Add initial version of the integration testing class
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Closes #106 (closed)
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changed milestone to %3.0.0
requested review from @al.schwinn
- Resolved by al.schwinn
- Resolved by al.schwinn
- Resolved by al.schwinn
- Resolved by al.schwinn
- Resolved by al.schwinn
- Resolved by al.schwinn
This is the initial version of the class. It was not yet run, only compiled. We can test it after the holidays when the scl files can also be loaded to the PLC.
Alright, just drop me a link / path to the *.scl files when you have something I should upload!
(Currently there is an acc maintenance week, so possibly some services will be unusable for limited time)
added 1 commit
- 78ed5a7a - Symlink design files instead of copying. Add some comments.
- Resolved by al.schwinn
One minor things I noticed:
- The in the AllTypesFESA
folder still refers to
. Maybe just note that the same file will be used via symlink
And one more general things I noticed:
- We don't have a script yet to automate the testing of the fesa class. E.g after install the script could:
- source the environment file
- do validate + gen code of class/du
- Ask the user to upload the blockmode *.scl to the PLC (and fix the DB entry)
- upload the Fesa class and let it run (ask the user to do so)
- Start python(or C++) client to connect to Fesa class (Ideally, we should have a dedicated client which automatically sets/gets all the fields)
- ... same for devicemode (to be superseded by #96)
Edited by al.schwinn - The in the AllTypesFESA
folder still refers to
added 7 commits
5d5bf124 - 1 commit from branch
- 3d0d285f - Add initial version of the integration testing class
- 66d2e64b - Add setup and cleanup.
- a081edc5 - Add generated PLC files
- 39714d44 - Symlink design files instead of copying. Add some comments.
- 7d297a00 - Add testing readme. Add testing scripts.
- d0607c4f - Update testing script
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5d5bf124 - 1 commit from branch
added 7 commits
- b5981758 - bump version to bring "silecs" CLI script to work
- 4f1d35c6 - Add startManually file and Timing.xml file to git
- 1ece8bcc - Add zip file to be able to connect via FEX
- cdef6907 - Remove suffix for device/block-mode from PLC name (Keep it simple and
- 29b2c474 - update .gitignore
- f1db74ec - improvements:
- d39695d4 - Added printf output to cmw-tester
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