use crate::analyzer::AnalyzerType;
use crate::dottable::Dottable;
use crate::nodes::{NodeGroup, NodeReference};
use core::fmt::Debug;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::Path;
pub type LightResult = HashMap<String, Option<LightData>>;
/// This is the basic trait that must be implemented by all concrete optical components.
/// Returns a reference to the name of this [`Optical`].
fn name(&self) -> &str; // {
// self.node_type()
/// Return the type of the optical component (lens, filter, ...).
fn node_type(&self) -> &str;
/// Return the available (input & output) ports of this [`Optical`].
fn ports(&self) -> OpticPorts {
/// Perform an analysis of this element. The type of analysis is given by an [`AnalyzerType`].
/// This function is normally only called by [`OpticScenery::analyze()`](crate::optic_scenery::OpticScenery::analyze()).
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error if internal element-specific errors occur and the analysis cannot be performed.
fn analyze(
&mut self,
_incoming_data: LightResult,
_analyzer_type: &AnalyzerType,
print!("{}: No analyze function defined.", self.node_type());
/// Export analysis data to file(s) within the given directory path.

Udo Eisenbarth
/// This function should be overridden by a node in order to export node-specific data into a file.
/// The default implementation does nothing.

Udo Eisenbarth
fn export_data(&self, _report_dir: &Path) {}
/// Returns `true` if the [`Optical`] represents a detector which can report analysis data.
fn is_detector(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if this [`Optical`] is inverted.
fn inverted(&self) -> bool {
Err(OpossumError::Other("cannot cast to group".into()))
fn as_group_mut(&mut self) -> OpmResult<&mut NodeGroup> {
Err(OpossumError::Other("cannot cast to group".into()))
fn as_refnode_mut(&mut self) -> OpmResult<&mut NodeReference> {
Err(OpossumError::Other("cannot cast to reference node".into()))
/// Return all properties of an optical node. Note, that some properties might be read-only.
/// Set a property of an optical node. This property must already exist (e.g. defined in new() / default() functions of the node).
/// # Errors
/// This function will return an error if a non-defined property is set or the property has the wrong data type.
fn set_property(&mut self, name: &str, property: Property) -> OpmResult<()>;
fn set_properties(&mut self, properties: &Properties) -> OpmResult<()> {
let own_properties =;
for prop in properties.iter() {
if own_properties.contains(prop.0) {
self.set_property(prop.0, prop.1.clone())?;
/// Return a JSON representation of the current state of this [`Optical`].
/// This function must be overridden for generating output in the analysis report. Mainly detector nodes use this feature.
/// The default implementation is to return a JSON `null` value.
fn report(&self) -> serde_json::Value {
impl Debug for dyn Optical {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {