- Sep 05, 2018
- Sep 04, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
- Use of .json files to specify machine dependent parameters - Allow using a yum proxy when needed via yum_proxy variable (if its not defined it will skip the step) - Use ansible built-in variables to reach environmental variables - Changed the structure of nodes,.json file
r.tenorio authored
- Generates configuration files either for an arbitrary number of virtual machines or from a hash of hosts using a .json file
- Sep 03, 2018
r.tenorio authored
- Aug 28, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
[Vagrant&credentials.yml] Encripted credentials.yml file using vault. - Vault needs a password to decrypt variables file which is given via vault_secret (must be 600 on root). - Vagrant will look for that file via ansible.vault_password_file variable set in the provision block.
r.tenorio authored
- Vault needs a password to decrypt variables file which is given via vault_secret (must be 600 on root). - Vagrant will look for that file via ansible.vault_password_file variable set in the provision block.
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
- Aug 27, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
- Use _creates_ option to check for created files and directories. - Everything goes to root's home (~ during provision) - If the files/folder already exist, nothing happens (idempotency)
r.tenorio authored
- admin Openstack credentials loaded as environment variables in each play. - admin and demo credentials have been written into .bashrc (admin iff EUID==0).
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
Avoid downloading CirrOS image if it is already present.
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
-r MUST be set to 1 to boot virtual machines.
- Aug 24, 2018
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
- IP addres is taken using ansible_eth1.ipv4.address in each compute node (controller node has ip by default in credentials). - role of each node is adresed reading its value inside Nodes.json
r.tenorio authored
- GenFiles.rb creates Nodes.json with an arbitrary number of compute nodes (and one controller), as well as modifies hosts.j2, credentials and the playbook to suitably address the number of compute nodes. - Vagrant files has changed just to use Nodes.json instead of an ad hoc cluster variable. - MetaConfig folder contains templates to by filled using the ruby script GenFiles.rb
r.tenorio authored
r.tenorio authored
Ignoring playbook.yml and roles/common/templates/host.j2. Theu are created via GenFiles.rb
r.tenorio authored
[controller/firewalld] Firewalld stopped and masked (CentOS: default ON) -OpenStack uses iptables, while CentOS by deafult enables firewalld (which is more than just a firewall) and interferes with OpenStack processes. - InitConfig.yml contanins the play which stops and maks firewalld (module _systemd_) - OSnova.yml contained a list of ports to open which is not needed anymore. - OSneutron.yml restarted firealld at some point, which is not needed anymore.