return 0
run_test 46 "Don't leak file handle after open resend (3325)"
# create some files to make sure precreate has been done on all
# OSTs. (just in case this test is run independently)
createmany -o $DIR/$tfile 20 || return 1
fail ost1
do_facet ost1 "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000204"
df $MOUNT || return 2
# let the MDS discover the OST failure, attempt to recover, fail
# and recover again.
sleep $((3 * TIMEOUT))
# Without 2824, this createmany would hang
createmany -o $DIR/$tfile 20 || return 3
unlinkmany $DIR/$tfile 20 || return 4
return 0
run_test 47 "MDS->OSC failure during precreate cleanup (2824)"
replay_barrier mds
createmany -o $DIR/$tfile 20 || return 1
fail mds
do_facet ost1 "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x80000216"
createmany -o $DIR/$tfile 20 20 || return 2
unlinkmany $DIR/$tfile 40 || return 3
do_facet ost1 "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0"
return 0
run_test 48 "MDS->OSC failure during precreate cleanup (2824)"
local oscdev=`grep ${ost1_svc}-osc- $LPROC/devices | awk '{print $1}'`
[ "$oscdev" ] || return 1
$LCTL --device $oscdev recover && $LCTL --device $oscdev recover
# give the mds_lov_sync threads a chance to run
sleep 5
run_test 50 "Double OSC recovery, don't LASSERT (3812)"
# b3764 timed out lock replay
test_52() {
touch $DIR/$tfile
multiop $DIR/$tfile s || return 1
replay_barrier mds
#define OBD_FAIL_LDLM_REPLY 0x30c
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x8000030c"
fail mds || return 2
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x0"
$CHECKSTAT -t file $DIR/$tfile-* && return 3 || true
run_test 52 "time out lock replay (3764)"
#b_cray 53 "|X| open request and close reply while two MDC requests in flight"
#b_cray 54 "|X| open request and close reply while two MDC requests in flight"
#b3761 ASSERTION(hash != 0) failed
test_55() {
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x8000012b"
touch $DIR/$tfile &
# give touch a chance to run
sleep 5
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x0"
rm $DIR/$tfile
return 0
run_test 55 "let MDS_CHECK_RESENT return the original return code instead of 0"
#b3440 ASSERTION(rec->ur_fid2->id) failed
run_test 56 "don't replay a symlink open request (3440)"
#recovery one mds-ost setattr from llog
test_57() {
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x8000012c"
replay_barrier mds
fail mds
sleep 1
$CHECKSTAT -t file $DIR/$tfile || return 1
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x0"
run_test 57 "test recovery from llog for setattr op"
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x8000012c"
mkdir $DIR/$tdir
createmany -o $DIR/$tdir/$tfile-%d 2500
replay_barrier mds
fail mds
sleep 2
$CHECKSTAT -t file $DIR/$tdir/$tfile-* || return 1
do_facet mds "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0x0"
unlinkmany $DIR/$tdir/$tfile-%d 2500
rmdir $DIR/$tdir
run_test 58 "test recovery from llog for setattr op (test llog_gen_rec)"
# log_commit_thread vs filter_destroy race used to lead to import use after free
# bug 11658
test_59() {
mkdir $DIR/$tdir
createmany -o $DIR/$tdir/$tfile-%d 200
unlinkmany $DIR/$tdir/$tfile-%d 200
sleep 20
rmdir $DIR/$tdir
run_test 59 "test log_commit_thread vs filter_destroy race"
equals_msg `basename $0`: test complete, cleaning up