silecs-diagnostic-app does not build any more on acc8 cluster
Afaik acc8 cluster does not provide any qt development libraries any more
Though the old binary from the acc7 still runs fine
Afaik acc8 cluster does not provide any qt development libraries any more
Though the old binary from the acc7 still runs fine
added silecs-diagnostic-cpp label
added critical label
mentioned in commit b06c7f66
By Alexander Schwinn on 2022-05-18T07:46:36 (imported from GitLab)
fixed by commit above
By Alexander Schwinn on 2022-05-18T07:46:57 (imported from GitLab) is provided by CIT→Linux&Web | GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH | Imprint (in German) | Privacy policy