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## New Features

* cmmnbuild-dep-manager can now manage type stub generation for JPype based Java code.
  A command, ``python -m cmmnbuild_dep_manager stubgen`` was added to allow this from the command line.
  This functionality is an optional extra and must be enabled with ``pip install cmmnbuild-dep-manager[stubgen]``.
  With generated stubs, tools such as ``mypy`` can do static analysis on your code and detect incorrect usage of a Java library accessed with JPype.
  A significant benefit is that you will also get tab completion and an improved development experience in an IDE such as PyCharm.
  See Michi's PjLSA talk at for a demonstration of the concept.

* The CBNG JAR resolution implementation has been rewritten to use the [new cbng-web service]( running at
  The new service mirrors the GET & POST behaviour of the previous CGI based cbng-web service.
  * This new implementation supports the ability to resolve the Java environment without necessarily downloading the JARs, and allows ``cmmnbuild-dep-manager`` to download the individual JARs directly from ````.
     * Downloading of JARs is now done in parallel, and is able to skip downloading of JARs that it has already downloaded previously.

* ``cmmnbuild-dep-manager`` now has the ability to resolve a Java environment to a file, and to install/download JARs defined in the file; this is good for versioning your environment, much like a ``requirements.txt`` (this is the mechanism employed by [acc-py-deploy]( See [``Manager.lockfile_generate``]( and [``Manager.lockfile_install``]( for more details.
  Note that it is not yet possible to generate a lockfile from an *existing* environment.

## Bug fixes

* There are several known issues with JPype v1.x which are addressed with this release of ``cmmnbuild-dep-manager``
  * [An issue with numpy/OpenBLAS & JPype/JNI]( interacting poorly and causing a segmentation fault when doing linear algebra in numpy is worked around ([scripting-tools/cmmnbuild-dep-manager!69](

  * An issue with Java libraries which don't correctly clear up non-daemon threads upon termination is worked around in this release of ``cmmnbuild-dep-manager`` by calling ``System.exit`` a defined period after the final termination of Python itself. This is particularly relevant for JAPC users, where some connections are being held indefinitely unless forced to stop in this way (

  * An issue where Python & Java aren't cooperating well with interrupt signals has been addressed by adding the ``-Xrs`` flag to JVM startup. This flag was previously set for JPype ``v0.x`` and means that libraries such as PyQt are now able to be interrupted as expected. See [scripting-tools/cmmnbuild-dep-manager!70]( for more details.

* The instantiation of a Manager will no longer configure the root logger, and instead only sets up a log handler for ``cmmnbuild-dep-manager`` logs if the root logger has not been previously configured. ([scripting-tools/cmmnbuild-dep-manager!52](

* ``cmmnbuild-dep-manager`` will now correctly unregister packages which have been manually registered and which are unimportable ([scripting-tools/cmmnbuild-dep-manager!55](

* The minimum version of ``JPype`` is now 1.1, and significant test coverage has been added to ensure that ``cmmnbuild-dep-manager`` works with the supported versions.

* API documentation has been added at

* The module ``cmmnbuild_dep_manager.cmmnbuild_dep_manager`` has been removed as it is redundant and incorrect. ``Manager`` can be accessed from ``cmmnbuild_dep_manager.Manager``.