# Singularity container for ALICE environment
A shell script to fetch the binaries from the ALICE CVMFS repository for a specific environment tag and recreating them inside a Singularity image for later standalone use.
- **Singularity** is installed
- The ALICE CVMFS repository is mounted under _/cvmfs/
- Either the script is run with sudo or with the '--fakeroot' flag for building the Singularity image
- `git clone`
- `cd alice_singularity`
- `sudo ./ -t <environment_tag> -o <working_directory> -c`
- or `./ -t <environment_tag> -o <working_directory> -c -f`
The script accepts the following options:
- **-t**, **--tag**
- specify a valid AliEn environment tag, for example *AliPhysics/vAN-20201018_ROOT6-1*
- **-f**, **--fakeroot**
- When building the Singularity image pass the option '--fakeroot' to build the image without being super user
- **-h**, **--help**
- displays help
## Procedure
- The ** script checks for arguments passed by the command. It exits with error:
- if no environment tag is specified,
- if cvmfs repository is not mounted,
- if Singularity is not installed or
- if neither is being run with `sudo` nor with `--fakeroot`
- The tarball with the content extracted from CVMFS is built directly, without first copying into a scratch directory, to avoid generating many files on the local file system (probably Lustre)
- By means of `alienv printenv` the *LD_LIBRARY_PATH* is retrieved and decomposed in its component directories
- Each directory corresponding to a version of a given package in the *LD_LIBRARY_PATH* is added to the tar command
- Also the modules file are added to the tar command which is evaluated producing the tarball
- The definition file is used in the form of a here document and includes the cvmfs tarball created in the steps above and its untarring in the Singularity image
- The Singularity image file can be found under **<working_directory>/<environment_tag>/<environment_tag>.sif**
- The image can be run with Singularity, e.g.:
- **singularity run -B /<some_path> <image.sif>** or
- **singularity exec -B /<some_path> <image.sif> /bin/bash**
:warning: Do not bind mount _/cvmfs/_ with "-B /cvmfs" as this would overlap with the _/cvmfs/_ repository already generated inside the image generating conflicts. Indeed if CVMFS is mounted there is no point in using this container.
- The Centos7 container only includes the binaries from the cvmfs repository for the environment tag specified to the building script.
- The environment in the container can be initialized as usual: "**/cvmfs/ enter <environment_tag>**" (and for that no cvmfs nor an internet connection is needed on the host).
- No additional data or analysis code is provided in the image.