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Copyright (c) 2017 European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

    .European Organization for Nuclear Research    (CERN) - initial API and implementation
    .GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI)  - features and bugfixes

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include <silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsCluster.h>
#include <silecs-communication/interface/utility/SilecsLog.h>
#include <silecs-communication/interface/communication/SilecsConnection.h>
#include <silecs-communication/interface/equipment/SilecsPLC.h>
#include <silecs-communication/interface/communication/ietype.h>
// static definition
bool Connection::isAlive_ = false;

Connection::Connection(PLC* thePLC)
    // Start the PLC Thread
    readMux_ = new Mutex("readMux");
    writeMux_ = new Mutex("writeMux");
    connMux_ = new Mutex("connMux");

    //Not yet allowed, not yet connected!
    isEnabled_ = false;
    isConnected_ = false;

    //Reset the Reconnection mechanism
    lastReconnectionAttempt_ = 0;
    reconnectDelay_ = shortDelay; //initial reconnection delay
    reconnectAttempts_ = 0;

    delete connMux_;
    delete writeMux_;
    delete readMux_;

bool Connection::enable(PLC* thePLC, bool connectNow)
        Lock lock(connMux_);
        isEnabled_ = true;
    if (connectNow)
    return isConnected_;

void Connection::disable(PLC* thePLC)
    if (!isEnabled_)
        LOG(DEBUG) << "Trying to disconnect a PLC that is not enabled: " << thePLC->getName();

    Lock lock(connMux_);
        Lock lock(readMux_);
            Lock lock(writeMux_);
            isEnabled_ = false;
            doClose(thePLC, /*withLock =*/false);
bool Connection::doOpen(PLC* thePLC)
        Lock lock(connMux_);
            if (!isEnabled_)
                LOG((COMM|DIAG)) << "The PLC is connected but the client wants to disable the transactions";
                doClose(thePLC, /*withLock =*/false);
            return isConnected_;

        if (!isEnabled_)
            LOG((COMM|DIAG)) << "The communication currently is not enabled";
            return isConnected_;
        if (!isTimeToReconnect())
        { // Do nothing, just wait a bit to dont pullute the log
          return isConnected_;

        if (ping(thePLC->getName().c_str(), NULL))
          logError(thePLC, false);
          return isConnected_;
        // It's time to open the connection according to the (re)connection timing
        // Let's try several times with limited delay (some ms).
        // It allows wake-up frozen PLC (SIEMENS in particular) after long stop period.
        bool isOpen = false;
        unsigned int nbConn = 2; //for fast low-level iteration
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbConn; i++)
            LOG((COMM|DIAG)) << "Attempt to open PLC connection ....";
            isOpen = open(thePLC);
            if (isOpen)
               //reset reconnection settings
                reconnectDelay_ = shortDelay;
                reconnectAttempts_ = 0;

                isAlive_ = true;
                isConnected_ = true;
                LOG((COMM|DIAG)) << "Connection opened successfully";
            usleep(100000); // wait 100ms
        if (!isOpen)
            logError(thePLC, true);
            return isConnected_;
        if (thePLC->isSharedConnection())
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << "Shared connection with " << thePLC->getName() << " is established.";
            if (thePLC->theHeader_ != NULL)
                TRACE("info") << os.str();
            LOG(COMM) << os.str();
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << "Connection with " << thePLC->getName() << ":" << thePLC->theCluster_->getClassName() << "/v" << thePLC->theCluster_->getClassVersion() << " is established.";
            if (thePLC->theHeader_ != NULL)
                TRACE("info") << os.str();
            LOG(COMM) << os.str();

        //Connection status has changed: update the diagnostic variables
        LOG((COMM|DIAG)) << "Updating PLC status";
    } //release lock

    /* Process the Retentive registers synchronization each time the PLC is just (re)connected.
     * This is a recursive call: performs task::execute method from doOpen that is
     * called into execute itself. The recursion is terminated when SilecsHeader connection is closed finally.
    LOG((COMM|DIAG)) << "First connection - performing registers synchronization";
    return isConnected_;

void Connection::doClose(PLC* thePLC, bool withLock)
    //This process that can be called inside and outside protected section.
    //withLock argument is used to avoid Recursive mutex that is not supported
    //by LynxOS platform.

    Lock lock;

    if (isConnected_)
        if (close(thePLC))
            isConnected_ = false;

            //Connection status has changed: update the diagnostic variables

            if (thePLC->isSharedConnection())
                std::ostringstream os;
                os << "Shared connection with " << thePLC->getName() << " is closed.";
                if (thePLC->theHeader_ != NULL)
                    TRACE("warn") << os.str();
                LOG(COMM) << os.str();
                std::ostringstream os;
                os << "Connection with " << thePLC->getName() << " (" << thePLC->theCluster_->getClassName() << "/v" << thePLC->theCluster_->getClassVersion() << ")" << " is closed.";
                if (thePLC->theHeader_ != NULL)
                    TRACE("warn") << os.str();
                LOG(COMM) << os.str();
            LOG(COMM) << "Close connection with " << thePLC->getName() << " (" << thePLC->theCluster_->getClassName() << "/v" << thePLC->theCluster_->getClassVersion() << ")" << " has failed.";


bool Connection::reOpen(PLC* thePLC)
    if (ping((char *)thePLC->getName().c_str(), 0) == 0)
        doClose(thePLC, /*withLock =*/true);
        return doOpen(thePLC);
    isAlive_ = false;
    return false;

bool Connection::isEnabled()
    return isEnabled_;
bool Connection::isConnected()
    return isConnected_;

int Connection::readUnitCode(PLC* thePLC, UnitCodeType& dataStruct)
    throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DIAG_PLC_REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED, thePLC->getName());
    return -1;

int Connection::readUnitStatus(PLC* thePLC, UnitStatusType& dataStruct)
    throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DIAG_PLC_REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED, thePLC->getName());
    return -1;

int Connection::readCPUInfo(PLC* thePLC, CPUInfoType& dataStruct)
    throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DIAG_PLC_REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED, thePLC->getName());
    return -1;

int Connection::readCPInfo(PLC* thePLC, CPInfoType& dataStruct)
    throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DIAG_PLC_REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED, thePLC->getName());
    return -1;

bool Connection::isRunning(PLC* thePLC)
    throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DIAG_PLC_REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED, thePLC->getName());
    return -1;

int Connection::coldRestart(PLC* thePLC)
    throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DIAG_PLC_REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED, thePLC->getName());
    return -1;

int Connection::plcStop(PLC* thePLC)
    throw SilecsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, DIAG_PLC_REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED, thePLC->getName());
    return -1;

void Connection::updateStatus(PLC* thePLC)
    //Connection status has changed (opened/closed)
    //Update the PLC diagnostic variables

void Connection::logError(PLC* thePLC, bool isReachable)
    std::string errorMsg = isReachable ? "Connection with " + thePLC->getName() + ":" + thePLC->theCluster_->getClassName() + "/v" + thePLC->theCluster_->getClassVersion() + " has failed.\n" : "Controller " + thePLC->getName() + " does not respond to ping, might be OFF!\n";

    if (reconnectDelay_ == longDelay)
        if (reconnectAttempts_ <  MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_PER_DELAY)
            os << errorMsg << "Periodic attempt to reconnect, delay " << RECONNECTION_DELAYS[reconnectDelay_] << " seconds (tracing off).";
            if (thePLC->theHeader_ != NULL)
                TRACE("error") << os.str();
            LOG(COMM) << os.str();
         PLC does not respond anymore. It's probably stopped for a long time.
         Do not log error anymore (but still try to reconnect, with long-term delay).
        std::ostringstream os;
        os << errorMsg << "Next attempt to reconnect in " << RECONNECTION_DELAYS[reconnectDelay_] << " seconds.";
        if (thePLC->theHeader_ != NULL)
            TRACE("error") << os.str();
        LOG(COMM) << os.str();

bool Connection::isTimeToReconnect()
  time_t now;
  double secondsElapsed = difftime(now, lastReconnectionAttempt_);
  if ( secondsElapsed < RECONNECTION_DELAYS[reconnectDelay_])
    return false;

  lastReconnectionAttempt_ = now;
  reconnectAttempts_ ++;

  if( reconnectAttempts_ < MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_PER_DELAY)
    return true;

  if( reconnectDelay_ < longDelay)
    reconnectAttempts_ = 0;
    reconnectDelay_ =  static_cast<ReconnectionDelay>(reconnectDelay_+ 1);
  return true;
/* This macro is used to trap the unexpected broken pipe and
 return an error instead of exit process.
static __sighandler_t sigpipeHandler = (__sighandler_t )-1;
#define _DISABLE_SIGPIPE sigpipeHandler = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN)
#define _ENABLE_SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipeHandler)

int connect_nonb(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *saptr, socklen_t salen, int nsec)
    int flags, n, error;
    socklen_t len;
    fd_set rset, wset;
    struct timeval tval;

    flags = fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFL, 0);
    fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);

    error = 0;
    n = connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)saptr, salen);
    if (n < 0)
        if (errno != EINPROGRESS)
            return (-1);

    /* Do whatever we want while the connect is taking place. */

    if (n == 0)
        goto done;
    /* connect completed immediately */
    FD_SET(sockfd, &rset);
    wset = rset;
    tval.tv_sec = nsec;
    tval.tv_usec = 0;
    if ( (n = select(sockfd + 1, &rset, &wset, NULL, nsec ? &tval : NULL)) == 0)
        close(sockfd); /* timeout */
        errno = ETIMEDOUT;
        return (-1);

    if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset) || FD_ISSET(sockfd, &wset))
        len = sizeof (error);
        if (getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0)
            return (-1); /* Solaris pending error */
    done: fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, flags); /* restore file status flags */
        /*close(sockfd); just in case */
        errno = error;
        return (-1);
    return (0);

int rfcPing(char *ip, long ts)
    int s, val = 1;
    struct protoent *pent;
    struct sockaddr_in rsock;

    /* Socket create/connect */
    memset((char *)&rsock, 0, sizeof (rsock));
    if ( (s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
        LOG(ERROR) << "Can't create socket: " << strerror(errno);
    /* Set TCP_NODELAY option to force immediate TCP/IP acknowledgement */
    if ( (pent = getprotobyname("TCP")) == NULL)
        LOG(ERROR) << "Can't configure socket: " << strerror(errno);
        return -1;
    if (setsockopt(s, pent->p_proto, TCP_NODELAY, &val, 4) == -1)
        LOG(ERROR) << "Can't configure socket: " << strerror(errno);
    rsock.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
    rsock.sin_family = AF_INET;
    /*check any port to detect if the host is OFF*/
    rsock.sin_port = htons(102);

    if (connect_nonb(s, (struct sockaddr *) (&rsock), sizeof (rsock), static_cast<int>(ts)) == -1)
        /*if hostname is OFF, connect() fails on TIMEOUT*/
        if ( (errno == ETIMEDOUT) || (errno == EHOSTDOWN) || (errno == EHOSTUNREACH))

    return 0; //controller was reachable
int Connection::ping(const char *hostName, char *plcIP)
    struct in_addr addr;
    struct hostent *hp;
    char *ipstr = plcIP;
    std::string errorMsg;
    std::ostringstream os;

    if ( (hostName == NULL) && (plcIP == NULL))
        os << errorMsg << "Bad parameter(s) value/format";
        LOG(COMM) << os.str();
        return -1;
    // use hostName reference in priority else plcIP
    if (hostName)
        hp = gethostbyname(hostName);
        if (hp)
            addr.s_addr = static_cast<in_addr_t>(* ((unsigned long int *)hp->h_addr));
            ipstr = inet_ntoa(addr);

    if (ipstr == NULL)
        os << errorMsg << "PLC hostname unknown";
        LOG(COMM) << os.str();
        return -1;

    /*trying to connect PLC (1 second max)*/
    return (rfcPing(ipstr, 1));

} // end namespace