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use clap::Parser;
use structopt::StructOpt;
use rprompt::prompt_reply;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::{analyzer::AnalyzerType, error::OpossumError};
use strum::IntoEnumIterator;

type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, OpossumError>;

/// Simple program to greet a person
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
pub struct Args {
    /// file path to buikd-filed of the optical setup, which should be read in 
    pub file_path: String,

    /// analyzer type that should be used to analyze the optical setup
    pub analyzer: String,

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    /// destination directory of the report. if not defined, same directory as the filepath for the optical setup is used
    pub report_directory: String,
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#[derive(Parser, StructOpt)]
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#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
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pub struct PartialArgs {
    /// filepath of the opticscenery to read in 
    #[arg(short, long)]
    file_path: Option<String>,

    /// analyzer type that should be used to analyze the optical setup
    #[arg(short, long)]
    analyzer: Option<String>,
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    /// destination directory of the report. if not defined, same directory as the filepath for the optical setup is used
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    #[arg(short, long)]
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    report_directory: Option<String>,
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fn file_path_is_valid(path: &str) -> bool{
    Path::exists(Path::new(path)) && Path::is_file(Path::new(path)) && path.ends_with(".yaml")

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fn eval_file_path_input(file_path: &str) -> Option<String>{
    if file_path_is_valid(file_path) {
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fn eval_analyzer_input(analyzer_input: &str) -> Option<String>{
    match analyzer_input{
        "e" => Some("energy".to_owned()),
        "p" => Some("paraxial ray-tracing".to_owned()),
        _ =>   None

fn eval_report_directory_input(report_input: &str) -> Option<String>{
    let r_path = Path::new(&report_input);
    if Path::exists(r_path){
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        if report_input.ends_with('/'){
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            Some(report_input.to_owned() + "/")
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    else if report_input.is_empty() {
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fn create_prompt_str(flag: &str, init_str: &str) -> Result<String>{
    let mut prompt_str = init_str.to_owned();
    match flag{
        "f" =>{
            Ok(prompt_str + "Please insert path to optical-setup-description file:\n")
        "a" =>{
            for a_type in AnalyzerType::iter(){
                prompt_str += match a_type {
                    AnalyzerType::Energy => "e for energy analysis\n",
                    AnalyzerType::ParAxialRayTrace=> "p for paraxial ray-tracing analysis\n", 
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        "r" =>{
            Ok(prompt_str + "Please insert a report directory or nothing to select the same directory as the optical-setup file\n")
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        _ => Err(OpossumError::Console("Invalid flag type! Cannot create prompt string!".into()))
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fn get_args(func: fn(&str) -> Option<String>, input: Option<String>, arg_flag: &str) -> Result<String>{
    match input{
            let arg = func(&i);
            if arg.is_none(){
                let prompt_str = create_prompt_str(arg_flag, "Invalid input!\n")?;
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                let input: String = prompt_reply(prompt_str).unwrap();
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                get_args(func, Some(input), arg_flag)
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                arg.ok_or(OpossumError::Console("Could not extract argument!".into()))
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        None => {
            let prompt_str = create_prompt_str(arg_flag, "")?;
            let input: String = prompt_reply(prompt_str).unwrap();
            get_args(func, Some(input), arg_flag)
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fn get_parent_dir(path: &str) -> String{
    let parent_dir = Path::parent(Path::new(path))
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    parent_dir + "/"
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impl TryFrom<PartialArgs> for Args{
    type Error = OpossumError;

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    fn try_from(part_args: PartialArgs) -> Result<Args> {   
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        let file_path = get_args(eval_file_path_input, part_args.file_path, "f")?;
        println!("Path to optical-setup file: {}\n", file_path);
        let analyzer = get_args(eval_analyzer_input, part_args.analyzer, "a")?;
        println!("Chosen analysis: {}\n", analyzer);
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        let report_directory = get_args(eval_report_directory_input, part_args.report_directory, "r")?;
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        let report_directory = if report_directory.is_empty(){
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        println!("Report directory: {}\n", report_directory);
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        Ok(Args{ file_path, analyzer, report_directory})
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pub fn show_intro(){
    println!("                                                            .:^
                                             ::   ......:::^^^^:.. .:.
                    :!?Y55YJ?!^.          ..:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:..
                 .5#&&&&&&&&&&&&#P7.  .:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:..     :!J5PGGBBGPY!:
                            5&&&&&&&&&&~ . ~J~.:?#&&&&&&5::^G&&&&&&&P~:.7~...~P&&&&&&&&&&7
                            G&&&&&&&&&&Y....!Y7^ ?&&&&&&&57P&&&&&&&P....!PJ^. ?&&&&&&&&&&P
                            P&&&&&&&&&&&?...  ~~.P&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&G..... :5:J&&&&&&&&&&&B.
        ^&PY7~JPBBBGPBBBBBBBBBBB#Y^. ^P&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&G^  ^JPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB#B7
        ..   ^G##B5J5BBBGGBBBBBBBP^    :G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&G^   !PBBBGBBBBGBBBGBBBBGBBB#P.
     .::::.  P&#Y~7YBBBBYGBBBGBBBG~     :P&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5.   :G&#B55BBBPJGBBB5BBBBPPG#&#:    .....
  ^YGBBGGBBB5#?   !G&#GP5P###5PB##7 :JGBBGG#&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&BGGBGJ.:&&PPP5B#BYJ5BBB5!5B#&P5GBB5   !BBBBB
 YBB5^.   :?BBP:  :&&B!  :P&&PPP#&7?BBP~.   :G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&P.   7BBP.Y::BB5#&G^.?B&#P  :J#&#BBJ    GBGBBB
YBB5        !BBG  .BBB^    ~&BBP.7JBBP        7&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&#Y~:.        :BBGY#.   7&#G.  :BBP?BB:  ?BB~GBB
BBB!        .BBB^  PBB5???J5BBG^  5BB?         G#&&&&&&&######&&&&&&#?!YGBBBBGY!.   :BBG      .##G.  :BBY GB5 .BBJ.BBB
GBB?        .BBB:  PBBPYYYJJ7^    YBBY        .GBBG#&&#BBBBBBBB#&&#Y.    .:^!YBBB^  :BBG      :BBG   :BB5 !BB~JBB..BBB
~BBB~      .5BBY   PBB~           :BBB!      .YBB5 .P&PPBBBBBB5G&&. 7GG?      YBBY  .BBB:     ~BBG   :BB5  PBBBB? .BBB
 :5B#P?!!75BBG7    PB#~            :5B#GJ!!7YB#G?    BBB#####&###J  .5B#P?!!75BBP.   !BBBY7!7YBBG^   :#B5  ~BBBG. .BBB
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                                                    ^55J      !BBG

                             Opossum - Open-source Optics Simulation System and Unified Modeler


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mod test {
    use super::*;
    fn file_path_is_valid_test() {
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        let path_valid = "./files_for_testing/CLI/empty_yaml.yaml";
        let path_inexistent_file = "./files_for_testing/CLI/nonexistent.yaml";
        let path_inexistent_dir = "./files_for_testing/this_dir_does_not_exist/empty_yaml.yaml";
        let path_not_yaml = "./files_for_testing/CLI/is_not_a_yaml.txt";
        let path_is_dir = "./files_for_testing/CLI/";
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        assert_eq!(file_path_is_valid(path_valid), true);
        assert_eq!(file_path_is_valid(path_inexistent_file), false);
        assert_eq!(file_path_is_valid(path_inexistent_dir), false);
        assert_eq!(file_path_is_valid(path_not_yaml), false);
        assert_eq!(file_path_is_valid(path_is_dir), false);
    fn eval_file_path_input_test(){
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        let path_valid = "./files_for_testing/CLI/empty_yaml.yaml";
        let path_inexistent_file = "./files_for_testing/CLI/nonexistent.yaml";
        let path_inexistent_dir = "./files_for_testing/this_dir_does_not_exist/empty_yaml.yaml";
        let path_not_yaml = "./files_for_testing/CLI/is_not_a_yaml.txt";
        let path_is_dir = "./files_for_testing/CLI/";
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        assert_eq!(eval_file_path_input(path_valid), Some(path_valid.to_owned()));
        assert_eq!(eval_file_path_input(path_inexistent_file), None);
        assert_eq!(eval_file_path_input(path_inexistent_dir), None);
        assert_eq!(eval_file_path_input(path_not_yaml), None);
        assert_eq!(eval_file_path_input(path_is_dir), None);
    fn eval_analyzer_input_test(){
        assert_eq!(eval_analyzer_input("e").unwrap(), "energy");
        assert_eq!(eval_analyzer_input("p").unwrap(), "paraxial ray-tracing");
    fn eval_report_directory_input_test(){
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        let dir_valid = "./files_for_testing/CLI/";
        let dir_valid2 = "./files_for_testing/CLI";
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        assert_eq!(eval_report_directory_input(""), Some("".to_owned()));
        assert_eq!(eval_report_directory_input(dir_valid), Some(dir_valid.to_owned()));
        assert_eq!(eval_report_directory_input(dir_valid2), Some(dir_valid.to_owned()));
    fn get_parent_dir_test(){
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        let path_valid = "./files_for_testing/CLI/empty_yaml.yaml".to_owned();
        assert_eq!(get_parent_dir(&path_valid), "./files_for_testing/CLI/");