Build ----- To bootstrap configuration: sh ./configure [options] Without the supported "--with" options only the core sysio library is built. Option --with-native-driver=yes will cause the "native" host name space test driver to be enabled and made available in drivers/native/libsysio_native.a when built. This is set by default; Use "no" to disable. Option --with-tests=yes will cause the test programs in the tests directory to be enabled. This is set by default; Use "no" to disable. Option --with-automount=<automount-file-name> will cause automount support to be included. If <automount-file-name> is not supplied, a default value of ".mount" will be used, matching the Lustre documentation. To build: Just `make' it. Automounts ---------- For a full description of this see the "Lustre Book" at: <> In short, though, whenever a component is being looked up in a directory and that directory has the "set-UID" bit set, then the directory is searched for a special file. By default, that file is called ".mount" but you may set it to any name using the --with-automount option described earlier. If the content of that file has something formatted, exactly: <file-system-type>:<source> Then the <source> description is mounted on the directory containing the special automount file and being used as the parent in the lookup. If the mount is successful, the parent is replaced with the newly mounted directory and processing continues. If the mount fails, or the automount file does not exist or cannot be read, everything continues as though the operation had never been attempted. File systems, or volumes, or file-sets, or whatever they are called, that have been automounted may also be automatically unmounted when resource is required. They are not on a timer, unless the file system driver implements one for them. They just disappear as resource is needed elsewhere. As they were automatically mounted to begin with, they should re-establish as needed, transparently. REDSTORM -------- The following works for me: #!/bin/sh export CFLAGS="-DREDSTORM -nostdinc -isystem /home/lee/REDSTORM/catamount/computeincs/i386 -isystem /home/lee/REDSTORM/catamount/include -g -W -Wall -ansi" sh configure --with-autmount=".mount" --with-native=yes --with-incore-yes --with-stdfd=yes --with-tests=yes