- Aug 18, 2016
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Added two new message types (Return + ReturnAndDialog) -- ReturnMsg is partly implemented (only Do.vi and also this still has to be modified when CallerMsg has no parameters) -- Fixed a bug in the Main.vi: When one switched between projects the actor list was not always proper updated -- Slightly modified the helping txt files
Dennis Neidherr authored
---------------------- -- Mass compile with LV2016
- Sep 23, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- Added a symbol for unknown message types
- Sep 01, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-------------------- -- Updated MM to LabVIEW 2015 (not tested yet) -- Slightly modified the Readme.txt
- Aug 06, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- Deactivated the Checksum functionality. This is right now not working and it has to be seen how to fix it. -- Included an Installer.vi. It can be found in the ...\Intstaller subfolder an can be executed without opening the project. Note that a Version.txt was also included.
- Jul 31, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- Completely rebuild the CopyVI and CopyClass.VIs -- Result is that it is not important anymore if a class with the same name is already in memory or was deleted before -- The progress bar is set to 0 once you press the "Build" button
- Jul 27, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
Intermediate version: Try to make the program more robust so that it also reacts correct if there are already files in the msg folder. BUT NOTE: This version here is not intended for usage!
- Jul 07, 2015
Dennis Neidherr authored
-- The main Folder Name had to be changed again. For whatever reason LabVIEW expects that the folder starts with an "_".