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This is a data acquisition project using FPGA for the VITO experiment @ISOLDE/CERN. This project could become extended for a full AF/CS++ based control system for VITO. Licensed under the EUPL. https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eupl/eupl-text-e
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Project to evaluate gitlab's repositories access permissions.
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Software zur Steuerung einer Produktionsanlage für gewickelte Faserverbundwerkstoffe, welche im Rahmen des PANDA-Projekts Anwendung finden wird.
Author: D.Krebs@gsi.de, H.Brand@gsi.de Copyright 2017 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
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This library contain the subVIs to used for motion control with NI-9503.
Copyright 2017 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH D.Krebs@gsi.de, H.Brand@gsi.de Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
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This repository contains some presentations about CS++.
The pdf files can be open in the browser but may not contain any animations in the presentations.
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Reference card of important functions to override and database entries as well as some other short and helpful documents.
The pdf versions of these documents can be opened within the browser.
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CSPP_MQTT extends the CSPP_Core package of the CSPP_-Project. It contains derived classes of CSPP_PVConnection and CSPP_PVMonitor. Refer to https://git.gsi.de/EE-LV/CSPP/CSPP/-/wikis/home for CS++ project overview, details. Published under EUPL
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This CSPP-Template.lvproj is used to develop an application based on NI ActorFramework and CS++ libraries.
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This repository contains the most recent talks from me at the CS workshop.
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This project contains an introduction to the NI Actor Framework implementing a simple UPN-Calculator Copyright 2012 H.Brand@gsi.de, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstr.1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
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