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# Nodes

Nodes form the building blocks of the optical model. Maybe it makes sense to introduce different general node types:

1. Basic node

   This node type represents lowest level modelling optical components. This category includes all ideal components such as "ideal lens", "ideal filter", "ideal mirror", etc... Furthermore it can represent an interface between tow materials such as a flat or curved surface.

1. Propagation node

   *This might also fall in the first category?*. This node represents a propagation though a given material. This includes free-space propagation (eg. in air or vaccum).

1. Sequencial group node

   A sequencial group node contains a nested directed graph of basic, propagation or other group nodes. A real lens could be a group node consisting of a (curved) input surface node, a propagation node (inside of the lens), and an exit surface.

1. Non-sequencial group node

   A non-sequenctial group contains other nodes (which might be still be set up as a graph but do not use the structure) which are simply placed in 3D space. This could be used for simulating a flashlamp-pumped systems which need the illumination of a laser rod to be simulated. *On has to think about the definition of input and output ports (see later) for these systems.* 

1. Reference node

   This node type represents a link to another node. It could be necessary to use reference nodes while modelling loops such as [resonators](

**Note:** It might be necessary to propagate through a node in a reverse direction (e.g. for back reflection / ghost focus analysis). Hence each node should have a "reverse" function. In case of a propagation node this would be identical. For a baisc node it might change the sign of some properties such as the radius of curvature. For group nodes the underlying order of sub-nodes have to be reversed. The reference node only needs a qualifier to denote wether the propagation os reversed or not.

## Ports

Ports are the connector points between nodes and can be connected by [edges]( Ports are strictly distinguished as "input" and "ouput" ports. Output ports can only be connected to input ports of another node and vice versa while it is forbidden to connect two input or two output ports. In addition, output ports do not need to be connected to other nodes. During analysis, any result will be simply discarded.

Ports have a specific name in order to distinguish them. For example, a beamsplitter cube might have one input port (e.g. named "input") and two output ports named "reflected" and "transmitted" for the two outgoing beams.

Nodes with output ports only form the optical sources while nodes containing (usually only one) input source will be called detectors. In most cases, a simulation of the model traverses the graph from all sources to a detector node using all possible paths (see [Analyzers](

## Attributes

Each node can have a set of attributes which represent its specific properties. For example, a propagation node contains a propagation length and a material. An ideal lens contains the focal length as attribute. Each attribute has a name and a strictly defined data type. Attributes may have default values or are completely optional.

In addition, nodes have a set of attributes which are common to all of them. However, all of these attributes are optional (e.g. can be "empty").

### Common attributes for all nodes

1. Node name

    While not strictly necessary it is strongly recommended to assign a name to a node for easier identification. In principle different nodes can have the same name but this might cause many confusions. Internally the model uses unique IDs for each node in order to distinguish them but these IDs are only internally handled.

1. Material

   *This is stricly necessary only for propagation nodes...*
   Each optical element consists of a given material. These are mostly differenct glass materials but could also be metals (i.e. for mirrors) or other substances. Even for free-space propagation nodes a material must be given. This might often be "air" or "vacuum". Since materials have a plethora of attributes and will be used by different nodes within a model, the material will be a reference pointing to a materials database.

   **Note**: For interoperatibility, it might not be always a good idea to only have the material properties in a (local) database. If the model data is given to another user, this data might not be found in his (also local) database. Hence it should be possible to attach the actual material data to the model during export. The alternative would be to have a global database...    

1. 3D location

   Each node can have an information about its location in 3D space determined as XYZ coordinates with respect to a given global origin. The achor position of the node depends on the specific node type. This attribute together with the orientation information (see next point) can be used for doing a 3D raytrace analysis or simply for visualization.

1. 3D orientation

   Besides the location (see previous point) an optical component has a given orientation in 3D space. This orientation is defined by angles around the axes of the global coordinate system.

1. Aperture shape

   Each real world optical component has a limited physical / meachnical size which also determines the area of incoming light it can handle. Incoming beams farther away from the optical axis than the component's extent will simply be lost during the analysis. Hence, each node can define an aperture with different shapes (mostly circular or rectangular). The exact handling of the aperture is defined by the specific node. Without a given aperture many nodes assume an infinintely large component such that all beam are always catched.
   **Note**: It might be necessary to extent this to one aperture per input port for asymmetric parts.

1. 3D mechanical model

   For non-sequential analysis (e.g. ray tracing), a 3D geometric model is necessary. This could be provided a static 3D files (OBJ, STL, etc.) or programmatically derived. For example, the model of a spherical lens could be directly calculated.

1. Surface definitions

   For both, sequential and non-sequential analysis, surface properties such as coating or roughness which define the way light will be reflected or propagate through should be defined. *This could also be modelled using basic nodes*

## Analysis interface

As discused, the actual calculation is performed by the nodes. The presented framework will only make sure that all necessary input data will be provided. For this, each node has to implement an Analysis function with light data from the incoming edges as parameters. This function can now either directly perform a calculation or call specific external modules (such as C/C++ library code or a python script)