- Aug 28, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
[Vagrant&credentials.yml] Encripted credentials.yml file using vault. - Vault needs a password to decrypt variables file which is given via vault_secret (must be 600 on root). - Vagrant will look for that file via ansible.vault_password_file variable set in the provision block.
r.tenorio authored
- Vault needs a password to decrypt variables file which is given via vault_secret (must be 600 on root). - Vagrant will look for that file via ansible.vault_password_file variable set in the provision block.
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
- Aug 27, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
- Use _creates_ option to check for created files and directories. - Everything goes to root's home (~ during provision) - If the files/folder already exist, nothing happens (idempotency)
r.tenorio authored
- admin Openstack credentials loaded as environment variables in each play. - admin and demo credentials have been written into .bashrc (admin iff EUID==0).
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
Avoid downloading CirrOS image if it is already present.
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
-r MUST be set to 1 to boot virtual machines.
- Aug 24, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
- IP addres is taken using ansible_eth1.ipv4.address in each compute node (controller node has ip by default in credentials). - role of each node is adresed reading its value inside Nodes.json
r.tenorio authored
- GenFiles.rb creates Nodes.json with an arbitrary number of compute nodes (and one controller), as well as modifies hosts.j2, credentials and the playbook to suitably address the number of compute nodes. - Vagrant files has changed just to use Nodes.json instead of an ad hoc cluster variable. - MetaConfig folder contains templates to by filled using the ruby script GenFiles.rb
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
Ignoring playbook.yml and roles/common/templates/host.j2. Theu are created via GenFiles.rb
r.tenorio authored
[controller/firewalld] Firewalld stopped and masked (CentOS: default ON) -OpenStack uses iptables, while CentOS by deafult enables firewalld (which is more than just a firewall) and interferes with OpenStack processes. - InitConfig.yml contanins the play which stops and maks firewalld (module _systemd_) - OSnova.yml contained a list of ports to open which is not needed anymore. - OSneutron.yml restarted firealld at some point, which is not needed anymore.
r.tenorio authored
- Aug 23, 2018
r.tenorio authored
Even when there are mor than one default security group (due to multiple tenants), the playbook will look for the ID of the one corresponding to admin project and add there ICMP and SSH rules.
r.tenorio authored
When a rule exist AND when there are multiple security groups with the same name the command returns 1. We want to ensure that the first condition does not fail the proces, while the second should rise an error given that we don't want multiple default groups. This seems to work, but there may be problems when rebooting again.
- Aug 22, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
Add rules to defautl security group using return 1 to avoid errors when redoing.
r.tenorio authored
The [official page][https://docs.openstack.org/kilo/config-reference/content/firewalls-default-ports.html] show the list of needed ports.
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
The [official page][https://docs.openstack.org/kilo/config-reference/content/firewalls-default-ports.html] show the list of needed ports.
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored