use std::path::Path;
use crate::analyzer::AnalyzerType;
use crate::get_version;
use crate::nodes::NodeGroup;
use crate::optic_graph::OpticGraph;
use crate::optical::{LightResult, OpticRef, Optical};
use crate::properties::{Properties, Property, Proptype};
use chrono::Local;
use petgraph::prelude::NodeIndex;
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// Overall optical model and additional metatdata.
/// All optical elements ([`Optical`]s) have to be added to this structure in order
/// to be considered for an analysis.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use opossum::OpticScenery;
/// use opossum::nodes::Dummy;
/// use opossum::error::OpmResult;
/// fn main() -> OpmResult<()> {
/// let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new();
/// scenery.set_description("OpticScenery demo");
/// let node1 = scenery.add_node(Dummy::new("dummy1"));
/// let node2 = scenery.add_node(Dummy::new("dummy2"));
/// scenery.connect_nodes(node1, "rear", node2, "front")
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[serde(rename = "graph")]
g: OpticGraph,
#[serde(rename = "properties")]
fn create_default_props() -> Properties {
let mut props = Properties::default();
impl Default for OpticScenery {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
g: Default::default(),
props: create_default_props(),
/// Creates a new (empty) [`OpticScenery`].
/// Add a given [`Optical`] (Source, Detector, Lens, etc.) to the graph of this [`OpticScenery`].
/// This command just adds an [`Optical`] to the graph. It does not connect
/// it to existing nodes in the graph. The given optical element is consumed (owned) by the [`OpticScenery`].
pub fn add_node<T: Optical + 'static>(&mut self, node: T) -> NodeIndex {
/// Connect (already existing) nodes denoted by the respective `NodeIndex`.
/// Both node indices must exist. Otherwise an [`OpossumError::OpticScenery`] is returned. In addition, connections are
/// rejected and an [`OpossumError::OpticScenery`] is returned, if the graph would form a cycle (loop in the graph).
pub fn connect_nodes(
&mut self,
src_node: NodeIndex,
.connect_nodes(src_node, src_port, target_node, target_port)
/// Return a reference to the [`OpticRef`] specified by its node index.
/// This function is mainly useful for setting up a reference node.
/// # Errors
/// This function will return [`OpossumError::OpticScenery`] if the node does not exist.
pub fn node(&self, node: NodeIndex) -> OpmResult<OpticRef> {
let node = self
/// Export the optic graph, including ports, into the `dot` format to be used in combination with the [`graphviz`]( software.
pub fn to_dot(&self, rankdir: &str) -> OpmResult<String> {
//check direction
let rankdir = if rankdir != "LR" { "TB" } else { "LR" };
let mut dot_string = self.add_dot_header(rankdir);
for node_idx in self.g.0.node_indices() {
let node = self.g.0.node_weight(node_idx).unwrap();
let node_name = node.0.borrow().name().to_owned();
let inverted = node.0.borrow().inverted();
let ports = node.0.borrow().ports();
dot_string += &node.0.borrow().to_dot(
&format!("{}", node_idx.index()),
for edge in self.g.0.edge_indices() {
let light: &Light = self.g.0.edge_weight(edge).unwrap();
let end_nodes = self.g.0.edge_endpoints(edge).unwrap();
let src_edge_str =
self.create_node_edge_str(end_nodes.0, light.src_port(), "".to_owned())?;
let target_edge_str =
self.create_node_edge_str(end_nodes.1, light.target_port(), "".to_owned())?;
dot_string.push_str(&format!(" {} -> {} \n", src_edge_str, target_edge_str));
/// Returns the dot-file header of this [`OpticScenery`] graph.
fn add_dot_header(&self, rankdir: &str) -> String {
let mut dot_string = String::from("digraph {\n\tfontsize = 8\n");
dot_string.push_str("\tcompound = true;\n");
dot_string.push_str(&format!("\trankdir = \"{}\";\n", rankdir));
dot_string.push_str(&format!("\tlabel=\"{}\"\n", self.description()));
dot_string.push_str("\tnode [fontname=\"Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif\" fontsize = 10]\n");
dot_string.push_str("\tedge [fontname=\"Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif\"]\n\n");
fn create_node_edge_str(
end_node: NodeIndex,
light_port: &str,
mut parent_identifier: String,
let node = self.g.0.node_weight(end_node).unwrap().0.borrow();
parent_identifier = if parent_identifier.is_empty() {
format!("i{}", end_node.index())
} else {
format!("{}_i{}", &parent_identifier, end_node.index())
if node.node_type() == "group" {
let group_node: &NodeGroup = node.as_group()?;
Ok(group_node.get_mapped_port_str(light_port, parent_identifier)?)
/// Analyze this [`OpticScenery`] based on a given [`AnalyzerType`].
pub fn analyze(&mut self, analyzer_type: &AnalyzerType) -> OpmResult<()> {
.map_err(|_| OpossumError::Analysis("topological sort failed".into()))?;
for idx in sorted {
let node = self.g.0.node_weight(idx).unwrap();
let incoming_edges: HashMap<String, Option<LightData>> = self.incoming_edges(idx);
let outgoing_edges = node
.analyze(incoming_edges, analyzer_type)
.map_err(|e| {
format!("analysis of node {} failed: {}", node.0.borrow().name(), e)
for outgoing_edge in outgoing_edges {
self.set_outgoing_edge_data(idx, outgoing_edge.0, outgoing_edge.1)
/// Sets the description of this [`OpticScenery`].
pub fn set_description(&mut self, description: &str) {
Property {
prop: Proptype::String(description.into()),
/// Returns a reference to the description of this [`OpticScenery`].
pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
let prop = self.props.get("description").unwrap();
if let Proptype::String(dsc) = &prop.prop {
} else {
fn incoming_edges(&self, idx: NodeIndex) -> LightResult {
let edges = self.g.0.edges_directed(idx, petgraph::Direction::Incoming);
.map(|e| {
.collect::<HashMap<String, Option<LightData>>>()
fn set_outgoing_edge_data(&mut self, idx: NodeIndex, port: String, data: Option<LightData>) {
let edges = self.g.0.edges_directed(idx, petgraph::Direction::Outgoing);
let edge_ref = edges
.filter(|idx| idx.weight().src_port() == port)
if let Some(edge_ref) = edge_ref {
let edge_idx =;
let light = self.g.0.edge_weight_mut(edge_idx);
if let Some(light) = light {
} // else outgoing edge not connected
pub fn report(&self, report_dir: &Path) -> serde_json::Value {
let mut report = serde_json::Map::new();
report.insert("opossum version".into(), get_version().into());
report.insert("analysis timestamp".into(), Local::now().to_string().into());
let detector_nodes = self
.filter(|node| node.0.borrow().is_detector());
//report.insert("detectors".into(), json!("Detectors"));
let mut detectors: Vec<serde_json::Value> = Vec::new();
let detector_json = serde_json::Value::Array(detectors);
report.insert("detectors".into(), detector_json);
pub fn save_to_file(&self, path: &Path) -> OpmResult<()> {
// testing only:
let file_version=env!("OPM_FILE_VERSION");
println!("file version: {:?}", file_version);
let serialized = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&self).map_err(|e| {
OpossumError::OpticScenery(format!("deserialization of OpticScenery failed: {}", e))
let mut output = File::create(path).map_err(|e| {
"could not create file path: {}: {}",
write!(output, "{}", serialized).map_err(|e| {
"writing to file path {} failed: {}",
use crate::nodes::Metertype;
use super::super::nodes::{BeamSplitter, Dummy, EnergyMeter, Source};
use std::{fs::File, io::Read};
let scenery = OpticScenery::new();
assert_eq!(scenery.description(), "");
assert_eq!(scenery.g.0.edge_count(), 0);
assert_eq!(scenery.g.0.node_count(), 0);
let path = "files_for_testing/dot/";
let file_content_tb = &mut "".to_owned();
let _ = File::open(path).unwrap().read_to_string(file_content_tb);
let path = "files_for_testing/dot/";
let file_content_lr = &mut "".to_owned();
let _ = File::open(path).unwrap().read_to_string(file_content_lr);
let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new();
let scenery_dot_str_tb = scenery.to_dot("TB").unwrap();
let scenery_dot_str_lr = scenery.to_dot("LR").unwrap();
assert_eq!(file_content_tb.clone(), scenery_dot_str_tb);
assert_eq!(file_content_lr.clone(), scenery_dot_str_lr);
let path = "./files_for_testing/dot/";
let file_content_tb = &mut "".to_owned();
let _ = File::open(path).unwrap().read_to_string(file_content_tb);
let path = "./files_for_testing/dot/";
let file_content_lr = &mut "".to_owned();
let _ = File::open(path).unwrap().read_to_string(file_content_lr);
let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new();
let scenery_dot_str_tb = scenery.to_dot("TB").unwrap();
let scenery_dot_str_lr = scenery.to_dot("LR").unwrap();
assert_eq!(file_content_tb.clone(), scenery_dot_str_tb);
assert_eq!(file_content_lr.clone(), scenery_dot_str_lr);
let path = "files_for_testing/dot/";
let file_content_tb = &mut "".to_owned();
let _ = File::open(path).unwrap().read_to_string(file_content_tb);
let path = "files_for_testing/dot/";
let file_content_lr = &mut "".to_owned();
let _ = File::open(path).unwrap().read_to_string(file_content_lr);
let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new();
let i_s = scenery.add_node(Source::new("Source", LightData::Fourier));
let mut bs = BeamSplitter::new(0.6).unwrap();

Udo Eisenbarth
bs.set_property("name", "Beam splitter".into()).unwrap();
let i_d1 = scenery.add_node(EnergyMeter::new(
"Energy meter 1",
let i_d2 = scenery.add_node(EnergyMeter::new(
"Energy meter 2",
scenery.connect_nodes(i_s, "out1", i_bs, "input1").unwrap();
.connect_nodes(i_bs, "out1_trans1_refl2", i_d1, "in1")
.connect_nodes(i_bs, "out2_trans2_refl1", i_d2, "in1")
let scenery_dot_str_tb = scenery.to_dot("TB").unwrap();
let scenery_dot_str_lr = scenery.to_dot("LR").unwrap();
assert_eq!(file_content_tb.clone(), scenery_dot_str_tb);
assert_eq!(file_content_lr.clone(), scenery_dot_str_lr);
let mut scenery = OpticScenery::new();
assert_eq!(scenery.description(), "Test")