />
-			<xs:enumeration value="TIA-PORTAL" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="SchneiderSystemType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="UNITY Pro" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="BeckhoffSystemType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="TWINCat" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="RabbitSystemType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="Standard-C" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="NISystemType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="Labview" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="BothProtocolType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE" />
-			<xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="DeviceProtocolType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="BlockProtocolType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:simpleType name="PCSystemType">
-		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-			<xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux32" />
-			<xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux64" />
-		</xs:restriction>
-	</xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="SiemensSystemType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="STEP-7" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="TIA-PORTAL" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="SchneiderSystemType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="UNITY Pro" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="BeckhoffSystemType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="TWINCat" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="RabbitSystemType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="Standard-C" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="NISystemType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="Labview" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="BothProtocolType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="DeviceProtocolType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_MODE" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="BlockProtocolType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="BLOCK_MODE" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:simpleType name="PCSystemType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux32" />
+            <xs:enumeration value="SNAP7 linux64" />
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
-	<xs:complexType name="PLCBaseType">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="Device" type="DeviceType" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:simpleType  name="DomainType">
+        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+            <xs:enumeration value="ALL"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="ADE"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="CPS"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="CTF"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="ISO"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="LEI"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="LHC"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="LIN"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="LN3"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="LN4"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="PSB"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="REX"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="SPS"/>
+            <xs:enumeration value="TST"/>
+        </xs:restriction>
+    </xs:simpleType>
+    <xs:complexType name="PLCBaseType">
+        <xs:sequence>
+            <xs:element name="Device" type="DeviceType" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
+        </xs:sequence>
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="SiemensPLCType">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
-				<xs:attribute name="system" type="SiemensSystemType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
-							configure the controller software.
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
-								controller
-								software.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-					<xs:simpleType>
-						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-300" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-400" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1200" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1500" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_ET-200S" />
-						</xs:restriction>
-					</xs:simpleType>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
-							the classes
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								DEVICE_MODE: One S7-DB per class/device
-								([class-name]_[device-label|id]),
-								&lt;br&gt;containing the
-								corresponding ordered list of Blocks
-								&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One
-								S7-DB per class/block
-								([class-name]_[block-name]),
-								&lt;br&gt;containing array of
-								corresponding Block, one element
-								per device
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first
-							one of the global configuration (corresponds to the common
-							SilecsHeader data-block).
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the
-								global
-								configuration ( &gt;=1)
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-			</xs:extension>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="SiemensPLCType">
+        <xs:complexContent>
+            <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+                <xs:attribute name="system" type="SiemensSystemType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+                            configure the controller software.
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+                                controller
+                                software.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+                    <xs:simpleType>
+                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+                            <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-300" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-400" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1200" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-1500" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_ET-200S" />
+                        </xs:restriction>
+                    </xs:simpleType>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+                            the classes
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                DEVICE_MODE: One S7-DB per class/device
+                                ([class-name]_[device-label|id]),
+                                &lt;br&gt;containing the
+                                corresponding ordered list of Blocks
+                                &lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One
+                                S7-DB per class/block
+                                ([class-name]_[block-name]),
+                                &lt;br&gt;containing array of
+                                corresponding Block, one element
+                                per device
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first
+                            one of the global configuration (corresponds to the common
+                            SilecsHeader data-block).
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the
+                                global
+                                configuration ( &gt;=1)
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+            </xs:extension>
+        </xs:complexContent>
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="SchneiderPLCType">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
-				<xs:attribute name="system" type="SchneiderSystemType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
-							configure the controller software.
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
-								controller
-								software.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-					<xs:simpleType>
-						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-							<xs:enumeration value="Premium" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="Quantum" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="M340" />
-						</xs:restriction>
-					</xs:simpleType>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
-							the classes
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block
-								([class-name]_[block-name]),
-								&lt;br&gt;containing array of
-								corresponding Block, one element per
-								device
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration
-							(corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address). Attention:
-							16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16
-							or 32 bit).
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the
-								common
-								SilecsHeader block address).
-								&lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit
-								address value is expected independently from the HW model
-								(16 or 32
-								bit)
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-			</xs:extension>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="SchneiderPLCType">
+        <xs:complexContent>
+            <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+                <xs:attribute name="system" type="SchneiderSystemType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+                            configure the controller software.
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+                                controller
+                                software.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+                    <xs:simpleType>
+                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+                            <xs:enumeration value="Premium" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="Quantum" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="M340" />
+                        </xs:restriction>
+                    </xs:simpleType>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+                            the classes
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block
+                                ([class-name]_[block-name]),
+                                &lt;br&gt;containing array of
+                                corresponding Block, one element per
+                                device
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration
+                            (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address). Attention:
+                            16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16
+                            or 32 bit).
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the
+                                common
+                                SilecsHeader block address).
+                                &lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit
+                                address value is expected independently from the HW model
+                                (16 or 32
+                                bit)
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+            </xs:extension>
+        </xs:complexContent>
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="BeckhoffPLCType">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
-				<xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
-							configure the controller software.
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
-								Controller
-								software.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-					<xs:simpleType>
-						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-							<xs:enumeration value="BC9020" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="CX9020" />
-						</xs:restriction>
-					</xs:simpleType>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
-							the classes
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block
-								([class-name]_[block-name]),
-								&lt;br&gt;containing array of
-								corresponding Block, one element per
-								device
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration
-							(corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address). Attention:
-							16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16
-							or 32 bit).
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the
-								common
-								SilecsHeader block address).
-								&lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit
-								address value is expected independently from the HW model
-								(16 or 32
-								bit)
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-			</xs:extension>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="BeckhoffPLCType">
+        <xs:complexContent>
+            <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+                <xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+                            configure the controller software.
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+                                Controller
+                                software.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+                    <xs:simpleType>
+                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+                            <xs:enumeration value="BC9020" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="CX9020" />
+                        </xs:restriction>
+                    </xs:simpleType>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BlockProtocolType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+                            the classes
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                BLOCK_MODE: One data-segment per class/block
+                                ([class-name]_[block-name]),
+                                &lt;br&gt;containing array of
+                                corresponding Block, one element per
+                                device
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Start address of the SILECS configuration
+                            (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader block address). Attention:
+                            16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16
+                            or 32 bit).
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                Start address of the SILECS configuration (corresponds to the
+                                common
+                                SilecsHeader block address).
+                                &lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit
+                                address value is expected independently from the HW model
+                                (16 or 32
+                                bit)
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+            </xs:extension>
+        </xs:complexContent>
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far <xs:complexType name="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software. </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="model" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="BK9000"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9050"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9100"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="io-base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> Start 
-		address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). &lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit). </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> -->
+    <!-- No support for this type in CERN codegen so far <xs:complexType name="BeckhoffRIOType"> <xs:attribute name="system" type="BeckhoffSystemType" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the controller software.</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the Controller software. </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="model" use="required"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="BK9000"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9050"/> <xs:enumeration value="BK9100"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:attribute> <xs:attribute name="io-base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit).</xs:documentation> <xs:appinfo> <doc> 
+        Start address of the Remote IO modules (can be 0 if not required). &lt;br&gt;Attention: 16bit address value is expected independently from the HW model (16 or 32 bit). </doc> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:attribute> </xs:complexType> -->
-	<xs:complexType name="RabbituCType">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
-				<xs:attribute name="system" type="RabbitSystemType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
-							configure the controller software.
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
-								Controller
-								software.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-					<xs:simpleType>
-						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-							<xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_4010" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_2000" />
-						</xs:restriction>
-					</xs:simpleType>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
-							the classes
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device
-								([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the
-								corresponding ordered list of Blocks
-								&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C
-								struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]),
-								&lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per
-								device
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Start address of the entire SILECS configuration
-							interpreted as 16bit address.
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								Start address of the entire SILECS configuration interpreted
-								as 16bit
-								address.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-			</xs:extension>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="RabbituCType">
+        <xs:complexContent>
+            <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+                <xs:attribute name="system" type="RabbitSystemType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+                            configure the controller software.
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+                                Controller
+                                software.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+                    <xs:simpleType>
+                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+                            <xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_4010" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="Rabbit_RCM_2000" />
+                        </xs:restriction>
+                    </xs:simpleType>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+                            the classes
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device
+                                ([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the
+                                corresponding ordered list of Blocks
+                                &lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C
+                                struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]),
+                                &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per
+                                device
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="base-address" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Start address of the entire SILECS configuration
+                            interpreted as 16bit address.
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                Start address of the entire SILECS configuration interpreted
+                                as 16bit
+                                address.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+            </xs:extension>
+        </xs:complexContent>
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="VirtualControllerType">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
-				<xs:attribute name="system" type="PCSystemType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
-							configure the controller software.
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
-								Controller
-								software.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-					<xs:simpleType>
-						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-							<xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" />
-						</xs:restriction>
-					</xs:simpleType>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
-							the classes
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device
-								([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the
-								corresponding ordered list of Blocks
-								&lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C
-								struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]),
-								&lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per
-								device
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one
-							of the global configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader
-							data-block).
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the
-								global
-								configuration ( &gt;=1)
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-			</xs:extension>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="VirtualControllerType">
+        <xs:complexContent>
+            <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+                <xs:attribute name="system" type="PCSystemType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+                            configure the controller software.
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+                                Controller
+                                software.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+                    <xs:simpleType>
+                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+                            <xs:enumeration value="SIMATIC_S7-VIRTUAL" />
+                        </xs:restriction>
+                    </xs:simpleType>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="BothProtocolType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+                            the classes
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                DEVICE_MODE: One C struct field per class/device
+                                ([class-name]_[device-label|id]), &lt;br&gt;containing the
+                                corresponding ordered list of Blocks
+                                &lt;br&gt;BLOCK_MODE: One C
+                                struct field per class/block ([class-name]_[block-name]),
+                                &lt;br&gt;containing array of corresponding Block, one element per
+                                device
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="base-DB-number" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one
+                            of the global configuration (corresponds to the common SilecsHeader
+                            data-block).
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                Number of the diagnostic DB that is the first one of the
+                                global
+                                configuration ( &gt;=1)
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+            </xs:extension>
+        </xs:complexContent>
+    </xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="NIControllerType">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
-				<xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
-					<xs:simpleType>
-						<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-							<xs:enumeration value="Compact_RIO" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="PXI_RT" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="PXI_Windows" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="PC_Windows" />
-							<xs:enumeration value="Other_Support_CNV" />
-						</xs:restriction>
-					</xs:simpleType>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="system" type="NISystemType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
-							configure the controller software.
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
-								Controller
-								software.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-				<xs:attribute name="protocol" type="DeviceProtocolType" use="required">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
-							the classes
-						</xs:documentation>
-						<xs:appinfo>
-							<doc>
-								DEVICE_MODE: One shared variable per class/device
-								(//class-name//controllerName//device-label), &lt;br&gt;containing
-								the corresponding ordered list of Blocks.
-							</doc>
-						</xs:appinfo>
-					</xs:annotation>
-				</xs:attribute>
-			</xs:extension>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
+    <xs:complexType name="NIControllerType">
+        <xs:complexContent>
+            <xs:extension base="PLCBaseType">
+                <xs:attribute name="model" use="required">
+                    <xs:simpleType>
+                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
+                            <xs:enumeration value="Compact_RIO" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="PXI_RT" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="PXI_Windows" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="PC_Windows" />
+                            <xs:enumeration value="Other_Support_CNV" />
+                        </xs:restriction>
+                    </xs:simpleType>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="system" type="NISystemType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>System infrastructure used to develop and/or
+                            configure the controller software.
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                System infrastructure used to develop and/or configure the
+                                Controller
+                                software.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+                <xs:attribute name="protocol" type="DeviceProtocolType" use="required">
+                    <xs:annotation>
+                        <xs:documentation>Data access mode is defined at PLC level for all
+                            the classes
+                        </xs:documentation>
+                        <xs:appinfo>
+                            <doc>
+                                DEVICE_MODE: One shared variable per class/device
+                                (//class-name//controllerName//device-label), &lt;br&gt;containing
+                                the corresponding ordered list of Blocks.
+                            </doc>
+                        </xs:appinfo>
+                    </xs:annotation>
+                </xs:attribute>
+            </xs:extension>
+        </xs:complexContent>
+    </xs:complexType>