__cplusplus User Group
C++ User Group
C++ is a powerful language. While first results are easy enough, mastering the more advanced aspects of the language requires constant learning. We therefore want to meet regularly to learn from each others experience with C++.
We meet every even numbered week on Wednesday, 14:00–15:00 in room C27 3.010 (Ebene 3). After the official meeting feel free to stay or continue discussion (on any topic). We might (have to) continue in the cafeteria. Talks are prepared by participants and should be 20–40 minutes long, and, if possible, should encourage discussion. Topics and speakers will be suggested / volunteered here or in the meetings. We can use the issue tracker for general organization:
- suggest a new talk (what you want to learn or share)
- discuss & vote for suggested talks; volunteer for presenting
- look at upcoming meetings
- and previous meetings
We schedule a talk about once per month. The remainder of the meetings we have time to talk about any C++ issues or questions participants bring along.
Subscribe to our mailing list (via mail or webinterface) if you want to receive announcement mails. You can, of course, also watch this project or the Indico category.
Join our Mattermost channel: File an issue and we'll send you an e-mail invitation to Mattermost where we will add you to the C++ User Group channel.
Visit the corresponding Indico category for details about the individual User Group meetings, where you need to register for individual meetings if you want to join via Zoom.
Please note that we have a Code of Conduct, which should mostly be irrelevant since it encodes common sense and manners
Anything related to C++ is obviously on topic. This includes tools supporting C++ development and general software engineering topics.
For more C++ related discussion use the C++ User Group channel on Mattermost or submit an Issue on C++ Support (best effort only; and feel free to join in supporting others).
- We want to learn C++.
- Even numbered weeks on Wednesday, 14:00–15:00
- Subscribe for announcements.
- Mattermost request
- Register for individual meetings on Indico.
- Submit issues for topic ideas.
- Review issues to vote for topics or volunteer.
- Review Milestones to discover upcoming meetings.
- Code of Conduct