# Existing Software
The following software already exists in the field of optical simulation and should be considered while designing the model concept.
|Software |Institute |Contact person |Language |comment |
|HASEonGPU |HZDR |Daniel Albach |C/C++ |parasitic lasing in high-power laser amplifiers|
|? |HZDR |Daniel Albach |Julia |? |
|GLAD |HZDR |Mathias Siebold |Matlab |universal modelling of laser amplifier chains |
|ZEMAX |commercial|Udo Eisenbarth |Binary |general geometric optics simmulation |
|SHG |GSI |Marcus Malki |Python |second harmonic generation |
|Commod Pro|commercial|D. Kramer |Binary |universal modelling of laser amplifier chains |
|SNLO |free |- |Binary (APL or matlab) |three-wave mixing |
|LightPipes|free |Leonard Doyle |Python / C++ |Beam propagation Toolbox |