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linux device drivers and software for GSI- EEL boards and DAQ systems
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debian-packages / e1000e-source
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterDebian packaging for the e1000e kernel modules to build module packages with module-assistant
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This library provides functions to gather data from the schematic file.
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debian-packages / elog
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterPackaging for elogd from Debian packages
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OtherThe basic idea of this device support module for EPICS is to provide an interface to the DIM protocol in order to read/write EPICS data seen from the DIM world and to act from EPICS as client/server for services and commands in the DIM regime.
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d.bertini / epoch-ana
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis repository contains differents methods/tools to analyse EPOCH SDF formatted data.
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Tools for calibrating and monitoring HADES forward detector
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This repository contains old go4 release versions (subversion tags) as branches. Note that some old branches and tags (all before V4) were converted to git from even more historic RCS repositories.
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