- Aug 18, 2016
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Mass compile with LV2016
- Nov 24, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- In the icon of the Send Message.vi the body text is now also copied from the original public actor method -- In the Dialog.vi the controls of the attribute data of the new message are now copied, so it is possible to also create Enums for example (before they were converted to Numeric controls) -- Changed the VI description for the MainGUI
- Sep 22, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- There was a problem with the installer, when someone wanted to re-install the MM. This is now solved. -- In the BuildMsg (Core).vi a string was cut at the wrong position. -- In BuildDo.vo the class name of the the new I16-Boolean constant was wrong. -- In CopyClass.vi the Search-functions were not working 100%. They were case sensitive, which was wrong. -- At the startup the all elements in the tree are now closed.
- Sep 01, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- Updated MM to LabVIEW 2015 (not tested yet) -- Slightly modified the Readme.txt
- Aug 31, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- Included a small Help window which explains the symbols -- Modified the Installer to show a window when he is done with installing or deinstalling
- Aug 19, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- In the main GUI a small typo in the description of the buttons was corrected -- The title of the Installer was changed -- The installer is not crashing anymore if you try to de-install already deinstalled files -- Corrected an error in the CopyClass.vi which occurred if no files were found in the target directory. In this case the TEMP prefix had to be deleted. -- The BuildDialog.vi and ClearFP.vi were crashing if no attribute data were found (this could happen if one only wanted to create a Dialog Msg without the PV capabilities and the source VI had no parameters). -- For whatever reasons the problem of version that one had to restart LabVIEW after creating a message is gone.
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- The main GUI got a new front panel title. -- Modified the CopyClass.vi so that now it can also be executed without an open project (which is the case if the MM is executed from the run-time menu of the target project). Unfortunately for a new created message class LV has to be restarted. The reason is that the Template class still remains in memory... -- For this modification all VIs in the templates except the SendXXX.vi had to be renamed (a prefix "TEMP" was added).
- Aug 11, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- Included the PVUpdate & Dialog option, which is nothing more than a combination of the PVUpdate and Dialog options. -- Corrected a bug in the CopyVI.vi: It is not possible to delete grouped objects (there is also no error message delivered...), so one first has to ungroup them. -- There was an error in the Configure Dialog.vi template regarding the LVClass Control and Indicator. Like always one has to use DummyClasses and replace them with the correct ones during the build process. -- Already included some disabled code to clean up the Configure Dialog.vi front panel. But more work needed here.
- Aug 10, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- Corrected a small bug in the Build Do.vi which occurred after the last update, -- Half of the Dialog Msg is already implemented. The Configure Dialog.vi is there but the accessor VIs are still missing.
- Aug 06, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- In the case of an PVUpdate Msg the MM will include a boolean called "Execute?" to the attribute data if the original Vi had no data inputs. In addition the Do.vi will be modified with an additional Case structure. (This procedure is tested) -- The Tree in the GUI does not lose the last values once a message has been built -- The Tree shows now the correct symbol when a PVUpdate Msg was built -- The labels in the "Get Type.vi" of the actor control / indicator is now properly set
- Aug 05, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- -- Change of Inheritance -- -- More complex Build Do.vi -- -- Included the GetType.vi -- Not used files will now be deleted (Question remains if LabVIEW will rewrite them once the project is closed and saved)
- Jul 31, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- Completely rebuild the CopyVI and CopyClass.VIs -- Result is that it is not important anymore if a class with the same name is already in memory or was deleted before -- The progress bar is set to 0 once you press the "Build" button
- Jul 27, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
Intermediate version: Try to make the program more robust so that it also reacts correct if there are already files in the msg folder. BUT NOTE: This version here is not intended for usage!
- Jul 07, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- The main Folder Name had to be changed again. For whatever reason LabVIEW expects that the folder starts with an "_".
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- Folder structure had to be changed in order to prepare the files for being copied in the NI project folder -- All paths are now relative except the path to the template in the Main.vi. This path had to be build manually since the used function does not work with relative paths (!?) -- Now the window closes automatically when pressing the Close button