Commits on Source (46)
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Added two new message types (Return + ReturnAndDialog) -- ReturnMsg is partly implemented (only and also this still has to be modified when CallerMsg has no parameters) -- Fixed a bug in the When one switched between projects the actor list was not always proper updated -- Slightly modified the helping txt files
b176229a -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- and Send for the AsynchReturn Msg are working now (with and without caller parameters)
9d7aaa06 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- The Asynch+Dialog version is also working -- Corrected very nasty bug which appeared when switching between PVDialog and Return Msg: LV got completely stuck. I could solve this by change the inheritance before (!) building the -- Correted (old?) bug in the Even if a VI from the template class is newly copied to the Msg folder he will reset it. I had problems that it could happen that some old files were still hanging around in memory... -- Switching between the two different Dialog versions is working: He will only overwrite the Configure if the new type is different from the old one. This is included to minimize the work the user has to do at the FP -- Included the Ack-Msg button (has no function yet)
a2983a34 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- The Acknowledge Message is now included and working (there is a small bug when switching frfom an Ack Msg to an Asynch Msg resulting in a warning => not so problematic) -- Changed some symbols -- Updated the Help window
49eb4d48 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- NOTE THAT THIS IS JUST A "WORK-IN-PRPGRESS"-VERSION -- changed the string test in Build to make it more reliable -- Included the for the two Asynch Msgs -- Included AccessVIs for all messages
8ef14e4b -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- This version should work again. Send and Do.vis for the ReturnMSGs were renewed as well as the Ack Msg
6af62325 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- The GUI was completely renewed. Now it looks better, is more intuitive, easier to extend and more powerful if you want to create many messages at once. The can still be some logic errors in (these checkboxes...).
29bfe663 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Included a write protection check. So before any folders or files are generated the tool will check wether there is a write-protected file in the folder. If yes, the process will be aborted.
aef692d4 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected a small bug in the just introduced WriteProtection test: Now the user is forced to restart the MessageMaker if a WriteProtection Error occured at a message. Because the at this time the message is already in memory.
0aedf383 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Included a new checkbox to give the user the possbility to force the tool to overwrite thefront panel of the dialog.
3b6fd49b -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Added some Tip descriptions for the controls of the Main GUI.
f303dda5 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Mass compiled with LV2017
badc3ab0 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Modified the MM in order to be compatible with new folder/class/library names
61f8f00e -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- This version of MM is compatible with the renamed CSPP_Update messages -- The main window is set to modal again
8dfb2fd5 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Prepared the MessageMaker to act as a submodule in the new created CSPP_Tools
2a4d2b83 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected bug in which could produce a crash, if there were only not supported data types on the Configure
1b17c119 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Added options for AsyncPV and AsyncDialogPV messages -- Note that this is an internal test version and not fully tested!
6a32a8c6 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Revision of MessageMaker finished for the moment (still some bugfixing ongoing). NOTE that all messages should be recreated!
59b5dfaf -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected a bug which could occur when creating a Return Msg
e5fac161 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected a bug which occured when a return message was createdand the parameter in the attribute data had a special character (like ?).
5687a3f9 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- There was another bug which occured when creating a ReturnMsg for a SenderVI without inputs (in this case an "Execute?" boolean has to be created) -- Renamed the to make clear that this one is deprecated
a07aaf67 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected bug introduced in previous commit
95113baf -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- And another bug in the return msg corrected -- Added Help file for Return Panel -- Changed icon color of return msgs
69e98b8c -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected a problem in the earlier versions for ReturnMsgs: The parameters have to be taken from the parent class of the return msg -- It is not 100% tested yet and the Expert mode is not wired to the GUI
14d772bb -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected another bug in In case of a return message the inputs of the receiver message were used to be connected to the Sender Action vi and not the outputs -- Larger modifications to the ReturnMsgPanel: From now on he calculates which messages are possible with the sender methods connector pane. Everything else will not be shown to the user. In a next stel the expert mode has to be implemented. -- Exchanged some deprecated VIs I used to check if a variant is an error cluster
bdaae00c -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Implemented the Expert-Mode for Return Msgs. Has to be tested a bit more.
a96a1f36 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Added a "Test"-Mode, reachable over Ctrl-F1. This mode needs the CSPP_MMTest package to be installed. Right now it does not work with return messages. (btw: Test was passed for all messages)
201e7375 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- The Test mode is now also working with Return Messages -- Corrected a bug which occured when two classes with the same name but different libraries were present in the system (btw: LabVIEW crashes when a class tries to inherit from itself)
6fa4f9d7 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Used the TestMode to find countless bugs and corrected them. Therefore several changes had to be implemented, some examples are: For Return Messages there is now a "Send Return", only necessary accessor vis are created (because parent and child classes can not have the same vis...), and so on. -- Already prepared VIs for Performance tests. -- One remaining bug: Some messages will not work if the ExpertMode is off.
46ad37cf -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- There was a very old bug in the Do-Templates: The DIM boolean was connected at the wrong point to the rest of the sc. Corrected this and modified Build accordingly.
eb5961c9 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Hopefuly corrected a small bug when calculating which ReceiverMsgs are shown in the ReturnMsg DialogBox depending on the Expert-Mode boolean. -- Slightly modified the Help window.
a5ae2890 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- It is now possible that more than one actor is located in the same library. It will always be checked which msg belongs to which actor during startup -- Modified BuildDo again in order to get the ExpertMode working. This is still work in prpgress, since the result for an "Expert-Mode" is ok but not perfect.
0196c36e -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Started from scratch to solve the problem with the Accessor VI still in memory when trying to recreate a msg. -- This time I included the AccessorVI in the normal -- It seems that it is running, but testing is not yet finished.
92c3a15e -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected a bug which occured when trying to create a msg with an "Execute?"-variable
523b2441 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Added the pssibility that the name of an already existing message does not follow the MM naming convention -- Note that all msgs created by the MM will follow this rule. Therefore it not yet possible to overwrite a msg which does not do this -- This version is not 100 % tested -- All messages have to be either created new or a "tag" with the name "Method" has to be included in the xml file of the msg indicating the complete name of the corresponding method as a string, for example "CSPP_BaseActor.lvlib:CSPP_BaseActor.lvclass:After Launch"
2c0b8930 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Grayed out all entries in the tree whose names do not follow the MM naming conventions. These entries can not be overwritten
61968f44 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- The GrayOut function had a small glitch which I corrected here. Note that "old" msgs (whose naming in the is wrong) will not be shown in the main window if there name does not follow the MM naming conventions (But they will be shown in the error dialog before).
0846a676 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Bugfix of Issue 29: There are messages with no class constant in the These messages are from now on ignored.
ab98e0af -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Bugfix of a crash which could happen in when creating an Accessor for a TypeDef -- Bugfix of a crash which happened if a ctrl had a name which is not compatible with Windows (Note that there is still a bug => see issue #30)
8fbd201c -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- From now on an error which occured while a msgs was created will not block the creation of other msgs still to come -- Modified error dialog for the "Build Msg" function
3e904a14 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Corrected two small bugs in BuildAcc which could in very rare circumstances crash the MM.
7f1c4ba1 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Deleted the (modified) AF files. They are not necessary anymore and can make some problems during a mass compile
bbb04d63 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Recompiled everything with LV2018
8d83e234 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Changed the (only) ignore-keyword when creating virtual subfolders for messages from "Action" to "Message" according to the new folder structure within CSPP
8ee81707 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Modified the send VI, so that results can be returned in a special queue (this makes synchronous answers also possible)
ecdc50a8 -
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Mass compile and save with LV2019.
- 0 additions, 0
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build Private 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build Private
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build Wiring 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/Build Wiring
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/ 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/BuildMsg (Core).vi 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/BuildMsg (Core).vi
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/ 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/CS++Actor.lvclass 195 additions, 56 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/CS++Actor.lvclass
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/CS++Actor.lvlib 4 additions, 4 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/CS++Actor.lvlib
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/ 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/ 0 additions, 0 deletions..._MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/ 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/ 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/
- _CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/ 0 additions, 0 deletions_CSPP_MessageMaker/CSPP_Actor/
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